"Everything with Taiwanese mayonnaise/salad dressing" experience record

This time it's Taiwanese mayonnaise XD

Companion: "Everything with Japanese Mayonnaise" Experience Record

Since I accidentally opened a new world, of course, I can't miss Taiwan Low after trying Japan!

Honey Mustard Salad Dressing

A nearby store saw that this brand has two flavors, one original and one honey mustard:

  • Original Taste: The memory of the breakfast shop back then came to my mind, it was the taste of the breakfast shop!
  • Honey wasabi: It is closer to the taste of Japanese mayonnaise, with a mild wasabi taste, but a little sweeter.

For these two sweet-controlling stars, my brother and father have accepted them well, because the price of MIT is half cheaper than that of the Japanese products that cross the sea, and they are even more sweet. The same as the last time, I went through the "Mayonnaise Experiment with Everything", and the following directly enters the impression:

  • When simply adding rice or noodles, the sweetness is more obvious, I personally think it is more bitter, and the sweet-controlling star thinks it is delicious and can have another bowl.
  • Mayonnaise + ketchup = Qiandao sauce , which can reduce the sweetness, or add some pepper spice to improve the taste. The rice noodles and dishes are paired with rice, and the soda biscuits are also delicious after being slightly baked.
  • It just happened that I wanted to eat preserved eggs once in N years, so we devoured preserved mayonnaise eggs...and it was delicious haha! The sweeter mayonnaise is better paired with salty or sour foods.
  • Simple blanching of broccoli goes well with mayonnaise, lettuce mainland girl cabbage is suitable for a little blanching with mayonnaise, a warm lettuce salad!
mayonnaise preserved egg

Finally, I must sincerely say that this is really an occasional craving! Just look at the ingredients at the back... Am I going to be forced to make my own mayonnaise... (Serious consideration...


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