Creator Economy IMO 📣 Weekly Report #33|Netizens were shocked and called it a ghost story! Revelation of Immanuel’s American Events

Education is not indoctrination, it is the fire that ignites learning - Socrates.

Hi! I am Hugo. Hugo , who currently works as an editor on a bi-weekly basis with DubiPeng, will take you to review the week's selected articles (reported every Monday at 6 am). Everyone is also welcome to come to the Matters Discord " Creator Economy Discussion Forum " for real-time communication.

IMO 📣 Weekly Report|Netizens were shocked and called it a ghost story! Revelation of Immanuel’s American Events
這份電子報每週精選數則「Matters 創作者經濟討論區」的交流,鼓勵大家踴躍說出自己的觀點,所以取「IMO」(In My Opinion)作為名稱中的一部分。我們關注各種對「創作者經營」有益的各種話題,例如創作技巧(不侷限於寫作)、心態及習慣養成、閱聽方法(輸入)、筆記方法(輸出)、文案、SEO、社群經營、數位行銷、數據分析、不同創作平台比較⋯⋯終而實現創作有價,結成「創作者經濟」的果實。

Due to the adjustment of my personal schedule, I have been the editor-in-chief for two consecutive weeks. In the process of compiling this week's e-newsletter, I also discovered that there have been many disturbances caused by controversial remarks recently, such as last week's " Internet celebrity writer You Ouyan was on the incident book!" ” and this week’s selection of Emmanuel events.

When publishing comments on self-media, even if they are true thoughts in the heart, it is best to examine them again and again from different standpoints. Facing the same incident, it is inevitable that everyone will hold different positions, but if you reveal a sense of superiority in your words, or even mix them with wrong subjective perceptions, you are likely to be offended.

Next, let’s get into the theme of this week’s e-newsletter! Let's go!

This week's focus

🔸 Look up and see the 95% that has nothing to do with you
🔸 Immanuel American English is making waves🔸 There are more important things than time management🔸 One of the most difficult industries to run in the world🔧 Why do I choose OneNote to take notes?
🔧 When writing, you should consider the "physical properties" of information in the mobile phone environment
🌍 With only 10,000 fans, he earns 10 million a year🌍 AI + Web3 Public Welfare Class Notes #3|ChatGPT Basic Strategy for Writing Prompt Words

❏Look up and see the 95% that has nothing to do with you by Guo Yiling, CEO of Shangzhou

"When you are busy dealing with the 5% you are responsible for, don't forget to look up and look at the other 95%," Daphne, vice president of digital operations, reminded department colleagues at a recent meeting.

When everyone strives to develop various new functions and products and focus on their areas of expertise, it becomes difficult to truly understand the pain points and needs of the business unit, and they do not know how to put themselves in their shoes. Communication often becomes a chicken-and-duck talk, which is detrimental to both parties. Understand and cooperate.

She urged colleagues to remember to look up and look at "the 95% that has nothing to do with you", practice empathy, and imagine what colleagues in other departments, supervisors, and even the CEO care about. "In this way, the world you see will be very different from the original one."

Hugo・Hugo 🙋 IMO: Good book recommendation

Because of the different locations, the views will be different. The way the vice president guides colleagues to think and discuss is really "visual".

Excellent ideas often appear in the stage of stopping, observing and thinking, imagining that you are in another position, and then coming up with ideas. This also reminds me of the " Six Thinking Hats " of Di Bono, the father of creative thinking, by changing perspectives (one at a time) Think about one thing) so that opinions from every angle can be seen.

Read Pengeng🙋 IMO: The importance of empathy

There is a saying that goes, "When you change your position, you change your head." This is true and necessary, but don't forget empathy.

❏Immanuel Yunwen Yunwu Part 4 - Teacher Wayne’s voice by Emmanuel

台北市「以馬內利美語」補習班日前公開「成功案例」一對兄妹英語、音樂表現傑出,每日睡眠僅6 個多小時,甚至在車上用餐,緊湊行程引發熱議。

I have heard that the outside world thinks that our Yi Ma babies are very hard-working. After a day of classes at school, we have to come to Yi Ma for several hours to learn English, almost all year round. But in fact, as far as I know, most children enjoy coming to Yima.

