Countless hidden truths


On the way to get off work, I bought a bouquet of gardenias to take home. I thought that as I typed these words, I would inevitably feel depressed. Perhaps the fragrance of the flowers could make me feel calmer.

Today I saw the vicious wounding incident in Zhenxiong, Yunnan, plus some things I saw and heard during this period. When your emotions reach a critical point, you really want to write something, but you can't find a suitable platform, so just leave these feelings here and hope they don't disappear one day.

Every time a vicious wounding incident occurs, the Internet is almost full of accusations that the suspect is perverted and unscrupulous. The media will also guide to the spiritual level to incite public emotions, but no one digs out the reasons behind this extreme behavior, because in this place, the truth behind it cannot be dug out. It is like an ancient tree that has been around for thousands of years. Buried under the earth is already an intricate root system.

Therefore, it is only necessary to report how cruel the suspect was, how innocent the victim was, and how heavy the casualties were in the incident, thereby arousing public indignation, and the incident can be completely publicized, and as time goes by, New events and new gossip information appear overwhelmingly, and the whole event will be like a small stone thrown into the vast sea, without any splash. There may be some ripples, but the final fate will be calm after all.

When indiscriminate killings occur, most people on the Internet are talking about one point of view: even if there is injustice, the person responsible should be held responsible for the indiscriminate killing of innocent people. Indiscriminate killing itself is deeply wrong, this is undeniable. However, if these so-called "parties" could be easily found, how could there be so many innocent people involved in the incident? What's more, behind many incidents, there is far more than one "party".

This reminds me of the book "Chinese Farmers Survey" that I have been reading these past two days, and the two vicious incidents of hurting people mentioned in the first two chapters. In order to fight for their own legitimate rights and interests, farmers wanted to seek help through the formal feedback mechanism, but unfortunately they were persecuted by the class power. After the incident, the media and relevant departments directed them to cause trouble and fights, covering up the real demands behind the incident, causing tragedies to repeat themselves.

When indiscriminate killings occur, in addition to condemning, condemning, and venting our emotions, shouldn't we pay more attention to the causes behind the incident? We should also listen to the demands of the individual and think about how a person's blood becomes cold.

When only one voice is allowed to exist in a place, it is destined to become the best breeding ground for evil.

People have no place to complain when they have their grievances, and there is no law to rely on. They are suppressed and suppressed again and again, which in turn leads to the occurrence of extreme incidents. The "real murderers" behind these incidents are never the people who appear in the news reports, but those who hide behind the incidents, frantically wiping the "blood" on their hands while greedily enjoying the fruits of crime.

Every time I see these social events happening, I feel a deep sense of powerlessness surrounding me. I thought that I was full of enthusiasm for journalism because I read Chai Jing's "Seeing" in high school. With my idealism, I went to college to study journalism. I imagined that I could rely on my own feet, hands, a pen, and a The book, and passion, reveal the hidden facts and allow those who need to speak out to be heard and seen.

An excerpt from an essay about "My University, My Ideal" that I wrote when I first entered college (written on December 21, 2015)

Later, I realized that I was really too idealistic. When the teacher teaches us the course, he no longer asks us to learn how to write a calm and objective report, how to collect more news clues, and how to verify the authenticity of the incident, but teaches us how to How to create hits with traffic, how to quickly produce video news, how to make article titles more attractive... Gradually, I discovered that "news is dead" is not just a slogan, but a real fact.

In this era dominated by traffic, in this land where positive energy is required in everything, there is indeed no news to speak of.

Those truths that have been hidden one after another have finally sunk into the long river of history. The earth is still turning and life is still going on. The pain that is not seen or heard is like snowflakes one after another. Before they hit the ground, they have been melted and evaporated and disappeared without a trace.


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