Reading Pen Farming|Functions around the stove: public chat vs broadcast • Red clay small stove

I originally wanted to celebrate the 100th article, but it turned into an out-of-the-box test article + a chat about the concept of the fireplace - the whole Dawailou.
Photo by Yoon hye on Unsplash

■ To commemorate it plainly

This is my 100th article in Matt City.

Before, I didn’t pay much attention to a few milestone figures—for example, the tracking number exceeded 1,000, and the total word count reached 100,000 words. !

My home page

■ Crowd chat vs broadcast

Enter text.

I only opened the perimeter a few days ago, and I want to actually play with the functions of "Chat" and "Broadcast", which are described as follows:

⚠️ First, let’s distinguish three types of furnace owners: those who create furnaces.
Furnace Members: Those who have subscribed to the Furnace.
Members outside the furnace: Those who are not subscribed to the furnace.

"Zhongchao" is relatively simple and can be imagined as a private Facebook group .

In it, both the furnace owner and the furnace members can initiate topics and reply to other people's topics - two-way communication. Members outside the furnace cannot see the content of the "Crowd Chat".

"Broadcasting" is a little more complicated. If you insist on an analogy, it is a bit similar to a Facebook fan page .

First of all, only the furnace owner can open a topic, which is very similar to Fanzhuan, right! Secondly, whether you are inside or outside the furnace, you can browse the "broadcast" content, and then see if you want to [track] around the furnace. The difference is will you receive the small green dot push notification immediately? Otherwise, you have to click on several layers of UI , and go to the other party's furnace to view it; finally, you can also leave a message under each "broadcast", but this right is limited to the members of the furnace. For members outside the furnace, "broadcasting" is a one-way transmission that can only be seen, not spoken.

Afraid that everyone would be dizzy, I made a table for easy comparison ( then why didn't it come out earlier ):

Edit in Keynote

■ My perimeter plan

After clarifying the above functions, I finally decided on my perimeter plan. There are three:

✅ Unlock the text, only close the original file

Maybe it was influenced by the values of the center and left, and the idea that everyone can practice the skill also affected my kiln. I will not let "words" become limited to the kiln, but adopt a "dual version" approach.

Take " Habits to Get Rich Life Practical Edition " as an example, there will be a "in-the-furnace remake" version. Basically, the content is the same, and at most superfluous words can be edited. The difference is that the Mind Map outside the furnace is a picture file, and the inside of the furnace is a picture file. Provide the original file.

Out-of-furnace version: picture file.

Out-of-furnace version picture file

In-furnace version: original file (you can browse "Open Branches and Loose Leaves", and the "Download" button in the upper right corner).

In addition to reading experience, any article with "data and charts" can be used in the form of "dual versions" to distinguish between inside/outside the furnace, such as the article " Visual Statistics Open " published a few days ago, but there is a The premise is that we need to wait for the official to realize the function of "unlimited free 24 hours, directly into the furnace".

⚠️ Unlock the text, only lock the original files of mind maps, data, and charts.

✅ 140 word short push

I associate the concept of "crowd chat/broadcasting" with Twitter; on Twitter, each tweet has a limit of 140 characters to avoid users from "too much nonsense", in other words, you have to say concise and to the point.

For me, I have a very good application, which is " short reading after reading ".

I read an average of one book a week, for some books that have no inspiration after reading, or have stepped on the thunder, abandoned chasing or negative reviews. There is no way to write a long article and publish it on Matters, but only a few sentences are too watery....

Now that "Chat/Broadcast" is a solution, I can organize short essays—limited to 140 words—into a mini-version of my reading experience.

⚠️ 140 characters limit, alternative short experience push.

In addition, following the various "original files" mentioned above, if you pack it up and take it home to play and encounter intractable diseases during the process, you can also ask questions and discuss with each other in "Crowd Chat".

✅ Appreciate Citizen's extended unlock

This is simple, everyone pays $5 a month to subscribe to you, and invites them to play for free . Is this the most basic moral ( human rights )?

The free period can be set to a maximum of one year. It doesn’t matter if the money is accidentally deducted after the expiration, and then use the “Support Articles” or Liker Lnad App to collect and pay, and transfer the money back.

■ Let's write a poem first

I want to take a sentence from an ancient poem I like very much to name the perimeter: a small red clay stove .

Can be tracked first! Receive the "Alternative Short Experience" push.

I like the artistic conception of this poem very much, and it is also my expectation for the perimeter.

Green wine and red mud are ready, can you have a drink with you?

 Green Ant's new fermented grain wine red mud small stove.
In the evening, the sky wants to snow,
Can have a drink.

Bai Juyi's "Ask Liu Nineteen"

Thank you for seeing this, and I'd like to include my Facebook page and the Sponsorship Link for Appreciating Citizens 2.0 .

🌱 Read on Facebook 👉 .
🌱 Continuously ploughing and irrigating regularly 👉 .
🌱 Red clay small stove 👉 .


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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