Felix & Jenny are a well-known brother and sister in the main campus of the Normal University. They not only perform well in school, but are also well-known figures in the school. They often come out at the top in various subject competitions. I curiously asked Felix & Jenny’s mom: What are your expectations for them? Seeing that they are actually studying in music classes without the name of taking music classes. Every day of the two of them is filled with various studies and exercises. What kind of imagination does mother have for their future?

Felix & Jenny’s mother replied: “Music is a lifelong gift that we give them. If they go abroad in the future, music may be another path for them. BTW, we never wanted them to have to take music classes, because we never wanted them to take music classes. They see perseverance and unafraid of hard work on the way to learning piano.”

Hugo 🙋 IMO: There is a kind of hard work that makes me feel that you are very hard.

After reading this article, I am more concerned about the fact that children get up before six o'clock every day, but go to bed close to twelve o'clock at night. Will this not get enough sleep? And eating dinner in the car at 7pm, will it cause indigestion?

As for the part where children learn piano, write official documents (which should refer to a certain school of mathematics teaching materials), and learn English, I personally feel that as long as the children do not have a negative impact on their mental health due to pressure or scolding, I think there is nothing wrong with this. , there are several reasons:

First, I cannot judge from the article whether the children learn these subjects or talents voluntarily. If the children do it voluntarily and learn happily, then there is no position to criticize other people’s education methods; also, if all this is done by parents, The arrangement is not voluntary for the child, but the child’s mind is exercised in the process and thus gains confidence, which is also good.

Second, some foreign studies have pointed out that allowing children to learn talents from an early age and persist without interruption will be of great help to "constant perseverance", which also echoes the benefits of increasing self-confidence mentioned above.

Third, I feel that this mother has great expectations for her children. If she can find a topic to communicate with her children, it will be a plus for the parent-child relationship.

Reading and writing🙋 IMO: Leave some free time to cultivate "passive qualities"

What I see is that the schedule is full of courses for "practicing active skills". Once you have enough talent points, you can go to the competition to compete. It seems a bit picky?

In the two novels I've been reading recently, " Craftsmanship " and " Chemistry Lesson ", I both see the principle of " leave some time for yourself ", leaving a period of free time for children/adults every day . During this time, The most important thing is yourself, not your studies, not your job, not the tasks set for you by others.

In the RPG game of life, in addition to "practicing active skills" to clear the dungeon, there are many more abilities that cannot be learned from courses, such as defining and solving problems in the "guild", organizing leadership, allocating resources, and facilitating Collaboration... These "passive qualities" of roles that have no standard answers are mostly developed outside of courses.

❏Things more important than time management by Guan Dengyuan

Before talking about time management, energy management is more important. How much a person can do in his life, starting with the end in mind, is mission (how to use life), vision, goals, and methods.

Mental state determines the level of energy, which often comes from how you face setbacks, pressure and emotions. If you have high stress tolerance and know how to relieve your emotions, it will be easier to maintain high energy.

Self-awareness and self-talk are important rituals to boost your energy every day.

Hugo 🙋 IMO: invest in every moment

Energy management, or energy management, is a very similar concept. I really like how the author explains the concept of energy management from the perspective of "mental state".

I have observed that even if the schedule is full, the inner energy is not high enough to invest in every moment, or time is wasted in daydreaming due to excessive internal consumption, and when the energy and mentality cannot keep up with the schedule, what is needed more , should we pay attention to where our thoughts are at this moment? Is it in the most controllable present, or in the distant and unknown future, or in the past that has been irrevocably changed?

Reading pengong 🙋 IMO: good book recommendation

One of the books on my recent reading list is " 4,000 Weeks in Life ", which also talks about a similar theme (things more important than time management), even to the point of being "anti-time management".

❏One of the most difficult industries to operate in the world by Chen Baobao

If you have a friend who opens a coffee shop, then you should support him and don't ask for discounts or even spend more, because you may not see this shop again after a while.

Moreover, the food should be good and full, and you can never ask for a discount. You must also give it five stars on google mpa! Don't order any cheap iced American style anymore, directly ask the boss what items he recommends, it's definitely worth the money anyway, keep supporting it!

