Film Review▕ "Millennium Actress" - For love, the crowd searched for him thousands of times, but the man was in the dim light


There is a thunder warning. Although there are no detailed plots or endings, there are still choices to discuss related issues. Please read carefully if you mind.

The crowd looked for him thousands of times, but the man was not in the dim light

Chiyo has been searching all his life, looking for the fate and uniqueness that he encountered in the winter snow scene. That trip not only stumbled Chiyo, but also bound the indissoluble bond between the two. It is a pity that regardless of Chiyo No matter how hard you try, that Langjun is always farther away, unable to catch each other, just like two stars watching each other, but their trajectories can never meet, they can only look at each other, but cannot meet. Therefore, even though Chiyo stepped on the iron shoes and walked through the snow in the mountains, there was still nowhere to put the missing heart.

The theater where Chiyo is playing is always beating drums and hilarious, almost everyone likes her, and her dedication touches the men around her, making her senior female star Yongzi jealous. Chiyo is like a dazzling star. The sun attracts everyone's attention, but at the same time it scorches the existence of some people. Yongzi feels unwilling to be her foil, but she can't do anything. What makes her even more angry is Chiyo's attitude. In Yongzi's eyes, Chiyo has Everything, but always holding the key discontentedly, clamoring to find the absurdly destined person.

However, this is also the reason why Yongzi can only be a foil. She can't be as desperate as Chiyo, and naturally she can't show the same enthusiasm for life to move others. What Yongzi envy is not Chiyo's acting skills or status, but her dedication heart of.

The thousand-year-old witch at the time of the curtain gave Chiyo the curse of eternal reincarnation, revealing that Chiyo will suffer and suffer for the sake of love, and that confusion and loss will be entangled in her body again and again. This may seem like a curse, but it can also be imagined as Chiyo. The wise old man in his heart is rational. It turns into a strange thing, conveying fear and anxiety. In fact, he wants to remind Chiyo that the dream-like lover does not exist at all, or he has already fallen into the cage of death, life and death. On both sides of the Taiwan Strait, what Chiyo is looking for is only an image and emotion that has dissipated, which is not real, more immature, and irrational.

From now on, we can find that whether it is the mother, Yongzi or the monster mother-in-law, they are all older than Chiyo, and they are all more mature and intelligent women. Compared to Chiyo, that attachment seems romantic, but looks childish, which is just right. It is also the incarnation of Chiyo's inner self-improvement and attractive anxiety.

According to psychologist Freud, Chiyo's persistent reaction is the embodiment of "Electra complex". Chiyo lost his father since he was a child. In Chiyo's eyes, his father is a "great hero" who trades his life for his own. Born, but also because of the absence of his father, the image of an adult man is very unfamiliar to Chiyo, but very attractive. Due to the long-term absence of his father and the lack of psychological compensation for his father's love, Chiyo is more eager for an adult man who fits his father's image, which means that the hero who has never shown his face in the film represents the constant lack of positive atmosphere in Chiyo's growth process. The "heroic image" of the male protagonist can be seen from the plot arrangements of the ronin, rebels, and civil rights activists in the play. For Chiyo, as long as she can successfully talk about a sensational relationship, she can prove that she can be loved by her father just like everyone else.

Of course, we all know that Chiyo’s father loved Chiyo so much that he sacrificed himself in the earthquake, but that is a distant story for Chiyo, and there is no way to materialize it. Even if it can be understood rationally, it is still emotionally longing for similarity. Father's love is satisfied.

Again, going back to the pull between mature women and Chiyo, from the surface meaning of Electra complex, it forms an inner psychological motivation that pushes Chiyo to sit in the position of a mature woman to attract characters who fit the image of her father. In order to be attractive, Chiyo must confront and eliminate the existing threats, namely, the mother, Yongzi, the monster mother-in-law, and the tricky female villains who appear in every scene in the play, and replace them by killing their mothers to gain the attention she craves. with love.

Chiyo goes to the stage for love. She plays various roles, but she also plays herself. She believes that reason is not a necessity for love, but emotional impulses and desires. She believes that a hopeful tomorrow will always come, so she keeps moving forward. .

The crowd searched for her thousands of times, but that person was long before the lights were dimmed

Purity and aging are two contrasting adjectives. As a young girl, Chiyo’s romantic desires represent loyalty, single-mindedness, and purity. Just like everyone’s expectations for a pure girl, she has never been sullied and tainted by social reality. Chiyo is just a blank piece of paper. It is the psychological desire of all human beings, and the refined water lily located in the high mountain is abnormal, moving and will not disappear.

Water lilies, in the Western world, symbolize purity and holiness, and are usually used to enshrine goddesses. Germany even believes that water lilies represent the strong affinity of the opposite sex, but it is difficult to coexist peacefully with the opposite sex. The water lily is regarded as a fresh and refined moral model, which can be used as a lesson.

It can be seen from this that Chiyo’s story is not only like love, but Chiyo itself is like a water lily, which emerges from the mud without staining

However, for Chiyo, she has experienced the rise and fall of Japanese militarism. In fact, she doesn't care about national honor at all, she only cares about her children's private affairs, which seems to be rebellious, but the spirit of contradicting the development value of the country has made Chiyo a sacred goddess. , a contradictory but interesting development. Even so, no matter how firm Chiyo is and the process of constantly failing, he will inevitably feel frustrated and confused. Is Yiren still alive? Can his performance attract the attention of his lover? Or who is she who jumped out of the screen? If the treasure chest that cannot be found has been lost, what is the meaning of the existence of this key? If you are no longer youthful and pure, will anyone still love you?

