I am willing to defend Silly's right to express prejudice.


I am willing to defend Silly's right to express prejudice.

In the eyes of some people, I am also stupid, and I hope that people who think I am stupid can also defend my right to express prejudice, so I am also willing to defend theirs. Even if they don't want to defend my right to express prejudice, I'm going to defend theirs, because if they lose their right to express prejudice, so can I.

That's not my victory. That was our failure.

We should all have the right to express prejudice, even if someone is not aware that they are expressing it. Because only by allowing him to express his prejudice can he get feedback on his prejudice from others and realize that he is expressing a prejudice. If he was asked to shut up as soon as he opened his mouth, he would never realize that he was expressing prejudice and believe that it was the eternal truth.

The fear of being deprived of the right to express prejudice will make him no longer dare to express, no longer willing to express, and therefore no longer able to receive feedback, dead wrong ideas will no longer be able to be renewed, he will hold on to it and refuse to let go, Like an epitaph, it is commemorated and regarded as an oracle.

What dangerous thing can a man do who believes he has eternal truth and is not allowed to express it? Ten, a hundred, a thousand?

I want to defend the right of Silly to express prejudice.

Even if the idiots will meet, they will grow, and they will make a huge noise, which seems to drown out all rational voices. But the voice of reason is still there, and subtle shifts are taking place—you need to look very closely to find out.

I don't need stupid to admit that I am stupid, and I don't need stupid to admit that my prejudice is prejudice, because change does not happen in an instant. Slowly, when he finally realized that he was once a fool, realized that he was prejudiced, it may have been long enough to forget that he was a fool who refused to admit it all.

So maybe no one will apologize for past mistakes.

But change is happening. Change has happened.


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