Reading pen farming | Preparing for the Matt City NFT project #02・MetaMask Little Fox Wallet

Build a little fox spaceship to bridge with the OpenSea space station.

In the previous article , I discussed the concept of NFT. Using a rough but easy-to-understand analogy, think of your digital work as a house, and NFT is the right certificate .

After inquiries, I learned that Matt City NFT will be issued on the OpenSea exchange. To buy and sell on this platform, you don't need to register an account. Instead, you have to use an " Ethereum wallet " to connect to it.

Counted, supports 13 (above) wallets

Sorry, your Liker.Land and Keplr wallets cannot be used to bridge.

Treat Liker.Lnad and Keplr as street accounts and Line Pay Money, and merchants that support the eight major electricity bills put Cosmos stickers; however, OpenSea sticks ERC stickers, and it is a different cash flow, it only accepts Xiaomi, WeChat, Alipay... wallets under another system.

If you still see the fog, it's okay, just know that this article will guide you to register a key (wallet) to open the door of OpenSea !

■ My first Ethereum wallet: MetaMask

Take MetaMask (Little Fox Wallet) as an example, please enter the online application store on the Chrome browser.

Install Little Fox Wallet

After the plugin is installed, start it, and you will see the welcome screen⇩. Each step is broken down as follows:

Install Little Fox Wallet
Install Little Fox Wallet

After you're done, the little fox wallet will appear in the browser's "extensions" (looks like a puzzle) area, you may wish to pin the Logo⇩.

■ Fine-tuning settings

✅ 1. Alias your account

Click on the little fox Logo → Account Details → Pencil icon, and choose a well-known nickname ⇩.

Alias the account

✅ 2. Black Crystal vs Amethyst

To buy NFTs at OpenSea , imagine coming to the happy world of Tom Bear , spending with tokens, and not only one token . There are two common price presentation methods, one is to pay with ETH (black crystal), and the other is to pay with ETH on Polygon (amethyst)⇩   .

In response to different tokens, the wallet should also be switched to the corresponding network

I asked again and learned that the Matt City NFT was minted (Mint) on the "Ethereum Mainnet" (Dark Crystal). In order to let everyone have more choices when shopping, we also add Polygon (MATIC) network to the little fox wallet⇩.

Add Polygon (MATIC) sidechain
Add Polygon (MATIC) sidechain

Among them, the information required in step ❹ is as follows⇩, copy and paste it.

 ◍ Network name Matic Mainnet
◍ Chain ID
◍ Symbol (optional)
◍ Blockchain browser URL (optional)

✅ 3. Gayon on the same scene: Eat Potatoes

If you have stepped into the Potato media platform and earned CFO tokens, you can store them in the little fox wallet, and you only need to enter the tokens yourself in the Polygon (MATIC) network that was just completed⇩.

The little fox also eats CFO tokens

Among them, the information required in step ❷ is as follows ⇩, copy and paste it.

 Token Contract URL 0x0E2a70C08e884eA76116fccdC8b8be559162f08e

✅ 4. Plus screening at the same scene: You can also use the App

I seldom do "transactions" on my mobile phone, because I want the screen to have a larger field of view and feel more at ease; but it is quite convenient to simply use it to "view" information:

⚠️ Install the APP version of Fox Wallet on Google Play .
Little Fox Wallet on the App Store .

I was just rehearsing the operation of retrieving the wallet with the help of “mnemonic words” whenever the device was changed⇩.

Even with the App

Other fine-tuning methods are the same as the web version. I have gone to "Security and Privacy" to lower the auto-lock seconds⇧, and also activated Touch ID login for your reference.

■ Bridge with OpenSea Exchange

Excited to finally bridge this little fox spaceship with the OpenSea space station?

Please first aim at the hatch (link to the login page), connect the little fox wallet, a pop-up window will appear, just follow the blue button to go⇩.

Bridge with OpenSea Exchange

The fusion was successful.

If you want, you can also embellish your page in "Profile" ⇩, today's task is completed.

Decorate your page

■ Preview of the next episode

First, a quick recap of the main points of this article:

⚠️ Build a little fox spaceship to bridge with the OpenSea space station:
① Matt City NFTs are listed on OpenSea and forged with "Black Crystal".
② Register Little Fox Wallet.
③ Wallet fine-tuning settings.
④ Connect to the exchange.

In the next article, I want to recharge the wallet and actually buy NFT; the plan is to start from the DigiFinex exchange, exchange coins , and consider the cross-chain cost in the process, and finally inject the funds into the little fox wallet .

If there is still something unclear, please leave a message to ask questions, I will try my best to answer!

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