"If you don't fight, you will never know the result."​

We often think too much and end up trying nothing, but if you don’t actually try it, you can’t know what the result will be. Although a lot of hard work is spent in many cases, it is all in vain in the end, but at least we get A result, let us know that this is not feasible.​

We often lose a lot of opportunities and possibilities because we think too much and end up trying nothing.​

​We always care too much about the cost and risks of doing something. Even if we want to, we can’t get rid of this idea, but every time we think about it, we finally give up.​

​It is indeed easier not to do it, but after most people choose not to do it, they envy others for doing what they can’t do and having what they can’t have.​

​Although you may not get the results you want if you do it, you have nothing if you don’t do it, and you might get unexpected results after you do it, but that is only possible after you do it.​

​This is the truth. If you don’t actually try to see it, you can’t know what the result will be. No matter how you evaluate how to plan and plan before you practice, you will never be able to calculate what will happen after you practice.​

​Since running a text account, it seems that it has become a habit to practice all kinds of ideas. If you think of anything, try it out.​

​I have tried everything that can be done, and various projects and activities, not every result is very good, and there has been a project that was removed from the shelves within a few days of being put on the shelves, and the next project was immediately implemented.​

And the courses I did last year, I always thought that online courses should be a good development direction, and I thought I finally found a product that I could develop.​

​As a result, it took a long time and countless efforts. During the production, I wondered how many people could join in, and finally the course was successfully launched. Although every time I saw readers joining, I was very surprised, and I never thought that there would be Readers are willing to join, but they also find that the course is not a very good product in terms of the type of readers on the text account.​

​Later, I didn’t believe in evil, I wanted to say that the course work was done, so I had to promote it carefully, so I created a very uncommercial publicity plan for the course, but I was busy for a long time, and finally it turned out that the publicity was not too big. s help.​

​Although the results were not very good, if I hadn’t really made the course at that time, I’m probably still thinking about how many people will join after the course is made. Maybe it can develop in this direction in the future, but if If there are not many people participating, then my efforts will be wasted.​

​If I had been mulling over ideas that didn't come to fruition, I wouldn't have known that the course wasn't suitable for text accounts at all, and that I could have gone in a new direction.​

​Although a lot of hard work was spent many times, it was finally wiped out, but at least we got a result, letting us know that this is not feasible.​

​If we just keep guessing and estimating, then we will never know that a certain method is not feasible, or that a certain method turns out to be better than imagined, but we can only stay where we are.​

​Never move forward, you will never know what the result will be after you do it, and the cost and risk are higher than the terrible result after trying it.​

​Even if trying to see has a high chance of wasting all your precious time and effort, you will never know which of your attempts will lead to more than anything else, and you will be able to find a better way forward .​

I hope today's sharing is helpful to you. If you have any questions, suggestions, or want to hear me share other content, please leave a message to me!

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YulinaHuang回歸初心的日常提煉|生活|創作|目標追尋​ ​ 從日常提煉由心而生的文字。​ 在這裡,我想將創作背後不為人知的心境歷程,記錄下來,分享給想要踏上或正走在創作路上的你,希望看到了整趟過程的清晰全貌的你,能夠勇於追尋自己的創作夢,在持續創作的同時,也成為更好的自己。
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