caffeine overdose

Habits are truly one of the most terrifying yet undetectable sources of error in human life.

Habits are truly one of the most terrifying yet undetectable sources of error in human life.

Taking advantage of the rare one-day weekend, I dared to take the high-speed train to the other end of the island to have a rare reunion with my university classmates. One of my classmates has already moved to the United States, and there is still a month or two left in Taiwan to take advantage of the rare training opportunity. , so I started to seize the last chance to spend more time with everyone.

After a cup of hand-brewed coffee in the morning, I took a taxi to the high-speed rail station and brewed another cup with me before departure. I thought that I could continue to enjoy my own brewed coffee in the afternoon. In the lively time of the afternoon, everyone was talking and laughing, and also walked to the neighborhood to buy a hand-cranked cup and came back to share it with everyone.

After the party, I figured out the number of trains to take. There was not much time left this time, so I hurriedly boarded the car and left to go to the convenience store at the back of the car to quickly choose drinks, mineral water, and plan to drink it on the car. The selection was rushed, and I left without seeing what I bought. After drinking one of the cans during the nearly two-hour drive, he returned home feeling dizzy.

I wanted to ask if it was because of taking a new drug, but when I realized I wanted to go to bed earlier but couldn't fall asleep, I remembered to take out the drink I bought at that time, because the second can had a discount and I took an extra can and didn't finish it. Keep in refrigerator. After looking carefully, I realized that the drink was also full of caffeine. This is the truth, and yes, it's the overdose of caffeine that causes the bodily reaction similar to drunkenness.

The last time I had a similar situation was more than a year ago. It was also because of my habit that I accidentally drank more caffeine drinks that were different from the usual ones. As a result, I couldn't work and rest normally all day long. This time again, I regret that I couldn't solve it quickly. I can only teach myself a good lesson, and hope that I will not indulge again in the future.


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Jerome連續兩年寫作不間斷,可以稍微自稱是個「文字堆砌人」。曾於多領域任職與創業,帶隊完成金氏世界紀錄項目挑戰。現音樂產業 x 文化活動產業與夢想家共同追逐獨角獸中。
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2022 馬特市年度問卷 | 中斷了日更的一年,波動起伏的一年

