[Whispers of Life] Long-lost Book Fair


On the last day of the 2022 Taipei International Book Fair, it was raining lightly. Due to the epidemic, there were many fewer booths participating in this exhibition, but the huge exhibition hall made people feel more relaxed.

I have a book and map in hand to guide me, but I can go wherever I go. The advantage is that I am free, the disadvantage is that I am a road idiot, and in the vast sea of books, I keep getting lost. .

From sparsely populated to more and more crowds, seeing people standing in front of the booth, as if to scan the text into their minds, is amazing. Usually, it is always disturbing to see people with mobile phones in their hands. It is the book, which is quite calming.

Punch card on Facebook wrote: Come to a place where people keep swiping their cards. Yes, I want this as well as that, there is a kind of personal touch that cannot be obtained by buying books online. Until my hands seemed to be dragging a shot put, I couldn't hold it anymore, so I had to ask the staff where the locker was, but after it was put away, I would fight again.

On the way back, I slept all the way, and continued to sleep when I got home. In just one morning, a book fair actually consumed most of my physical strength, I think, as well as my brain and eyesight.

Spreading out today's spoils on the living room table, I'm sure I'll be dancing with these new books for a while.


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晴天小姐寫想寫的內容,成為自己的字療師。 如果文字可以抒發心情,那這裡就是女性自己的房間。
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