Share the gift of bank registration in the future


In the future, the bank's account opening gift new bathroom slippers will be enabled 🥳

Web2 fiat money to borrow money to find the future, the recent famous saying of the PM circle of pan-financial products XD

It's a pity not to borrow 1.58% of the credit, you can earn it with any stable currency loan, fragrant~


In the future, the bank's living savings will be 3% now. Let's open an account first and receive 100N points. Every 1N point is equivalent to 1 yuan. Will be!

Invite you to get a gift from Future Bank!

★My invitation code: TASXW

★Sneak peek at future bank discounts★

- New household gift 200 N points

- Up to 3% annual interest rate on living savings

- Unlimited consumption channels by credit card, enjoy up to 5% rebate

-ACH withholds specified fees, up to 10% reward

For details, please contact the event website

★Please prepare before opening an account:

Dual documents/counter account of other bank (same mobile phone number)

★How to get a gift

Download the APP and enter the invitation code to get the gift


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Elena早上是在傳統金融業當支付產品經理,喜歡各種有趣的科技新鮮事,橫跨Web3&Web2領域。 晚上是城市薩滿,遊走這個中部世界,皈依大自然,堅信此生就是來地球好好玩耍一趟,最喜歡薰衣草與秘魯聖木與雪松。 崇尚大道至簡,在人生與投資哲學方面亦如是。
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