Conversation Ideas: Reasons for the closure of art galleries

This is an article inspired by a certain type of incident in reality, which is both ridiculing and complaining. But it doesn't allude to a specific event, it's not very interesting, and it may make people feel very boring, just look at it.

At night, while Gretel was adjusting the image of the virtual fireplace, there was a rush of drums outside the door. After Gretel finished dealing with the fireplace, he welcomed Ida from outside the house.

Ida threw down her poncho and boots at will, and went straight to the sofa by the fireplace, and Gretel then sat down on the sofa opposite Ida. The two each took a sip of milk from the mug in front of them.

Gretel: Tell me why you came to visit me today.

Date: You should have guessed why.

Gretel: The closure of the Windy Art Museum?

Date: That's right, that's what got me devastated.

Gretel: Aren't things going well? Because the closing events are exactly the same as your novels, readers think you are a prophet, and even people who didn't read magazines before read novels for this purpose.

Date: Don't be schadenfreude. As followers grew, so did readers who speculated about the plot, and they even combined fiction and reality information to guess the truth of events.

Gretel: Shouldn't...

Date: It's the "Shouldn't it be"! Someone could guess where the story I arranged was going, and not only that, but readers who saw the inference said it was terrible, mediocre, uninteresting, and unreliable.

Gretel: Imagine a scene like that... sorry, I didn't mean to laugh out loud. So, you came to me to discuss a better story.

Ida: Yes. The new story must be unexpected, and readers must not suspect that I am making up for the heat.

Gretel: Let's also combine reality and fiction to speculate. The Fengyong Art Museum, like the Light Trail Art Museum, is not a famous art museum at the national level, but it is somewhat famous among the city and artists. Not long ago, the art museum officially issued an announcement announcing that a brand new art exhibition will be opened at the end of August. However, after the normal opening of the art exhibition, the exhibition was only open for less than a day, and the next day, the art museum announced the closing notice, and the exhibits and publicity messages disappeared. The closure incident caused heated discussions. People did not believe that the closure was due to the maintenance of the venue, and they were all speculating about the real reason. These are the things that both events have in common.

Ida: Exactly. In my original idea, the closing event was just a small episode that added twists and turns to the protagonist's investigation of the artwork, and there was no complicated reason. The exhibits that appeared in the art exhibition were meant to satirize the royal family and the government. The person in charge of the organization did not pay attention at first, but only discovered the problem on the opening day, so the art exhibition was closed urgently. The protagonist went to the person in charge to communicate, obtained permission to investigate the artwork, and persuaded him to reopen the exhibition, and the matter came to an end.

Gretel: If it weren't for the corresponding events in reality, as far as the original story is concerned, it would be really boring.

Ida: I don't need you to say the same comments as them.

Gretel: Don't get excited, we've got to make it clear what the pitfalls of a poor explanation are. Have you seen the exhibition at Fengyong Art Museum?

Date: No, I didn't have time to watch it.

Gretel: I've seen it, and many of the key points are consistent with your novel. First of all, the critical significance of those exhibits is very obvious. As long as you look at them, you will find them. Unless the person in charge did not look at them at all, it is unlikely that there is a situation where the sensitivity has not been noticed. Second, even if the person in charge discovered the problem after the exhibition opened, there was no need to close the pavilion immediately. The content of the criticism is mostly discourses and events that have been widely circulated, and the description of the exhibits does not introduce the background. These events are not new to most people, and those who don't understand the events cannot see the connotation of the works from them. Therefore, the main function of the exhibition is to let people who know the event recall it, which will not have any impact on society...

Date: Wait, it's just that you don't think it will affect it. The art exhibition will continue to open, how many people will it attract, and how will the tourists feel? These are all unpredictable things, and there may be hidden dangers that affect stability.

Gretel: But I have a reason, you can talk about it after you hear it. Those works are not special in terms of events and ideas. From the perspective of artistic language and expression effects, there seems to be no major breakthrough. At least I didn't see anything particularly sharp or explosive. Whether it is the nature of the original work or the alterations made for censorship, although the artists may expect to make aggressive expressions, in the end the whole exhibition presents a softer effect. In general, regardless of the unusual external pressure, let me comment on the impression of the exhibition, I think it is ordinary, not surprising but surprising. The most dramatic plot in the whole incident was the closure.

