I was wronged in our dreams


There are many kinds of fear.

Just as the joy we feel, some are immediate, some are complex, some are inexplicable, and some are unforgettable.

 "There are many kinds of fear. Some people believe that the strongest fear is the fear of the unknown, incomprehensible, and potentially dangerous. Please don't believe such nonsense. The greatest fear comes from visible simple and crude behavior, such as The icy sharp blade on the neck, the endless darkness in the barrel, the unpleasant smell of the beast that rushes at you, the slightly salty water pouring into your throat, the footsteps of the wooden bridge in the abyss. creaking.
          The fears above are followed by "I don't love you" and "Need surgery," followed by thunderous snoring in the dark, sleepless tossing and turning, thundering cemeteries, first skydives, and "We'll still be there." find you" threat.
          True fear is so clear, so specific, that it numbs the whole body, and it can be seen, heard, smelled, touched, and even tasted.
          The barrel smelled like gunpowder, like iron. The planks were cracked and had a musty smell. The moment his neck touched the blade, his skin tightened with fear and made a rustling sound. All your senses experience what fear is. Fear also won't let go of your sixth sense, if you have one. "(С. В. Lukyanenko's "Draft of Creation")

Socrates is in Plato's story, calm, sensible, unwavering, in his cell, welcoming his friends.

It was a secret visit as friends tried to persuade him to change his mortal fate, pointing out that it was just Socrates' stubbornness, since he could have had various options to escape the death penalty.

Socrates agreed with his friend, but still, as usual, in the question and answer, he gradually became clear why he chose to accept the death penalty instead of fleeing to a foreign country or accepting a ransom.

The specific justification is contained in Plato's "Cleithon", yes, his visiting friend is called Cleithon.

A similar fate also occurred in the second year of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty (99 BC), and the one who was awaiting trial was Sima Qian, a man who was overly capable.

Regarding the situation at that time, it is difficult for us to see the specific provisions today, but the harshness of the criminal law in the Han Dynasty did not fundamentally change until the time of Emperor Xuan. probation:

"...I heard that Qin had ten mistakes, and one of them still existed. It was the official who ruled the prison. During the Qin period, he was ashamed of literature, fond of martial arts, humble and righteous, and honored the official who ruled the prison. Therefore, it is not for the world to serve the former kings. The loyal and good words are all in the chest. The sound of flattery is full of ears. Also.. This is not the case with the prison officials today. The upper and lower levels are driven by each other, and the engraving is the clearest example. The deepest ones get public fame, and the flat ones are more troublesome. Therefore, the prison officials all want people to die, not hate them. The way to be at ease is The death of a person is based on the blood of the dead, which strays from the city; the prisoners stand shoulder to shoulder; the plan of revival is tens of thousands of years old;
When the lady is in love, she is happy, and when she is in pain, she thinks of death. Under Chu Chu, why not ask for it? Therefore, if the prisoner is in great pain, he will pretend to look at it; if the official is in charge of it, he will point to the Dao and make it clear; if the superior is afraid of it, he will exercise and practice it within the week. When the recitation was accomplished, even if you listened to it, you felt that death would be worthless. What? There are many practitioners, and the crime of writing is also obvious. It is because the prison guards are the deepest, the thieves are dead, and the thieves are everything, regardless of the country's troubles, the great thief in this world. That's why the saying goes: 'Drawing the ground is a prison, and negotiating is not allowed to enter; carving wood is an official, and the period is not right. ' This is the style of sick officials, and the words of grief. Therefore, the troubles in the world should not be as deep as the prison; if the law is defeated and the law is chaotic, there is nothing more than the officials who govern the prison; this is the so-called one who survives. ..."

This text is sincere and sincere. The reply of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty was an edict requesting that the trial and handling personnel across the country must be lenient and fair, and at the same time, Lu Wenshu was promoted to show his affirmation.

But this kind of lip service, even for a master of resurgence like Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty, still won't have any immediate effect.