Hugo 🙋 IMO: Altruism is self-interest

If there are friends around you who are starting a business, please support them with actions as much as you can afford. If his services and products are really good and helpful to you, please help promote them as much as possible.

At the beginning of your commitment, you may feel that you are helping others, but in the end you will find that all your efforts will accumulate back to you, and in ways you did not expect.

Reading pengong 🙋 IMO: different views

It is quite interesting to read this article together with the article discussing " small restaurants " in the 29th issue of the weekly magazine. No decoration/plain decoration/detailed decoration have their own pain points.

I can't help but want to make an analogy with the case of bookstores. Compared with chain coffee shops, what differentiated experiences have these "independent coffee shops" created so that they can continue to survive? The 10 aspects mentioned in this article are just a list that can be used as a reference; in addition, I don’t think the environment is so severe, because the “gross profit” of coffee is very high, which can alleviate many negative factors (such as table turning). poor rate).

BTW, in the comment area below the Facebook link, I accidentally found a lot of recommended links for "independent coffee shops", which can be used as a pocket backup list (laughs).

Creators and Digital Life

❏Why do I choose OneNote to take notes? by Cai Yicheng

It can be used for handwriting, typing, stickers, computers, mobile phones and tablets. Probably the Windows-Android system is OneNote.

The main reason is that I need the handwriting function. I am a person with strong handwriting muscle memory and spatial awareness, which can evoke the most inspiration. Although my handwriting is so messy that I don’t look like someone who values ​​handwriting🤣

If you write well in OneNote, its search function can search for handwritten words. It just needs to be uploaded to the cloud, and it will be processed in the cloud, so it will take a minute or two.

Joy 🙋 IMO: The side effects of using electronic notes

Many years ago (2012), I also converted all the paper books I had into electronic files to Evernote. I also lose paper copies and can't find them, so I use electronic data to record them.

Years later, the biggest problem that arose was that my handwriting became very ugly. My handwriting was praised many years ago, and the past can only be remembered.

Hugo 🙋 IMO: The beauty or ugliness of words is not the point

My handwriting has also become less neat since I wrote less, but sometimes I think about it, it seems that beautiful handwriting is not necessary, because writing is just to record key points and convey messages.

I know a very outstanding general whose handwriting is very "artistic" and he is quite talented, which also makes his handwriting a "characteristic".

By the way, many of Hunjun's handwritings are also very beautiful. After I understood this, I didn't care whether the words looked good or not, as long as I could understand them.

Reading pen farming 🙋 IMO: decentralized note-taking system

This post mentioned several points to consider when choosing a “digital note-taking tool”, including:

  • Handwriting (handwriting recognition success rate)

  • Sustainable operation (a big company that is unlikely to fail)

  • Synchronize across devices (even across different Apple/Android operating systems)

Then I also saw a more detailed point, that is, the author did not put any special effort into classifying the notes (no centralized note-taking system was established). To expand on the point, don’t worry about how to put the notes in the most correct position. Instead, think about how you might reuse this note in the future .

Therefore, we can also expect “digital note-taking tools” to do more:

  • Allows links and references between notes

  • Powerful search capabilities

These two features are the strengths of Heptabase. Try it for free for 7 days and write IMO with us.

❏When writing, you should consider the "physical properties" of information in the mobile phone environment by Reading Bigeng

Not just about SEO, but also about writing! Excerpted from the review of " Let People Find You by Searching ".

In the past, the main way for people to obtain information was bamboo slips/paper books. But now, a high proportion of them occur in digital devices, especially mobile phones, so we must consider the "physical properties" of the mobile phone environment and deal with them accordingly.

  • above the fold

  • lazy brain

  • attention bar

The Creator Economy and Web 3

❏With only 10,000 fans, he (Jay Clouse) earns 10 million a year by Zhou Jiaen

Goodwill and gratitude will gradually accumulate into "trust", which is the most precious thing in the community era... Managing the trust of fans will turn you from "a case-receiver who looks at people's faces" to "a partner who treats them equally" .

