How to improve your fighting skills

1. Turn over the document and slap the other party in the face 2. Question the other party 3. Tell the other party that you think too much

I was almost pissed off by the other system manufacturers mentioned in the 7/15 article. After arguing about the one-year online rule last time, Qiao Hao finally said that because there is no other impact, there is no need to change the program. As a result, I told me yours today. The processing mechanism does not conform to the rules, please we have to change the program and continue the test...

Our colleagues came to the company early in the morning to be on standby, ready to accompany them to test, but the other party did not meet the rules, and the test will not be tested until the program is changed!

Colleagues had to silently send the parcels that other system providers asked us to send and receive, and go home directly, which is very miserable! Going to the company just to send a package XDDD

Back to the topic, the manufacturer who said we didn't meet the rules, Super Shrimp! My colleagues and I were looking through the specifications provided by them in 2019. Obviously, there are no restrictions, and the specifications do include the mechanism we are using now, so I asked him, what is this function used for?

As a result, a specification sheet slapped him in the face, and he actually replied: This mechanism is a special application, if you want to use it, you must apply!

Stupid cat!

And then told us that the current mechanism of POS may extend the problem, I will directly reply to him not! Because when we encounter that situation, we will ask us to investigate, and then we will deal with it, and the problem he said will not happen.

The other party had to be quiet, and then he said that the trouble is directly listed as NG, and the current mechanism is added, and then the relevant personnel will be asked to determine whether the program can be changed.

Finally, I wrote an essay on the test case, waiting for the relevant personnel to judge, and then ask them to talk to the customer by themselves~

PS. How to improve quarrel skills:
1. Turn over the document and slap the other party in the face 2. Question the other party 3. Tell the other party that you think too much ^^


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