【Flip Your Life】You are not much different from the successful people you envy

Many people's pursuit of success is an unconscious inertia, as if they feel ashamed if they don't strive for the top. Are you living in such shame? Or is your pursuit of success a real joy and enjoyment?

In a world that seeks to become the winning group in life, we are often exhausted, study hard, show ourselves, manage relationships with heart, and even correct ourselves and align others from time to time to avoid deviating from the track of social recognition.

However, the less confident a person is, the more obstacles they will expect, the less chance of success, and the easier it is to fall into the trap of self-blocking.

Want to be successful but can't help but cheat?

Want to increase confidence, easier said than done? Anyone who wants to truly change their minds needs to first recognize the wonderful workings of their subconscious mind.

When a person works hard with the belief of "fear of failure", the subconscious will carry out this belief to the end, leading us to develop avoidance mechanisms, such as illness, accident, powerlessness, guilt, lack of time, lack of resources... . As a result, it is impossible to fully invest in everything. After all, if you don’t do it, you will not fail, but it is also farther and farther away from success.

It may sound cruel at first, but the subconscious mind does not distinguish between right and wrong, it just faithfully helps us "do what we want". Since your idea is that "failure will be painful", your subconscious will take you past those feelings of vulnerability and frustration that you don't want to face directly, making you go astray, but you can't help but deviate from the original goal, but it is difficult to succeed. It can be said to be a kind of "" False intentions come true ."

Regrettably, most people can't see their beliefs and the subconscious operating mechanism, so they crudely regard "ill-fated, inferior, cowardly, lazy, ignorant of progress..." as a mark that cannot be washed away by themselves. , scolding yourself for being inferior to others, and feeling guilty about your cowardly self; feeling depressed when you look at your suboptimal self.

How to take back control of life?

In fact, beliefs are just beliefs, not all of you. When you get out of habitual thinking and are no longer at the mercy of your subconscious mind, you have new options.

If you look into it carefully, you will find that the reason behind cowardice is that you are strong; the reason for cowardice is that you do not want to lose . It is the heart that " too long for success and hates failure" that binds him.

It can be seen that your attention to strength and victory is no less than that of others. Cowardice and being strong are essentially the same thing; cowardice and aggressiveness are two sides of the same thing. It turns out that there is not much difference between you and the powerful object you envy, it is just a difference in choice.

In the past, you chose to compare, correct and correct, and repeatedly criticizing yourself was not good enough. This journey is really hard! It's time to stop criticizing your own inadequacies, and look at yourself who is eager to succeed , and see how strong your heart is, and how powerful it is.

At the same time, dig deep into the self who hates failure , and see the various beliefs that have been implanted since childhood. When you face them honestly and accept that these beliefs are part of you, you can stand on a higher perspective. to watch yourself . Once the angle is changed, life will no longer be at the mercy of the subconscious, and will regain the dominance of life and begin to truly enjoy various choices such as hard work or relaxation.

It's up to you to "authenticate" yourself

People who look at themselves from a higher angle will find that there is another choice in life - returning to their own axis!

When you find your own axis and stop judging your own good or bad from the eyes of the world, you are just you, you are one of all things in the universe, you are like the wind, you are like a cloud, you are like a tree, and you are like a bird. It grows and grows between heaven and earth with a unique attitude, bringing a touch of color to the world that only you can provide.

When you find your axis, you will also be loyal to yourself, be passionate about and enjoy the path you have chosen, and shine naturally and successfully. In this way, life, it is all up to you to authenticate yourself .

you are life

you exist

you are beautiful

all of us are

#心Energy: [Flip Your Life] You are not Lu She, you just haven’t used the power in your heart yet#


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S+【心靈創作/潛意識導引諮詢/社工師】曾經,日復一日迎合世界的標準,追求完美、害怕失敗、討厭錯誤...,苛刻地做為自己最大的敵人。直到踏上靜心與自我覺察道路,發現潛意識影響著我們每一天的生活,體認到力量在於心念之間,每一個當下我們都擁有選擇! 原來,生命本身是一場祝福,只待我們去「覺知」它。 也因此,盼將這份覺知與祝福,傳遞給與我相遇的每一個你,一起讓生命成為禮物!
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