
The way to find yourself is full of dangers. There may also be bad consequences. In addition to maintaining a trusting relationship by example, and letting children think of their parents for help as soon as possible, it seems that they can only pray and pray.

At a dinner party on Saturday, the husband talked about his first car accident. He had just got his driver's license for three months, and he grabbed the driveway with a classmate who was not pleasing to the eye.

When I came back, my father-in-law saw that Mr.'s face was wrong. Ask, what's wrong?

Sir: There was a car accident.

Father-in-law: Did anyone get hurt?

Sir: No.

The father-in-law looked at his son's whole body.

Father-in-law asked: Where is the car parked now? Do you want to get it back? (If it is not handled well, with the license plate information, the police will come to the door.)

Sir: In the garage.

The father-in-law poured a glass of strong wine to shock him. Say, deal with it tomorrow, you go to rest first.

The husband was surprised that his father did not check the damage of the car at the first time.

When he woke up the next day, his father-in-law gave him the keys to the new car. The damage was so bad that it wasn't worth the cost of repairing it, so I directly changed the car for him.

After listening to Mr. many times, I can recite it.

High school class trip to Florence Italy

I wandered outside, and when I returned to the Youth House in the early morning, I found that the door was locked.

Had to see if I could climb in through the window.

Glad to be able to climb out of the window into the big sleeper.

The sound of coming in was so loud that everyone in the house was alarmed, and they were cast in disdain.

When I woke up the next day, I found the house was empty. Also missed breakfast time.

The staff was absent and the door was locked again.

Had to climb out the window again.

On the last day, obediently went to pay the accommodation fee. Although every day comes in through the window.

High school students take cheap long-distance buses to Paris for a few days.

All the money is spent on nightclubs. Can't afford a hotel. Seeing someone sleeping under a bridge and thinking about that would work too.

Just spent the night under the bridge with homeless people, and was given a newspaper cover.

Slept well the next day, disturbed by flashing lights and the noise of the crowd. It turned out to be tourists interested in taking pictures.

There are many stupid things among young people abroad

Racing in reverse in the tunnel... see who's braver?? Mutprobe

In fact, who is more reckless and stupid.

Hearing this, I will be glad that there is only a daughter, not such a foolhardy son.

The gentleman said with a smile, why do you think these hot-blooded young people are better than the young and beautiful girls next to them?

Each time Mr. cheerfully recalls his youth. I can't help comparing myself to my youth.

Hormonal bursts during puberty, exploring your own process among your peers...

Parenting is very different between East and West.

Western parents are of course worried, but they know that worrying is useless, and they know that prohibiting is useless

The way to find yourself is full of dangers. There may also be bad consequences.

In addition to maintaining a trusting relationship by example, and letting children think of their parents for help as soon as possible, it seems that they can only pray and pray.

Do you think the two children are rational and independent, too planned, and lack a bit of rebellious spirit?

When children play at high school evening parties, they will explain where they are going, when they will come back, and who they will be with before going out.

At first, I waited for them to return before going to bed.

Later, I felt that it was not necessary, so I didn't wait any longer.

Instead, they came back with something to say. Lying on the side of our bed and explaining everything.

We stumbled and said, not tired? Go to bed early.

Hard-working honey picking is everywhere in June

apple tree begins to bear fruit

Cherry early red


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