Wang Fuzhi expressed his opinion in "Reading Tongjian Lun":

"Lu Wenshu's words of reprieve are not as good as Zheng Chang's words of law. Emperor Xuan issued a lenient edict, which is more confusing for those who punished, so there is a reason to call them. The laws are complicated, and the prison guards have the premise to decorate them with prose, although The emperor asked about it every day, but the people would accept it and die. There are also many disciplines, and everyone can sit here. The meaning is heavy and light, and bribes are for entry and exit. There are divisions fighting for the law, there are divisions and court officials fighting for the law, and the court officials and the emperor are fighting for the law. There is no way to discriminate, but no power can control it. It is clever and strong who hold it. Traitors, and escaped the innocent in the trap. Even if the envoy Sui Sing was applauded, but the wicked and cunning causality should be used to escape from the law and benefit the poor and weak. Only as Zheng Chang said, the law of severance If it cannot be moved, then one person will rule it above, and the evils of cruelty and bribery will never be seen in the world .
The law is also limited, and there is no way for people to commit crimes. With a limited method, there is no way to do it, and it is truly impossible to do something. Therefore, there are exceptions outside the law, and there are exceptions to the order that is accurate. All of them seek to overcome the ruins of the world with the help of the infinite. Therefore, the occurrence of the law is also increasing day by day, and it is still unprepared for it. Husband, the former king ruled with limited law and ruled the sins of nowhere, wouldn't they be judged here? Those who think that the beetles of the country, the thieves of the people, and the mythical creatures of customs, are all over the place, and such discipline is enough, that is, the world can be in chaos. If there is no way for the accident, the world is not permanent, it is not comparable to the law, and it is possible to wait for its evil to be eliminated and then punish it. frown too. If the law is simple, the punishment will be clear; if the punishment is clear, the crime will be tolerated; ("Probation is not as good as the law")

Rather than asking those wise kings to give an order today and an instruction tomorrow, he thought, it would be better for the laws to be enforced to be clear and definite. In this way, everyone knows what the rules and intensity of punishment are, and there is no need to create extra branches, because the endless variety of crimes, and the extrajudicial methods, are special and special. In this case, of course, there will be some special circumstances and it cannot be convicted, but if the two evils are combined, the lesser of the two evils is preferred. Such a variation makes all innocent and good people fall into the trap of the law.

But such an opinion will definitely not be accepted by people like Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, because he is too smart and will be more suspicious. The law is not something beyond his control, but a means by which he implements his own will. Therefore, when internal and external crises arise, he begins to appoint torturers, "to slow down the sins of the past, and to punish them quickly", not only without regard to fairness, Even those officials who can implement the emperor's will should be encouraged and given life, so that the entire legal system of the dynasty will become the decoration and decoration of the emperor's will. The punishment and punishment are not based on specific laws, but on the emperor himself. I hate it.

Therefore, we should not think that Sima Qian's situation at the time was simply that he could not borrow a lot of money. His real danger came from the anger of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. This anger was vented on Li Ling's family, as well as on the historian who thought he had good intentions. He was later appointed by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and it seemed that he was promoted to a more important official position. Later, his friend Ren An even persuaded him to exert his influence and recommend talents. This made Sima Qian inexplicably sad and angry at that time, and he had to sing and cry, and wrote a "Reporting to Ren'an".

After a thousand years, reading this kind of text still makes people feel suffocated and uneasy, suddenly feeling and forgetting.

In fact, obvious imitation traces can still be seen in Tang Bohu's "Book of Ming Dynasty with Wen Zheng". Who is imitating? Naturally, it is Taishigong. However, this letter is not too imitating, and it is still praised by later generations because of the fact that the people, the writing and the encounters all coincide with Taishigong's state of mind.

The spring breeze is proud, a talented man from the south of the Yangtze River, but he was implicated in a fraud case involving the court. His final punishment was to be a petty official. To make up for it, use the capital to make money." Tang Bohu was particularly decisive, "Scholars can also be killed, but they can't be humiliated again."

The reason for this, I am afraid, also lies in the "unwarranted" of his charges. Let me quote directly from the Wikipedia statement.

 The next year's general examination, Tang Yin and Xu Jing (Xu Xiake's great grandfather) went to the examination together. At the end of February, Hua 㫤 suddenly participated in the performance, saying that Cheng Minzheng leaked the question to Xu Jing and Tang Yin in advance, and asked to suspend the release of the list. Emperor Xiaozong of Ming Dynasty asked Li Dongyang, the examiner who was with him at the time, to re-examine. Li Dongyang reported that there were no papers from Xu Tang and Xu Tang in the exam papers that Cheng had picked, and Hua Ka sent it to the Jinyiwei Town Fusi for questioning because of the suspicion of false accusation. At that time, Cheng Minzheng, Xu Jing and Tang Yin were already in prison.
        Later, the engineering department gave Lin Tingyu a defense for Hua, saying: "Although it is inappropriate, it is not for the sake of wealth. The official who is impeached today is the same as before, and he will go to prison first. If something happens later, who will be willing to do it again. The speaker?" Both sides held their own words. Perhaps Xiaozong was tired of this, so he ordered "Three Law Divisions and Jinyiwei Ting to kill him". Perhaps Xu Jing was afraid of being tortured, so he claimed that "Min Zheng received his gold coins", and then he was tortured before he confessed that it was a false accusation. However, Cheng Minzheng, Xu Jing, and Tang Yin were still convicted. Xu Jing and Tang Yinze paid off the ransom for the crime of "seeking advancement", and were later sent to Zhejiang to serve as officials, but Tang Yin refused to resign.

