Go Escape Urban Legend #9 Who is behind the office building that appeared overnight?

It is rumored that a mysterious organization has appeared in Esc City, and passers-by who witnessed the organization's party said that everyone would mutter to themselves strange words such as three-part, high-foot flow, scissors are sent to you, etc., and bury their heads in the computer for a certain period of time. , not in vain, aroused the attention of all walks of life. The reporter of this station broke through the siege and secretly interviewed the core employees of the organization. In order to protect the parties, they adopted mosaic and voice change protection.


QHello, thank you for accepting the interview with Esc Street. Is it convenient for you to briefly introduce yourself?


I'm afraid of being discovered by my boss. please! Can you help me get a mosaic? But I would like to ask to use our brand color # 000000. In addition, the graphics and texts you will make later will be commercial, right? ...(200 words omitted). Just call me Baobao, you guessed it right, because I love hamburgers...(500 words omitted), I work as an assistant to the administrative director of special projects in a mysterious organization, also known as SPA, please pay attention to all capitals.


OK, we will pay attention to it in post-production. What are the special projects you are responsible for mainly dealing with?


I need to go to a human company to discuss a case. They all have some common needs. My boss found a vacancy in this market, and the business has been booming in the past few years.


Although it is very direct, is it convenient to disclose what kind of demand?


Let me introduce my boss first, his name is WeN, you must remember to capitalize N, he is a ruthless character. We often have a lot of ceremonies in the company, sometimes wearing black, sometimes wearing white, I will share with you last year's tail teeth... (10 minutes omitted)


Baobao, sorry to interrupt your...good...memories, but still wondering what kind of customer needs you can meet?


Satisfy the desires that you want to say but can't say, want but can't, succeed at the last minute, expect to make an impact...Desires related to the human workplace....


( OS : Still Mist) Is your party in Esc City heading in this direction too?


No, everything here has to be the opposite of the human world. We want Anti-human workplaces, which is decided by the boss. I didn't expect the inexplicable success here, and it is very popular with immortals.


Do we have a chance to visit your boss? How can I get his favor?


Go to Ganyuan Beef Noodles once, bring Shijie experience and Senbak Iceberg American style (add ice and shot, trouble to fill up the water at the end) to find him. 76% chance you can win his heart.

So after eating Ganyuan Beef Noodles for 3 times and sending Senbach Iceberg American for a week, WeN finally agreed to attend the AMA at the Xianrenjiao Civic Center next Wednesday to reveal the desire of the workplace.

📋 Notes

This story and Power For Point CEO BeN Lin co-created the official website of Escape City: https://esccity.art/

Activity recording [Happy Wednesday] The boss came to complain: Deciphering slave poison chicken soup feat. BeN Lin

All rights reserved

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