What is a super certificate? ft. GG20

觀察者 Denken

Super certificate is a kind of NFT. But explaining what hypercerts are is as difficult as explaining what NFT is.

The blockchain is like a public shared notebook, and NFT is the note paper inside, so the super certificate is a note grid paper with some fields recorded in it for people to record "contribution degree" and "contribution period" . If you agree with the "impact" of this contribution, you can support it with money.

The original vision of Super Certificate even hopes to make "influence" an investable target through the free trading of Super Certificate NFT and increase the motivation for donation! However, I personally am not optimistic about this direction, because as long as the "contribution" is turned into a "freely tradable" NFT, it will obviously meet one of the conditions of the Howey Test of "securities":

…expect profits solely from the efforts of the promoter or a third party.

In actual national laws, based on the consideration of protecting investors, securities are usually classified as highly regulated industries, which makes this road blocked. However, once you remove that functionality and make it a pure donation to a non-profit, it becomes the same as a traditional fundraising process.

To put it simply, let "donations be donations and investments be investments"! You don’t have to think about making money when you donate, and you don’t have to think about doing good things when you invest.

Therefore, in my own experiment, I treated the super certificate as a traditional medal/certificate of participation/souvenir, purely as a record. If retroactive funds can be raised in the future, the funds can be allocated according to the holders of the excess warrants without considering any buying or selling of the excess warrants.

Gitcoin Grants 20 (GG20)

In this community round, Hypercerts Ecosystem Round was selected by community members and received an additional matching donation of $25k . This time, the total funding reached $35k, and 35 projects were reviewed and listed. What are the application scenarios? Let’s take a brief look at the top five donations currently ( for reference ):

  1. Atlantis : Focus on climate change

  2. Change Code : Trying to Rebuild the Impact Economy Market

  3. VoiceDeck : Funding in-depth reporting on impactful journalism

  4. Proof of Philanthropy : R&D donation experience and commemorative NFT

  5. Spark : Developing a third-party evaluation system that exceeds certification and influence

Recommended: Projects from Taiwan

1. Formosa Guide of Hypercerts "Taiwan Hypercerts Guide" : Initiated by FAB DAO Hypercerts Laboratory, it will soon become the record holder of Taiwan's web3 public action field and the authoritative organization of web3 influence evaluation through a series of professional selection activities.

2. Blocktrend : Needless to say, Taiwan’s most important blockchain knowledge popularization media.

It can be seen that the topics are very diverse, ranging from field applications to system construction, and funds are raised through the Hypercerts Ecosystem Round.

As stated in the "Block Trend" article: Super Certificate is " issuing influence certificates and finding sponsors for public funds ." However, there is still a long way to go in how to measure and audit these influences and find sponsors willing to support.

In addition, the user experience of over-certification is still poor, and almost all of them are technical problems. Take the first super certificate of "Web3Matters Matt Weekly" as an example. Although it can be viewed on the official website of the super certificate , the picture cannot be viewed normally on third-party websites (such as OpenSea , etherscan ), and it is also difficult to find the super certificate number from the official website. Corresponding NFT number ( poorly designed rule ).

Fortunately, most of these are front-end problems, and officials have plans to improve them . Continuously raising funds through the Hypercerts Ecosystem Round also allows the third-party ecosystem to flourish and collaborate with each other.


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觀察者 Denken《Web3Matters 馬特週報》創辦人,軟體開發與寫作經驗超過九年。觀點文章每週更新 👉🏼 https://denkeni.substack.com
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