"+-Reading" No.001/Cat's Infatuation Dictionary, can you cultivate a little bad hobby!


I'm probably the most motivated person I've ever known, and I'm the kind of crazy guy who just does what he says. When I receive a case, I often say: "Everything comes together, speed is not a problem! "

On Monday (3/23), I went around and asked my friends, "Can you give me book materials, I want to create a book news column in Matters!" I sent emails to several cooperating units that had not sent cases to me for a long time, and A few friends who are still in the publishing industry, and of course, my only remaining cooperative unit. (If you are interested, you can follow these publishers!)

Thanks to all my friends and partners for fulfilling my willfulness and being quarreled by me all the time. I have a disease of doing what I want to do right away, sometimes it makes people very impatient, and I also enjoy the sense of speed. It takes one day to gather information to get the content and layout, and one day to fine-tune it. Although there are only eight books, if you do it every week, it will accumulate a considerable amount of information.

There are a few books this week that are not available at all and won't be added to the cart until around March 31. I will adjust this situation next week. I hope everyone opens this article and buys it hard! (Of course you can also clap for me!)

Not much to say, just read the book!

If you want a PDF, please download it here: https://bit.ly/2WTHLSb or go to 7-11ibon to print and enter the "collection number": 7243901737 (before 2020/03/29 14:39:01) to print Read on paper.

(There will be some other instructions at the bottom, check it out!)

Wheatfield Publishing

Grave of Fireflies <br class="smart">Author: Nosaka Akira Translator: Li Yanhua

"Grave of the Fireflies" and "American Hijiki" were unanimously approved by the jury of the 58th Naoki Awards. In the jury's opinion, Daibutujiro said: "Nosaka Akira is so cruel and disgusting, He never looks away, and his perseverance is admirable.”

Matsumoto Kiyotaka said: "Nosaka Akari's complex but uncomplicated 'rap style' is a unique style that best captures the present." This book is a requiem dedicated to her dead sister by Nosaka Akari, as well as for the peaceful and prosperous times. A wake-up call for people today.

The world is still in turmoil, and the wave of totalitarianism is resurgent. How can an anti-war classic still torture us: What is survival?

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Taiwanese communication

The little hermit wants beh to have a house <br class="smart">Author: Lin Rongshu Drawing: Gao Shihan

You can listen to it here: https://youtu.be/dS49cdLA4Hw

Who is the little hermit? Why does he want a home? At the beginning of the story, there is no immediate answer to the reader's doubts, only the usual summer scene, animals and people in their respective homes, avoiding the coming typhoon. It wasn't until it started to rain that I saw the protagonist, the hermit crab (parasitic boy).

This is a story reflecting on life, people and nature. Although the text is flat and straightforward, it has multiple perspectives and detailed descriptions, and it is worth reading carefully. It was not until the end that I realized that the so-called "little hermit" was a hermit crab, and the name seemed to mean a deeper meaning.

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Mind Workshop

Caring for the Soul <br class="smart">Author: Kai Bowen Translator: Wang Conglin

Everyone has the right to care, which is a basic human right. Caregiving is often long and strenuous, but profound. Showing love to those who need us and letting each other live in kindness are the core values of who we are as human beings. This is not just a profound emotion, but also a moral experience.

This book is not just a love letter to wives, but a love letter to all caregivers. They give everything to support the lives and hopes of others, and to help people end well. They always feel like they're not doing enough, even when they've done their best.

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southern home

A Dictionary of Cat's Infatuation - Double Book Cover <br class="smart">Author: Frederick Witto Translator: Chen Yuwen

This is not a dictionary about raising cats, talking about how to understand cat language, or how to be a better shit shoveler, but a book full of authors like cat stars in movies, cats in art, cats raised by authors or celebrities A dictionary about cat gossip written by super unobjective and unprofessional, a dictionary of infatuation written by a mad elder cat slave.

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squirrel culture
Can you cultivate a little bad hobby
<br class="smart">Author: Lin Jiaying

The winner of the National Outstanding Young Poet Award - Lin Jiaying's first collection of poems. In the name of Chamonix Lin (Chamoni), he travels around various online poetry societies, and his poems linger in supplements and poetry magazines.