Date: Perhaps in the opinion of the person in charge, as long as there is satire or criticism, it is intolerable.

Gretel: If that's intolerable, why don't you just ban all the dictionaries. Moreover, the most crucial point is that even if the exhibition is closed due to this, the direct manager of the institution cannot be the one who makes the decision, at least it should be the leader at the upper level. Because planning an exhibition requires costs, by the time of the opening, a lot of costs should have been invested, and the holiday will begin a few days later. Holidays are the best time to attract tourists. At this time, the suspension of the exhibition will inevitably cause a lot of losses. Whether it is the exhibition hall or the people in the park, as long as they are not struggling with money, they are unlikely to take the initiative to close the exhibition for the sake of interests. This can lead to criticism of the plausibility of the plot.

Date: Of course I also thought of it... But, the protagonist of the novel is just an ordinary person, and he is not even qualified to investigate. It is good to contact the person in charge of the organization, but it is almost impossible to contact the senior leaders. Besides, the closing is just an element that makes the plot twisty and has nothing to do with the main story. It doesn't need to spend too much time on it after the deadline, so I set it like this.

Gretel: The situation has developed to this point. It is better to abandon the original idea and make the closing of the museum the key to the plot. The structure of a serialized story doesn’t have to be too complicated, as long as it’s exciting enough for readers to accept it, isn’t that what you said?

Date: It's a bit of a hassle to reimagine unless you can give me a better plot than the original...

Gretel: Of course. Let's continue to discuss why the superiors ordered the closure. If the superior has been kept in the dark before, or the project has not been reviewed at all, and the content is not known until the exhibition opens, it is reasonable to call for an emergency stop. After all, I don't know what level of censorship will be accepted with the status of Fengyong Art Museum. But if the superiors already knew the details of the exhibition, but did not reject it in the preparation stage, the situation would be more interesting.

Date: Are you saying that the closing is not for the exhibition?

Gretel: Yes, the Fengyong Art Museum has been operating for more than ten years. Regardless of the short-term cooperation artists, the people directly involved in the museum and gardens, and the local government may also be related. Perhaps there is such a possibility that the higher-level people have conflicts with the organizers, or have long-term opinions on the operation of the art museum, and have been waiting for opportunities to beat them. That person, or those people, who saw an exhibition with a sensitive theme this time, deliberately let it go during the review stage, waited until the preparations for the exhibition were completed, and after the official opening, they then demanded that the exhibition be stopped on this ground, causing the relevant personnel to bear a greater burden. loss. This is the threat and warning to them that something similar will happen sooner or later even if this exhibition is not banned.

Date: This story makes sense at first glance, but the relationship between the characters is too complicated, and none of the relevant characters in the exhibition have appeared. The remaining space is not enough to add a dark line. Besides, the conflict between the superior and the organizer may be due to long-term grievances, non-payment of debts, disagreement between the husband and the husband, and emotional relationship confusion. I am not interested in writing ethical dramas.

Gretel: Weng and son-in-law have all come out. You have to think about the ethics drama yourself. This kind of character, the conflict between money and power is the general story development.

Date: That is impossible, and the plot must not be drawn in this direction until the last moment. If art galleries are closed because of sensitive themes, how can my novels get special treatment?

Gretel:  …

Date: Well, there are other ways to change the plot. For example, the political stance of the exhibitors does not conform to the mainstream trend, but this should be found during the review. Conspiracy, how about espionage? The artists and staff subtly conveyed some hidden information to the audience, such as the secret code of the rebel army, the hiding place of guns and ammunition, etc. After discovering this situation, the organizers had to close the exhibition and let people investigate the subsequent forces. This kind of plot is interesting enough and won't offend people. Since he is an artist, he must understand that the creation of novels is not reality.

Gretel: Full of loopholes. The exhibition site is also subject to censorship. If no one can see the hidden information before the opening, why is it discovered hours after the opening? Do you want tourists to interpret the information? How can ordinary tourists have the talent to decipher the secret information of underground organizations? Also, involving the rebel army, are you planning to write a story about the protagonist going to the front in your next novel?

