Tainan Roaming Day2-3-Anping Old Street to buy souvenirs

Tainan must-buy souvenirs "shrimp cake" and "candied fruit"
Day2 itinerary
 Youai Street Hotel-> Sicao Green Tunnel-> Wang's Fish Skin-> Anping Old Street-> Wenwen Beef Soup-> Shennong Street-> Take a stroll at the sweet place of Ningweijia and eat ice cream-> Eat Aiyu at Qingshuitang- > Watch the sunset on Yuguang Island->
Dadong Night Market -> Huiyouai Street Hotel to eat night market food & rest.

After eating "Wang's Fish Skin Shop" , we decided to go to the nearby Anping Old Street for a while to digest and eat the next stall XD

Anping Old Street is more difficult to park than I thought. There seem to be few parking spaces for motorcycles around. It took a while to find an empty space in a small alley.

The old street is similar to the general old street. Various snacks and local delicacies will be sold. Of course, when we see people queuing up to buy things, we can't help but be curious and want to join in the fun.

The first must-buy souvenir "Lin Yong Tai Xing Candied Fruit"

The first time we passed by and saw that the store was full of people, we were too lazy to go in. When we returned, we found that the crowd was less, so we quickly went in and strolled around.

In addition to the candied fruit made of various fruits, there are also plums, etc. Because I don't know what is the most popular, I chose the "Dried Cranberry" that looks special, and the "Signature Wet Guava" which is limited to 2 packs per person. Dry".

It must be said that "dried cranberries" are really delicious, sweet and sour, and not greasy! (Forgot to take pictures, you can go there in person if you have the opportunity.)

The second must-buy souvenir "Shrimp Cake"

There are really too many shops selling shrimp cakes on the road. I didn't particularly want to buy them, but a friend just tried "Hot Fu Fei Fried Shrimp Cakes" and wanted to buy them. Slap is a pack of 10 pieces, it's okay, let's get together for a discount.

I probably only bought these two. If you have other recommended souvenirs, please leave a message to share!


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