Motorcyclists who travel to and from neighboring cities wander between metaphor and direct narrative, looking for a balance, as well as a midpoint between dramatic tension and ease. Gemini, soft-hearted. Like Xia Yu, hate rain. Play a little electric guitar and piano and listen to music or sing anytime.

The poet adorns a little rebellion with graceful gestures, extends delicate and long thoughts between verses, and tries to cultivate a little bad hobby.

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Aquarius Culture

How to Empty Parents' Home <br class="smart">By Lydia. Fu Lan Translator: Jin Wen

After the funeral, we went back to the house where our parents were gone.
Paradoxically, everything seems to be business as usual, except for the emptiness that weighs on the heart.
How to make it clear? Lost it? Maintain the status quo? How can I not touch it lightly, and be stinged and collapsed by the memory? !

This book was born from this ─ after the death of her parents, Lydia. Fu Lan started to empty her parents' home. As a psychoanalyst, through "emptying", she was able to get rid of the regret of not being able to say goodbye to her father in the future, the mother's love that she had been waiting for all her life, and those unspeakable subtle feelings.

The bereavement is completely lonely, the orphans put on their own masks and move forward in the void, towards the second journey of growth.

And spring will come, and what has passed will be reborn in us.

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Times Publishing

The End of Love <br class="smart">Author: Gray Ann Green Translator: Lu Yu

"One Hundred Years of Solitude" author Garcia Marquez's favorite author, Graan Green, is known as the best storyteller of the 20th century. A writing career spanning 60 years, his works are both artistic and entertaining. He has been nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature more than 20 times, and even nominated for an Academy Award for his screenplay "The Revenant". It is hailed as a near-perfect masterpiece.

"No matter where in the world, you always look like a foreign land." Is there anything in the world that is absolute? Now read Graan Greene and love it all over again.

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wheat field

Thinking Children <br class="smart">Author: Yasuo Mitsuya Translator: Lin Peijin

From the "height" of a child to the disappointment of adolescence, from reading to the need to travel, about math class and art class, the difference between self-study and school, from imagination to storytelling...

Yasuno Mitsuya said that when we only think that "easy to understand" and "useful" are important, and gradually stop "independent thinking", it is very dangerous.

Reading this book, you will be able to see his review of his creative process including "Wonderful Country", "Journey of Picture Books" series, "Heaven's Movement", as well as his analysis of children's perspectives and active thinking. This is a reference book by picture book masters to cheer up the next generation of readers, break through the blind spots of adults' parenting, provide inspiration for multi-element parenting education, and dedicate it to every adult who is willing to understand children.

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If you happen to be an employee of the publishing house, you can also provide me with book information: sunlinebook@gmail.com , need the following information:

 1. Book cover. Flat three-dimensional book covers are available. Please give me the png file for the pop-up book cover. The file size can be 1M.
2. Author, translator, ISBN information 3. About 200 words of book introduction. There can be an additional 50 words of emphasis. As shown in red.
4. Please provide me with the purchase links of the four major channels (those posted on Facebook will do.)
5. If you have a case, you can send it to me sunline.liu@gmail.com (Huh!)

Do it a few times and play with different variations. For example, put a longer recommendation and experience on a PDF, or invite all book lovers on matter to participate in such reading and sharing activities, I will use likecoins, books, my products... as rewards, I hope everyone can join How much to read and how much to buy!

See you next week!

I will adjust the layout in the future depending on the situation.

About PDF font size:

I am under forty years old and already old, so I hardly buy books with characters less than grade 9. So I try to make the font of the publication a little bigger, so that the "character" can be close to some people who have difficulty reading characters like me. (I'm still resisting not wanting multifocal glasses.)

If there is not enough A4 space in the future, or if I want to add any content, I will adjust it flexibly. I hope that one day, someone will buy a favorite book, a book they need because of reading this little book news.

About the interactivity of PDFs:

Originally, I wanted to put the link on the top so that people could click on the link to buy the book. But I wanted to maintain the tonality of the paper, so I removed the link first. Maybe I will start an independent blog later, and put this small weekly newspaper. (Think again!)

Thanks for playing with me!


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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