The injustice in the world comes to this.

It is no wonder that later historians were quite critical of this "good emperor" of the Ming Dynasty, who was praised.

What we should also pay attention to is that this case of fraud and false accusation also entered the edict system of "Three Judicial Justices and Jinyiwei Tingzhi", that is, it is not a daily legal case, but a major case supervised by the emperor himself. . If we recall that Sima Qian was imprisoned just now, isn't it also a case ordered by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty?

For this kind of special handling cases, it continued to the Qing Dynasty. For such details, please refer to Zheng Xiaoyou's "Cases and Punishments in the Qing Dynasty". There is a certain introduction to how the Ministry of Justice tried cases at that time and how to handle the imperial prison as explained by the emperor. It can be seen that this tradition has never been broken.

And the absurdity of this kind of high-pressure case handling may not only be Sima Qian's conviction for his words, but Tang Bohu's innocent expulsion. For example, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty once invented the famous "abdominal slander":

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty planned to issue "white deer skin coins" to search for private money, and solicited the opinions of Yan Yi, the commander of the big farmer. Yan Yi obviously did not learn the previous lessons and continued to express different opinions.

The Emperor Laozi was of course unhappy, but he couldn't make it happen, because this was his own request for advice, and Yan Yi did not violate any laws.

But the emperor's unsatisfactory, just like Cixi's unsatisfactory general, can always be someone to cater to. Soon, someone reported that Yan Yi was dissatisfied with the government and expressed dissent without authorization.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty appointed Zhang Tang to try the case of Yan Yi. The result of the final judgment is "Death".

So why is it judged this way?

The evidence is simple. One day Yan Yi had a conversation with a visitor. The visitor thought that the order issued by the court was inconvenient. Yan Yi did not respond - this is already very cautious - but he made a small gesture: he turned his lips.

How Zhang Tang judged such details, we don't have to imagine, but what Zhang Tang played is: When Yi Jiuqing sees the order, it is inconvenient, and he slanders it without saying anything, and talks about death.

Since then, "defamation" has become an official law. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty also made an ancient emperor who could observe the roundworms in the stomachs of his courtiers.

It seems that it is difficult to get close to a monarch like Dafan, and the more he gets older, the more so.

When a person is put to death by him according to his own likes and dislikes, it seems that he has fiddled with everyone, but at the end of his life, there is only one Huo Guang left to take care of the orphan.

The autumn wind in Maoling is a famous image in poetry. The poets of the Tang Dynasty liked to use the Han Dynasty to replace the Tang Dynasty.

Sima Qian's death was silent.

In the second half of his life, Tang Bohu "would be a barbarian when he was full, and begging for food when he was hungry." Instead, he gradually became a legendary figure. Even the "Dream of Red Mansions" in the Qing Dynasty had to add a stroke, so that Duobawang couldn't put it down with a good painting of "Geng Huang". The characters are hard to read, but the painting is really good. Jia Baoyu was suspicious, so he wrote the word "Tang Yin" for Xue Pan to see, Xue Pan really remembered it wrong, and vaguely concealed "who knew he was sugar, silver, fruit and silver".

Perhaps only the folk gourmet Aisin Gioro Hongli can compete with it.

Later Yuan Mei was also a gifted man, but his second half of his life was very unrestrained.

It is rare to blow off dust and be able to fall to the ground and still be dust; if you want to look forward to riding the wind and waves, crossing the ocean, experiencing something, and being able to live in a foreign country, it is not something you can ask for.

I had a dream, woke up at midnight, and the sound of cicadas just died but didn't stop.

Fear is like water, it is the rain in the sky, it is the dew on the tip of the leaves, it is also the tears of sympathy, the song of longing, and the silent words in the sigh.


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silm喜愛讀書,喜愛詩,更喜歡哪個? [大家不用困惑,我關注和拍手都是很隨性的,不用一定回拍,也不用一定回關。因為我是把追蹤作為一個個人閲讀器,不定期梳理,隨着自己的關注變化,關注再取關,取關又關注。所以不要困擾,都好,都好,大家一切都好。^_^]
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