[ISCN Rock Festival] 5 million LikeCoins are waiting for you to apply and join the cultural preservation movement!

Liker Land
Introducing ISCN Rock Festival and supporting IBC this week, two major events

Promote the cultural preservation movement

Do you think there is any content worthy of perpetuating in public space for future generations to discover? Shakespeare's play? Disappearing archive records? News photos, text and videos? Institutional meeting minutes? Old photos that reflect the face of the times? Art creation/painting?

ISCN Rock Festival is a fund that supports the registration of valuable content to the blockchain. As long as you intend to preserve the content in this way, you can apply for funding. The initial total amount available for application is 5 million LikeCoins (approximately HK$800,000).

If you are a technician, you can also apply for funding to develop projects that will help ISCN grow.

The application process is very simple, all you need to do is complete seven simple questions on a one- page application form.

480,000 pieces of content have been uploaded

At present, there are 480,000 ISCN records registered to LikeCoin chain. You can learn about the latest ISCN data through the ISCN dashboard developed by catding. For the method of batch registration of ISCN, the first step is to organize the data in CSV format, and then use the iscn-batch-uploader tool to register in batches. For the method, please refer to the explanatory article of Huangniushanren.

After the content is on the chain, it will be stored in a decentralized manner by 50 nodes , and anyone can become a node without censorship, so that the content is truly maintained by the public.

LikeCoin will support IBC

Proposal 17 is in the voting stage, and the content is to make LikeCoin support the IBC (Inter Blockchain Communication) function. This function is very important and will enable LikeCoin chain to interact with other blockchains that also support the IBC protocol. One of the most eye-catching applications is to integrate with Decentralized Exchange (DEX), allowing users to exchange other currencies on DEX .

The rapid development of DEX in Cosmos ecology, such as Osmosis , Emeris , Sifchain , etc., are all DeFi projects in Japan. We expect LikeCoin to be listed on DEX as soon as possible after supporting IBC.

If you support/oppose the proposal of LikeCoin to support IBC, please vote in person , or delegate a validator to vote on your behalf. Every LikeCoin holder is a stakeholder, and your rights only truly belong to you when they are exercised.

LikeCoin is a decentralized publishing infrastructure that assists authors in registering content to the blockchain and writing down permanent credentials ISCN to achieve content authorization, verification and traceability.

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Liker LandLiker Land 讓故事成為收藏品,是內容愛好者的廣場。 主頁:https://liker.land Discord: https://discord.gg/likecoin
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Liker Land 台北聚會 - 飛地見!


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