Exercise 2 | Bandages, Injured Autumn


My sister supported me and walked quietly with me on the way out of the hospital.

We walked through the long corridor, the pale fluorescent lamps and the smell of disinfectant passed by my sister and I, and the busy people waiting in the corridor.

When we stepped out of the hospital, my sister let go of my hand and stood a step away from me.

"Congratulations, sister," she said.

I smiled at her. "Thank you, and good luck to you."

The weather has slowly cooled, and the unbearable heat and long days have gradually faded away, replaced by increasingly cold evenings and street lamps that have begun to brighten early.

But I don't feel cold. Compared with the always strong cold air in the hospital, the air outside is so warm and relaxing, and even the moist and heavy feeling is incomparable with the dry and cold air in the hospital.

I took a deep breath of the autumn oxygen and felt the freedom in my lungs.

The world outside the hospital looked a little unfamiliar, and the colors and even the appearance were different from what I remembered; I left my sister's side and walked slowly all the way forward.

I groped little by little, and sometimes my body leaned to one side because of instability.

The empty figure in front of me who always stood in front of me was no longer leading me in front of me. In the past I could only look at the tar grass on the road, but now I can see the road ahead.

In fact, I don't know where to go, but what is certain is that I don't have to go back and wander back and forth along the small gravel road in the front yard of my house.

At first, I took small, cautious steps forward, and slowly, I tried to take big strides. The feeling of the breeze brushing my cheeks is very good. Although people say that the spring is sad and the autumn is sad, the autumn belongs to me, but it symbolizes the season of rebirth.

When all things fall, I think I will germinate.

I've never felt so relieved to involuntarily hum a pop song I heard from the next bed.

"Sister, don't you regret it?" My sister once asked me while sitting in front of the bed, slicing the apple rabbit.

Even though I am several years younger than me, and still at a young age, my sister looks like a little adult. Seeing her pretending to be mature, I shook my head calmly while biting the peeled apple.

"I don't know, maybe I will regret it later, but I won't." I touched the bandage lightly, feeling the empty feeling under the bandage. "The future me will also be grateful for my decision."

"Is this really good?" My sister tried her best not to look at me and kept her head down, but I could still see the pity in her eyes. "And my parents are really sad, you are so impulsive."

I didn't answer her questions, just took a new apple bunny from her. "Will Dad still take you to the ancestral hall?"

The sister rubbed her knees and nodded. "Still hitting me and crying."

"Where's mom?"

"Burning incense and worshipping Buddha."

We looked at each other silently, seeing the familiar helplessness in each other's eyes. "Maybe the person I should apologize to is you, my sister is going to leave you behind."

My sister peeled the last apple rabbit and put it in my hands.

"Where, I will be happy to see my sister escape successfully." In the future, she will also succeed. My sister didn't say it, but I think I heard it.

"Actually, I used to hate my sister the most." Without the apple, my sister put down the fruit knife and finally looked up at me. "You look super fake, like a doll, and you will ask me to obey my parents."

I laughed. "I hate it too."

Because I hate it, I finally can't stand it.

On my last day at home, I saw my dad standing in front of me with anger on his face. "Now that you've grown up, your wings are hard, right?"

"Dad, I dare not." I said quietly, as well-behaved as ever. "Parents who are affected by the body, I am ashamed of you two, I can only repay my parents for their years of cultivation and dedication with this small heart."

Then, in front of the two of them, I gouged out my right eye. "From now on we will never owe each other again."

At the moment of digging out, I felt no pain, only that there seemed to be a huge and dark thing in my heart, which was pulled out by me from the hole that had grown for many years.

Unlike the angry father, the mother just watched silently, until the warm blood splattered on the ground, she began to scream.

The little sister who was standing by the side witnessed everything, and when everyone was screaming, she was the only one who was as quiet and calm as me.

Because she understands that I'm the same person as she, and we all aspire to be.

When I was halfway through my steps, my sister suddenly stopped me.

"Sister." Her expression was very serious, and in my only half of the field of vision, she was still as cute as before. "So now my sister, I like it very much," she said.

I looked at her with my only left eye, and I laughed heartily after a long absence.

"I like you too," I said.


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