Date: That's right, writing like this is suspected of spreading panic. I can't think of how else to cut to the chase.

Gretel: The mind of a superior is as unpredictable as a blue flame.

Date: This flame manifests according to the rules, and you set it yourself.

Gretel: The superiors are not the same.

Date: Well, in the end, this kind of plot won't work at all. What we were talking about before was all in vain. We only knew that we could not write about political factors, and we still had no idea how to write it.

Gretel: Stop complaining, that's your own novel. I'll accompany you to find new plots.

Date: Then, let’s change the way of thinking. The museum was not forced to close due to pressure from superiors, but chose to close for some other reason.

Gretel: Like, personal grudges?

Date: I don’t know if there is someone in the museum who can ignore other people’s opinions and make decisions about the operation of the museum at will. If there is, maybe that person hates a certain participating artist…

Gretel: That person could have spoken out about it in the preparatory stage, no need to invite annoying people to exhibit, and there is no need to wait until the launch before taking action. Otherwise, their own losses will definitely be greater than the losses of the exhibitors, and they will not be able to retaliate.

Date: It made sense to have a conflict after the exhibition opened. After seeing the scene, an artist thought that the exhibition of his works was not good. Because he was very persistent in his works and could not tolerate imperfect exhibitions, he angered the staff of the museum, beat the higher-ranking person in charge, and threatened him. He must stop the exhibition immediately.

Gretel: The works are not well exhibited, at least they can be used for publicity. Is it really worse than the loss of the exhibition opportunities? If the artist is dissatisfied with the on-site arrangement, he can directly ask the staff to change the arrangement, there is no need to beat the person in charge. Moreover, it should not be difficult for the museum to appease or suppress an artist. It is better to say that ordinary people will not offend the people in the art museum at all.

Date: So how about the fans? Someone's ardent fan was dissatisfied that the idol's work was not placed in the center, with a whole crystal wall for exhibition, so after the opening ceremony followed the person in charge, beat him hard and threatened him to close or kill him All staff. The person in charge was deeply terrified and had to agree to the fans' request in order to save everyone's life.

Gretel: This kind of suspicious person, just call the police and deal with it. To put it lightly, it is rare for a guy who has the ability to kill in broad daylight, and there is also police protection... However, the main problem is that the senior leaders of the exhibition hall or park do not necessarily appear in the public every day. in front of. They only came to the scene for the opening speech, and may not be there for long after that, and fans may not have a chance to follow them. Besides, it is a huge scandal for fans to beat innocent people. People in art museums probably won’t try to hide such a thing for short-term cooperation artists. If it really happened, it would have been rumored long ago.

Date: All in all, the interests of art museums should also be considered. If the art museum cannot obtain greater benefits, it will not choose to close the museum without coercive force.

Gretel: Yes, this matter must be considered from the perspective of interests. In case of special circumstances, the museum is closed to stop losses or obtain greater benefits. This kind of thinking is more realistic. The trouble is that closing the museum is precisely the thing that harms the interests of the art museum.

Date: If the exhibition cannot be held for some reason, the loss of closing the museum will not be so great. For example, the exhibits are all damaged or stolen, and can no longer be displayed normally. Art museums do not have a reliable security system, and it is discreditable news, so it cannot be honestly explained to the public. If the exhibits are damaged, the artists will definitely not let it go, and the media will definitely spread the news of the attack on the art museum. If the artist can cooperate with the museum to block the news, it means that the exhibits have not been destroyed. The most likely situation is that the exhibits have been stolen, and the kidnappers demanded the museum to pay the ransom. They are not allowed to call the police or announce the facts, otherwise the tickets will be torn up. That is to say, on the night of the opening of the exhibition, a vile room burglary occurred in the art gallery.

Gretel: There is some plausibility in this conjecture, but it is unlikely to hold in this case. Because most of the participating artists are not very famous in the public domain, and they are all alive...

Date: Wait, what's wrong with living, don't hold prejudice against living artists! Is it only the deceased who deserve to be admired?

Gretel: I didn't say that absolutely either. But from a practical point of view, when it comes to world-famous or invaluable works of art, there are obviously more deceased artists than living ones. Secularly speaking, the average price of works by deceased artists should also be higher than that of living artists...

