【Experience Sharing】How to Listen to Podcast

In addition to choice, listening is also a science.

Today I'm going to share with you how to listen to podcasts.

When you see this, you may think: clam, just broadcast it directly, what is there to teach. In fact, the software itself is a big question!

Most people should use Spotify or Apple Podcasts, of course, there is no problem with these, and you can get many high-quality channel recommendations, but if you need more advanced functions, these two softwares are slightly insufficient.

The first software I would recommend is Overcast, its advanced features are great for playback.


There are three highlights, skip intro/outro, smart speed and voice boost.

  • Skip intro/outro
    If you have used Netflix, you will know that sometimes when the show starts, he will jump out the button to skip the title. This function in Overcast is similar. He can set the number of seconds to skip at the beginning or the end of each show independently. This way we can skip the less interesting parts and save a lot of time.
  • Smart speed
    Smart speed, as the name implies, is to intelligently adjust the playback speed. Unlike general playback software that can only fix the playback speed, Overcast can adjust the speed according to the current situation. For example, he will observe where the sound is quiet and blank, and accelerate there, and the rest will be It won't speed up that much, so that we can listen to the show at the same time without feeling that the speed of the show is so fast. As for why I recommend everyone to fast forward and listen, you can watch the content of my podcast topic one.
  • Voice boost
    Often when listening to podcasts, I am most afraid that his speech is too low and unclear. If you turn up the volume, not only the background sound is too loud, but also the ears are uncomfortable. Voice boost can solve this problem. It can automatically amplify the human voice and make him more comfortable Highlights, which all contribute to the quality of our entire listening.

The second software I want to introduce is Airr.


Unlike Overcast, his strength is not in listening, but in recording .

Its unique AirrQuote feature allows you to take notes (AirrQuote) at any moment of the show and capture the content of the show by yourself to share with the community, this feature will help us jot down the content of the show that attracts us and come back to it in the future Looking for notes, I learned the most from the program, and there are also many transcripts of well-known programs in this software (that is, converting the words into words), so that we can grasp the key points and draw notes.

However, it is a pity that he does not support Chinese programs very much. At present, most of the programs with written records are mainly well-known programs, so you still need to check whether your favorite programs are supported.

I hope that through today's explanation, you will know more about how to listen to podcasts.

If you also have any special software to listen to, please leave a message and share with me~


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