[Animation experience] The movie looking for the little witch Doremi: Thank you for the little witch who gave us the courage to grow up

"Little Witch Doremi" is not just a spell of "Pilika Pili Lala", it is a growing story. The most unfortunate beautiful girl in the world, Doremi, with her pure love and courage, accompanies the people around her through many difficulties in life.

(There is a thunderbolt in the text! There is a thunderbolt in the text! There is a thunderbolt in the text! It is very important, so I will say it three times!)

Stills of "Finding the Little Witch Doremi" (Source: Toei)

At the beginning of the movie, the opening song of the first season of Little Witch Doremi brings back memories, almost burst into tears, and familiar scenes, and seeing the protagonists grow up because of the courage given by the little witches, I am also super moved.

As far as the plot is concerned, passersby will probably only think that it is an ordinary inspirational animated film, but for those who like "Little Witch Doremi", it is a journey to recall childhood memories, which is full of moving.

The protagonists are no longer the little witches that everyone liked when they were young. Originally, I didn't want to watch this movie because of this, but in fact, following the three protagonists who liked the little witches on a memory trip, I will find that there are many resonances in my heart. When I was a child, I watched "The Little Witch Doremi" in front of the TV. I naively believed in magic, I thought I could ride a broom and fly to the sky, and I liked to follow the little witches and shouted "Perak, Perak, Lara, Bobolina, Bebeludo." !", went to school to chat with the classmates about the various childhood memories of the plot.

Stills of "Looking for the Little Witch Doremi" (Source: Double Happiness Movies)

The three heroines are all fans of "Little Witch Doremi". Although they have realized that there is no magic when they grow up, they still remember the inspiration and courage brought to them by "Little Witch Doremi". When encountering difficulties in life, They each embarked on a journey to find the same scene in "Little Witch Doremi", so they met and became attached.

It really restores a lot of scenes that once appeared in the animation of "Little Witch Doremi". The figures of the little witches and the animation plot of that year also appear in the memories of the protagonists, like when they quarreled, they thought When I was a child, I watched how Doremi and Yuyue two good friends quarreled, and finally made up just like the little witches. All in all, it's full of memories!

"Little Witch Doremi" is not just a spell of "Pilika Pili Lala", it is a growing story. The most unfortunate beautiful girl in the world, Doremi, with her pure love and courage, accompanies the people around her through many difficulties in life.

Doremi is surrounded by children who are at odds with their families, children overwhelmed by excessive expectations at home, children who have lost a loved one, children who are afraid to go to school because of social fears, and children who are afraid of going to school for various reasons (stature, appearance, changes in puberty, friendship between friends) Misunderstanding) Children who were bullied and laughed at, when they encountered problems, Doremi accompanied everyone to solve the problem.

These problems also happened to us or our classmates when we were young. It was Doremi who told us how to face these big and small problems. We watched the growth of the little witch and classmates, and they also accompanied us to grow up.

Stills of "The Little Witch Doremi" (Source: Toei)

It seems that Doremi is relying on magic to help everyone solve problems. In fact, her own helpful personality is magic. If it weren't for her love for her friends and her courage to solve problems, she would not be able to use magic to help everyone.

As the protagonists of this theatrical version said, in fact, Doremi itself has such magic, and we can also have our own magic. "Magic is in our hearts." Dragons and spells solve problems, but we can rely on the magic in our hearts, which is our own talents and wisdom, to face problems.

Therefore, among the heroines in this theatrical version, Meiling, who was suppressed by her boss, bravely quit her job to do what she likes; Lixiang could not get rid of the childhood shadow left by her parents' divorce, and finally chose to rely on her painting talent to live out herself Xiaokong, who longs to be as brave as Doremi, but has been working hard because of her indecision, also has the courage to pursue her dreams again because of reawakening the childhood memories left by "The Little Witch Doremi".

My IG account: @haru.and.g1.day (full of star chasing things)


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HARU LENA嗨,我是LENA,也可以叫我鴨鴨,一個喜歡二代韓團的迷妹,在這裡用文字記錄我喜歡的人事物。合作、邀稿歡迎私訊我的IG追星帳號@haru.and.g1.day
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