The reputation of a thousand-faced girl, for Chiyo, also represents her confusion about herself, which completely fits her self-doubt.

"Millennium Actress" doesn't specifically sculpt the aforementioned self-murmurs, but it is still understandable. This may be Chiyo's true feelings and experiences. Even if she has ten million perseverance in love, the fact that she is constantly stepping into the air will still lead to doubts. And fear, the questioning of herself outside of the play may not be the real drama arrangement in the play, but the projection of self-refutation in Chiyo's heart. In other words, Chiyo lives in a self-imposed cage constructed by a thousand-faced character.

So, how does Jin Min solve Chiyo's mental embarrassment?

At the end of the film, through the perspective of Genya Tachibana, the director of the documentary film, we not only experienced Chiyo's brilliant achievements together, but also saw Chiyo's fragility and dedication. Although Chiyo cannot stay young forever, the white-haired girl with a thousand faces is still full of charm. Being able to steal the attention and attention of President Tachibana, Chiyo understands that even if his appearance is no longer young, his investment and years in the film industry are still meaningful, and that beautiful image really exists in the hearts of every loyal fan. Interesting to say, this is another contradictory setting set by Jin Min, which means that Chiyo's confusion arises because of everyone's attention, but Chiyo's meaning exists because of everyone's memory.

I like to pursue myself

In the end, Chiyo found that she was not only chasing her dream lover, but her ideal self. Even though she was still limited by the screen and love, those desires and desires could not take away Chiyo's self-interpretation. Therefore, she can say that it doesn't matter if you can't find it or not, because what I like is the one who is chasing.

I like Jin Min’s arrangement very much. Let’s go back to the previous Electra complex to discuss. The theory of Electra complex was actually put forward by Freud, an authoritative old white man. Although the whole theoretical structure is creative and great, it still follows the Patriarchal structures are developing. Therefore, if Chiyo pursues self-love and identity according to the patriarchal structure, it is also in accordance with the patriarchal cravings, that is, the obedience needs constructed by men, and women must rely on men to survive.

It is a pity that Chiyo does not abandon militarism, let alone patriarchy. She wants to be loved and craved for love, but she does not need to rely on others or men to prove herself, others are just witnesses to witness her greatness and pursuit. with meaning.

The flower language of water lilies, in addition to representing holiness and charm, also represents perseverance. Facing the water lilies that bloom in the morning, it is like the unremitting efforts of thousands of generations, and finally achieves the meaning of survival.

The so-called Yiren are not in the water, but by the side

The unforgettable love portrayed by Jin Min, in the real world, may only feel stupid to others, how can they spend their youth to keep that unrealistic vow? From this point of view, some people have also mentioned that the president of Tachibana, who has been silently waiting for Chiyo, is really suitable for Chiyo.

Besides, for Tachibana, what he admires and worships is Chiyo's spirit, not just Chiyo's appearance. If Chiyo really lets go of his attachments and stays with Tachibana, Chiyo who is no longer in spirit is just a body, clothed in Chiyo Fake coats. In other words, although the plot arrangement of "Millennium Actress" is indeed a pity, this is why it can stand the test of time and become a poetic classic. It challenges the norms and imagination of ordinary people, and tells you to chase what you desire. Values are the core driver of our humanity.

Therefore, on the surface, this is an animated feature film that celebrates love, but in essence, it explores people's doubts, existence and identity just like "Blue Fear". In other words, the film unfolded because the crowd searched for him a thousand times, and then expanded because the crowd searched for her a thousand times, and finally, it was gathered together in a dim light, to represent the hero and heroine separated by the other side of life and death. It represents the place where the heroine jumps out of the screen lights and seeks to find a place to live.

Where the lights are dim, the light is ridiculing and gloomy, and the lights in the play that represent life and the life in the play contrast with each other, but Jin Min chose to hide the answer in the gloom of the winter snow scene instead of the hot summer night. Firefly scene.


On the whole, "Millennium Actress" contains not only people's expectations and projections for love, just like "Blue Fear" and "Tokyo Godfather", it wants to explore the essence of human beings, which is why Jin Minzhi can do it. It's a classic reason. It uses a plot that blends reality and reality to reveal people's true emotions, but it doesn't give answers plainly. Instead, it invites you to think and talk together, so that you can collide, reflect and entangle yourself with the characters. , in order to produce full viewing enjoyment, even if the picture quality and special effects are not as splendid as contemporary animation, it is still worthy of our careful entertainment.

Finally, Xin Qiji's "Qingyu Case Yuan Xi" ends

The east wind blooms thousands of trees at night, blows down even more, stars like rain, BMW carved cars fill the road with fragrance,

The sound of the phoenix flute moved, the jade pot turned brightly, and the fish and dragon danced overnight.

Moth snow willow golden strands, laughter is full of dark fragrance,

The crowd searched for him thousands of times, and when I looked back, the man was there, where the lights were dim.

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