Date: It's not like that at all. No matter what era, there are special criteria for evaluating the value of artworks. There is no reason to say that old artworks are necessarily worse than new ones. Maybe some works of art are ahead of their time, but the actual situation is not as exaggerated as the public imagines, and generally some people will appreciate them at the same time.

Gretel: Don't worry too much, you know what I mean, and the exhibition we're talking about shouldn't be that case. The works exhibited this time are all new works, and they may not be sold at a good price if they are sold directly on the market, let alone comparable to famous works. However, the thieves spent a lot of time and took away the exhibits. Will it only cost tens of thousands of dollars? I want more money, can the museum give it? If the museum does not cooperate, is the artist willing to pay to redeem his work, even if the kidnapper's asking price is higher than the market price of the work? Face is important, but it's probably nothing before huge economic losses. I think the best choice for the museum is to ignore the kidnappers and call the police directly, while the artist does not have the energy to ask the museum to cooperate with the kidnappers. Unless the museum is extremely conscientious, or the artist is really willing to pay for it, we will definitely hear some rumors.

Date: There is another possibility. You don't intend to pay the ransom, but you don't want to just give up and choose to deal with the kidnappers. They pretended to obey the kidnappers, pretended to be willing to pay the ransom, and let the police ambush each other when the kidnappers came to trade. In this way, it is necessary to block the news. If the exhibition cannot be continued, there will not be too much additional loss, and the negative impact can be eliminated by explaining the truth later. If the plan fails, the museum will not lose money and reputation, and negative news about the security system is the minimum loss.

Gretel: I see, it's a good idea, and adding elements of burglary and exhibit kidnappings to the novel makes it easy to start the story. By the way, in reality, in the event of Feng Yong Art Museum, this explanation does not work. Some participating artists have posted on social platforms, saying that the art museum asks them to take back their works and take them away. In order to increase the threat effect, the thieves will not single out the exhibits that look valuable, but take all the exhibits away and make the exhibition completely impossible.

Date: Then consider the theft as an alternative, and let's move on to other reasons for closing. Considering that the museum is not passively suspending the exhibition, but actively chooses to close the museum? Fengyong Art Museum is usually not crowded with people, maybe the museum is also worried about the lack of tourists, so they decided to direct and perform a closing storm to stimulate the curiosity and sympathy of the public, in order to arouse the public's revenge when the museum reopens. View the exhibition.

Gretel: However, the exhibition at the Fengyong Art Museum is free, and tourists do not need to buy tickets to watch the exhibition. Although souvenirs are sold, most people should not buy it. How much profit can the public bring to the exhibition in revenge? And they can implement this plan earlier, such as announcing the closure two weeks ago, and announcing the opening the day before the holiday, which is more effective.

Date: That's a scam. The art museum is in poor operating condition and may be forced to close or change its operating policy. The staff in the museum cannot accept the reality and join forces to implement fraudulent insurance schemes. They deliberately planned a thematically sensitive exhibition, which was quickly suspended after the opening, and obtained insurance money on the grounds of force majeure. As long as the high insurance money is obtained, the art museum can continue to operate as usual, and the reputation issue should be considered after the survival issue.

Gretel: I don't know much about the background of Feng Yong Art Museum, but it should have the support of the government and the group, so that it will not be reduced to a situation where it has to cheat insurance to maintain its operation. Moreover, for those who are not optimistic about the art museum, the closing event can be used to attack the staff of the museum.

Date: Is it possible that the entire exhibition itself is a cover? Some people use the exhibition to launder money and quote a huge budget, but not much is actually spent on the exhibition. The exhibition is unusually crude and low-cost, and can be suspicious, so the organizers want to suspend the exhibition before a large number of tourists come.

Gretel: It's true that the exhibition doesn't use any high technology, but it's not crude and cheap. If the exhibition can be created in a clever way to consume money, it should not be a big threat to keep the exhibition open. On the contrary, the sudden closure of the exhibition will make people suspect that there is a hidden reason behind it.

Date: This is the end of the story, and it won't end until the mysterious things are brought out.

