first day

"Misunderstanding and lack of confidence" --> the first day

After three weeks and twenty-one days, or 504 hours or 30,240 minutes, I finally had the slightest sense of what could be called the first day of this series.

During these three weeks, I started to write songs, picked up the guitar that I almost gave up, and at the same time, I was also coping with my studies, trying to think about the future direction. It was also during this process that I gradually thought about problems that I hadn’t thought about before. , also got some answers, and this answer is exactly what I want to share today about my misunderstanding of "not confident".

 "Confidence is understood to refer to a positive perception of one's own personality brought about by an internal thought process; after going through this thought process, one may be able to answer questions such as 'Who am I or what am I?'". Wikipedia

When I first got to college, I was very nervous about going on stage to report the matter itself. That tension would be accompanied by nausea and then peaked in the thirty minutes before the presentation, but when I started thinking about it afterwards, I was ready to report the whole thing. During the process, I found that I was clearly well prepared, and my reports were not bad, and my friendship with the class was not bad, but the most important thing is that I have no problem with communicating with others. , and even I am quite confident in discussing a certain aspect, but why do I misunderstand my fear of "going to power" as that I have no self-confidence?

 "Empathy, or sympathy, empathy, etc., is the ability to understand or feel what others are going through from the reference system of others, that is, to use understanding and imagination, etc., to try (in imagination) to place oneself in The ability to be in another person's situation or "position". "Wikipedia

After thinking about these days, I think that the root of the problem is actually "empathy". When I think about the whole reporting process, I find that I am not nervous about the "reporting". It was me who was worried that other people's perceptions of me would change, I was worried that if I forgot my words or behaved badly in this report, the way they treated me would change, and then I really realized why the two In group discussions, I will accept no matter how bad the other person's idea is. Why do many people come to me when they need help, even if it is something very simple for them, and it makes me feel like I am being used , even now, I'm still wondering what they would think of this article.


Does empathy really only have a negative impact on me? Not all, except for people who make me feel like I'm being used, I'm even better with them because of empathy, and I'll even become the object of their conversation, end of report Even though I didn't behave very well that night, they would still ask me if I wanted to play a game that night, and I found out that it was me who trapped me in this matter, and put me on this name." Not confident" the person in the handcuffs is actually me.

 "Occasionally there are times in life when you have a way to make others believe in you, but deep down you don't believe in yourself." Stephen. Covey

The above is the story I want to share this time. I think that people are not born to achieve certain achievements, but to experience the process in the middle, but if you pursue the wrong things, the experience process will become very difficult. Is it boring?


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