Block World|The cold winter of the currency circle is more busy, what am I busy with?

YK @一杯咖啡的生活
Cold wind can make you more awake

The cold wind in the currency circle does not mean that we all have to avoid the cold wind or hibernate. Instead, take the opportunity to invest in yourself (one of Buffett's suggestions at the shareholder meeting this year), equip and learn, and prepare for the arrival of spring when you don't know how long it will take.

Busier than before recently, but busy and happy and content. What am I doing?

In the development of the " People are born with knowledge " blog, in addition to preparing to invest in the upcoming LikeCoin NFT micro-market, he is also building a personal brand, learning from people to be self-media, and opening up a new runway for his second life.

In order to improve my ability to output value, I am trying to learn to write ( writing is not easy for me ). The best way is to keep writing more and more. To have good output, there must be good and many inputs, and reading is one of the important inputs. Fortunately, there are now e-books, which helped me a lot.

Since I used an e-book reader, I don't have to worry about not having a place to store books, but it feels good to buy books freely. With an e-book reader, you can freely read anytime, anywhere, super cool. Not only that, but it is also very convenient to read different books at the same time. Now if you don’t want to read this book, you can immediately jump to another book. There is no limit, which is very suitable for my reading habits.

More and more I feel that time is not enough, because I want to read more and more books, but my reading speed is slow; I want to write a lot, but my writing ability is limited. The more books I want to read, the more things I don’t understand and I really want to know; the more I read, the more I realize that I know too little, which is a good thing. The more things I want to write about, the more things I have learned that I want to share with others. Also a good thing.

Now I like reading more and more, because reading brings me vitality and adds motivation to my life. No wonder the ancients would say, "If you don't read for one day, the world will live in it; if you don't read for two days, your words will be boring; if you don't read for three days, your face will be disgusting." Do a sport, it's fun.

In addition to being busy with writing and reading, I am also ready to invest in a brand new blockchain project. The project is currently in the early stages of recruitment, organization and division of labor. When the official announcement is made, I will share more with you.

But now I can share, why did I choose to participate in this blockchain project?
First, the project manager is conscientious and credible.
Second, the project founding team is from Hong Kong.
Third, the project is related to cultural conservation.
Fourth, the project has a clear roadmap.
Fifth, the content of the project is very valuable.
Sixth, the project belongs to the practical category.

The above two new jobs are believed to be busy enough for me, and how to spend the cold winter is no longer a problem. Or rather, these two new jobs that would have been done even without the cold winter.

Me and @Paul. It is a team of validators of the LikeCoin node " BusinessAsMission ".
You are welcome to become our delegator and pledge your LikeCoin to our node, thank you for your support!


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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YK @一杯咖啡的生活一杯咖啡談說書、談寫作、談信仰、談人生⋯⋯
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