Take the initiative to contact your favorite software companies and ask them if they do affiliate marketing and discuss cooperation directly.

Digital products include: online courses, e-books, templates, workshop courses, etc. Once completed, you can sell them over and over again.

What the distribution owners care about most is ROI, that is, how much money they can get back to them if they throw a dollar at you... Focus on "high unit price" products and "high-quality" content.

He deliberately made the community small and beautiful, with a maximum limit of no more than 200 people... The advantage of the community is that you can find out who your core fan base is, get familiar with your core TA audience, and help them achieve their goals and gain money. income. However, building a community requires investing a lot of time, and you must also be patient in "nurturing" the community.

Reading pengong 🙋 IMO: It is worth learning from the Web3 project

If I were to make a blind guess without reading the article, I would think that Jay Clouse's largest source of income is "business matching", but this is not the case.

It turns out to be an advanced version of the subscription system.

If it is like newspapers and magazines, Netflix, and Disney+ unlocking the paywall, I (privately) call it the original version of the subscription system; but if a certain community is opened for this, and you can directly communicate with the enablers (and other great users) first Online communication, the value your subscription cost brings to you is directly proportional to your "active investment" in the community. This subscription system has a higher sense of belonging and stickiness . I (privately) named it the advancement of the subscription system. The next level version, I yearn for it.

In the Web3 world, some NFT projects are working in this direction, but one flaw is that "NFT is a one-time buyout, not a product with continuous deductions and subscriptions." It is very difficult to expect sustainable operation after only paying once. A difficult thing, if you can't follow up, it will be GG.

AI + Web3 Public Welfare Class Notes #3|ChatGPT Basic Strategies for Writing Prompt Words by Reading Bigeng

We can summarize the Prompt Engineering direction we learned today into a few essentials:

  • Give more features (Feature)
    If you don’t have a clue, you might as well start with “people, things, time, places and objects” or “5W1H” to make the prompt more specific.

  • Role Playing: Role-Based
    Ask ChatGPT to answer questions based on an identity (context).

  • Parroting: Task-Based
    Feed a framework or structure and let ChatGPT follow the template.

  • Unfinished Business: Task-Based
    Give ChatGPT some prerequisites and let it help you complete the follow-up.

Swift 🧙‍♂️ IMO: Asking AI the right questions

The craze of AI has not stopped since 2023. People who have used it are excited and curious, just like when we saw the emergence of Wikipedia and the Google search engine.

But do you really know how to use it? A great man in history once said that what matters is not the answer, but asking a good question. As long as you ask the right questions, half of the difficulty is already solved.

Have you ever met someone who is very knowledgeable? When you don’t have much time, you try very hard to ask something, learn or challenge the other person, but in the end you end up with an “ambiguous”, “watered-down” or “no” answer. "Does it hurt?" polite words?

Follow the footsteps of Reading Pen Geng and review this AI + Web3 public welfare course. He will take you step by step to understand how to ask the right questions to AI and how to guide it to truly serve you and become your second brain instead of just Talk to you politely.

At the end of the e-newsletter, I would like to give you a preview of the [Creator Economy IMO] online voice event at 8 pm on February 27th (Tuesday). We will conduct regular review discussions on this project, and also talk about last year’s fourth Experience of participating in "FAB DAO Subsidy" quarterly.

IMO|Chuangjing IMO project review chat, let’s chat on mic together

Relaxed chat, everyone is welcome to chat on the mic together.

IMO|Chuangjing IMO project review chat, let’s chat on mic together

✅Click on interest to turn on event notifications

❍ Time: 20:00, 2024/2/27 (Tuesday) (duration about 1 hour)
❍ Location: Matters Discord Free Channel 2❍ Host: Swift Evo
❍ Guests: Reading Bigeng, Hugo Hugo

Education is not about indoctrination, it is about igniting the flame of learning.
Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel .

——Socrates .


The first choice for 2024 New Year gifts [Creator Economy IMO Gift Pack🧧]

  • Obtain weekly newspapers and character writing NFTs

  • Unlimited playback of audio interviews with characters

  • Irregular airdrop distribution

  • 17% off annual subscription

Convey your taste with the best gift💯

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Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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