【About work】Teacher! May I call you big sister?

兩謙 Ruth

Hi everyone! I am Liang Qian!

Today I am going to share the story of part-time work in the first half of 2022

Chapter Navigation:
  • Ding dong! The message pops up from the phone
  • Clam?! What?
  • It's raining
  • it's not all your fault
  • goodbye little cuties

【Ding dong! The message that pops up from the phone]

After I left school, I transferred schools and continued university life. I gave myself a semester to adapt, and then in 2022, that is, after the next semester, I started looking for part-time jobs.

It was the countdown to the winter vacation, lying in bed to enjoy the last leisure.

"Ding dong!" The phone vibrated

"Who is it?" While wondering, he clicked on the strange message

"Hello! Since I saw your profile in the FB club, are you interested in teaching craftsmanship?"

So an unexpected message, I took the job.

【Clam?! What?】

The interview was scheduled for Friday, and the weather in Taipei was still wet and cold.

It's hard to tell if it's because of the weather, or whether it's because of physical tension and involuntarily.

The interview process went smoothly. It was a job similar to that of a talent class teacher.

A little different is that this talent class is located at the school.

To put it simply, he is nominally a school club teacher. (Oh...interesting...so exciting...)
But after the unexpected interview, I have to go to work directly after three days, and the most disturbing thing of all is that there is no preparation in advance,
There was no advance notice, everything was so sudden, and it all depended on the on-the-spot reaction.

15 minutes before the class that day, the boss took the materials and explained the process, etc.

In short, the first class ended when I didn't know what I was talking about and fell to the extreme.

And this suddenness also created the pressure that this job brought me later.

【It's raining】

The school's regulations are very meticulous and strict, from group messages to inspections after each class,

Even if you stay every week to clean up again, accidents can still happen.

One day after get off work, I received a severe accusation from the teacher, claiming that the desk was painted and the cleaning was incomplete.

Full of grievances but unable to refute, like a lot of hard work not seen.

It was raining that day, and my heart was pounding.

【Small preserved egg】

I like to call it Little Preserved Egg because it is skinny but still cute.

They like to sing the opposite, but they will silently help you put away your utensils; they like to tear up confetti, but silently fold all kinds of colored paper for you.

Is that what kids are like? Skinny and cute.

【It's not all your fault】

After experiencing some small emotions, I like interacting with children, but I am still a little scared when dealing with authorities such as teachers.
You have to work hard without making mistakes.

Interestingly, towards the end of the term, I took a leave of absence.

Changed to a very qualified boss (the same teacher) to substitute the class. Since the club classroom is a borrowed classroom,

Occasionally, there will be classroom teachers preparing lessons or correcting homework between classes.

The next time I went to class, Teacher Keren told me about the boss's class practices,

Suddenly knowing smile, not all your fault.

You have done your best.

It turns out that the society will value seniority and age, it is a real thing,

And all I can do is to have as much conscience as possible.

Being harassed may be common, and when age and social status are unequal, it is difficult to have an equal relationship.

【Goodbye little cuties】

After letting go, I like the children in the class more.

We played together as much as possible, and they always took my hand and said, "Teacher, can I call you big sister?"

Maybe I still can't do a more professional role like "teacher",

But being able to accompany them seems to be the best gift.

In the last class, one of the girls asked, "Can I see you next term?"

No way! little cuties,

Goodbye and thank you too.

Record the small part-time work time from March to June 2022.

Further reading:

[Novice Village Guide] How do I manage my daily life with google calendar

【Essay】Sometimes restlessness can only exist in oneself

About Me — IG 🔎 Liang Qian RUTH:

Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

兩謙 Ruth我是兩謙,有著多從身份與不同標籤,但我期望我是我自己,能真實活著的我自己。如果用幾個關鍵字快速認識我,約莫為 寫作 × 設計 × 插畫 × 攝影 × 街頭 × NGO,但期望你能透過筆下的我,與實際對話後的我,了解我是什麼樣子,也讓我學習認識你的樣子。 這裡大多分享我的想法與生活, 藝術創作的部分則以IG居多!歡迎大家來走跳走跳! Instagram : @ruth_draw.dsgn
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