Gretel: Here we go again, is this still the way wizards use venues to hold terrifying witchcraft rituals? In order to eliminate the influence of witchcraft, the organizer killed people and cleaned up the venue?

Date: Of course not. You can no longer use the used passages, otherwise the readers will be furious and cancel the subscription of the magazine. Speaking of fresh elements, ghosts have not been used yet.

Gretel: I thought you were obsessed with witchcraft, but you are obsessed with bullshit. How can the ghost force the museum to close the exhibition hall without killing or destroying the exhibits, and the occurrence of supernatural events will only make people feel a little weird. In your story, the normal person's response must have been to privately ask a psychic to solve the problem, not to be scared away from work. Talking about ghosts is not as good as alien invasion.

Date: Aliens, I haven't used them, it's quite reasonable. If traces and information left by aliens are found in the exhibition hall, the government will definitely ask the museum to protect the site and let special personnel carry out investigation. Perhaps the aliens have also expressed some demands, hoping that their existence will not be made public for the time being. Recently, they had a private meeting with a specific human being in the exhibition hall, etc., so the exhibition hall was closed.

Gretel: Sober up a bit, so far the content of the novel doesn't have any elements related to science fiction and aliens. How do you plan to place this alien that suddenly appeared out of nowhere and directly help the protagonist solve the problem? How will your readers feel? I'm afraid not only want to send the blade, but also want to hack you to death.

Date: But! Don't you think aliens really fit in with this event? Aliens do not understand artworks and think that they have special meanings, so they stole the artworks they are interested in and leave a message for human beings to trade with them after a period of time, bringing them fresher and more interesting things. This ties in with the theft story and explains why some of the artwork wasn't stolen.

Gretel: If you insist on having your favorite alien in the story, I can only give you advice.

Ida: Good.

Gretel: After throwing out the clues of aliens, after the protagonist began to investigate, it was revealed that the alien incident was actually a rumor released by the mastermind behind the scenes, the purpose of which was to cover up another crime involved in the art museum. This crime is related to the incident that the protagonist has investigated before. Some foreshadowings in the past stories are used here, so that the protagonist can obtain key clues in the investigation and get the opportunity to meet and exchange information with important people, so as to be able to Round up the main storyline. As for aliens, just leave open-ended clues in inconsequential episodes that make readers wonder if aliens really exist.

Date: Just using aliens as a flavoring agent isn't exciting enough. Besides, aren't you opposed to arbitrarily appropriating clues and abandoning far-reaching ideas?

Gretel: You don't have to follow that principle, you're hopeless, as you can see from the discussion of real-world events involving aliens. It is the best result that can reduce the negative impact that must be faced, and save a life from readers and editors.

Date: But your suggestion is also very vague. There is no mention of what the new crime is or how it is connected to the main story.

Gretel: After talking so much today, you should know how to come up with ideas. It doesn't matter if you don't know now, you will think of them in a few days. Because this novel is still relatively important, if it disappoints readers, your popularity will drop, your partnership with the magazine will also be affected, and this series will probably be cut in half. .

Date: Don't worry, I can do's time for bed.

Gretel: If you're afraid of being targeted by killers that haunt rainy nights, sleep here.

Date: You want me to sleep peacefully surrounded by blue flames?

Gretel: I forgot if you didn't tell me. It's too troublesome to keep the fireplace on, so turn it off now.

Date: What's the difference between that and sleeping outside in the rain?

Gretel: You can go out in the rain.

Ida: I want to sleep on your bed, you can sleep on the sofa.

Gretel: To tell you the truth, I slept on a knife bed used for magic tricks every day.

Date: This is really cool, please let me experience it.

Gretel: Forget it, it was definitely me who lost your life and was regarded as the murderer. You should sleep on a safe sofa.

Date: For the sake of you helping me think about the novel, let it go this time. Having said that, what is the real reason for the closure of Fengyong Art Museum?

Gretel: I guess it's the easiest to guess reason for the mundane, dull, unsuitable for your novel.

Date: Is that true? In the absence of the truth, all explanations seem powerless.

Gretel: If that's the truth, we don't have a chance to know the truth. Tangled useless, go to sleep.

Ida: I wish you a good dream.


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