Quarantine Music "Embrace Every Day" and "The Prophecy of Revelation"

In isolation, watching the new crown still surrounds the world, watching the war in Ukraine, praying, and listening to the concert in 2021.

♫When distress surrounds you, when the road is bleak; the window of happiness, let fresh air fill your heart♫

♫ We walk every day and we love every day! Let me accept hugs, everything today...♫

The first time I heard the poem "Embrace Every Day" was on a Sunday in May 2021. Originally, this was an old poem from the cassette tape period thirty years ago. When Preacher Zhong reappeared it for us, I not only felt the anguish and sorrow in my heart, but was also deeply attracted by the love and hope.

Old songs from 30 years ago seem to be singing today in 2022

The first paragraph of the poem, as if describing our current locked-down situation:

"The annoying corona,

still around us,

The journey of visiting relatives across the country,

Toil hurts God...

Can you not be melancholy? "

The closed window of my sad heart was suddenly opened by the lyrical singing.

The second stanza of the poem, like a physician, whispers:

"Do not hide your emptiness,

Don't cover up your loneliness,

let us, together,

face it with love

Everything today..."

The sincere singing, the lingering sound, I am bathed in the sunshine of love, intoxicated, warm, and looking forward to...

Beautiful songs can not only express the inner world of people, but also soothe people's wounded hearts, and also bring joy and hope to me. Reminds me of what the proverb says: "A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones. "

When the world was just beginning to be affected by the new crown, Preacher Zhong had convened the Auckland Creation Choir, singers from nearly 20 churches, to rehearse "The Prophecy of Revelation" starting in December 2019. This is the latest choral work created by the famous sacred music composer Dr. Mei Guangwen based on the last book of the Bible, Revelation. The Book of Revelation is a book of prophecy about the new heavens and new earth, and it says, " Blessed are those who read the prophecies in this book, and those who hear and obey what is written in it, for the time is drawing near."

Blessed, I have personally experienced the shocking power of this live music. It was the weekend of July 21, which saw the first performance of the creative choir "The Prophecy of Revelation" in New Zealand.

Listening to it again is like stepping into a musical treasure: after 18 months of tempering, the wonderful singing of the choir members hit my heart.

They sang slowly, or sang loudly, or helped each other;

They are like good angels, singing in that endless love...

I am grateful for the concert of the epidemic generation, which brings joy to the closed life and allows me to understand the direction and ending of the world.

Those who hear it must be blessed, let us share the blessing, and let us relive it.

Top-notch music, video, recording, editing

♫ We walk every day and we love every day!

Let me accept hugs, everything today...♫

CC0 License

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