Reading Bigeng|Three reasons why you should try BitSong Wallet (with demonstration)

A set of interface integration, indicators arranged in a row, and a basket of thoughtful information. I sincerely recommend giving it a try. At the end of the article, a demonstration of staking a BitSong node is attached.

I don’t know which coins you stake through the Keplr wallet ?

I have pledged the Big Three of Cosmos ( as they are called privately ): $ATOM, $OSMO, $JUNO, as well as Chihuahua Coin ($HUAHUA) and Star Coin ($STARS). However, there have always been some inconveniences, that is:

  1. Chihuahua coins must be managed separately using omniflix .
  2. Following on from the above, what is the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) of Chihuahua Coin?
  3. Want more information.

The BitSong Wallet decentralized application (Dapp) we will introduce today can alleviate these pain points.

■ Three reasons why you should try BitSong Wallet

The detailed process of activating this Dapp is shown in the appendix at the end of the article. Let us first take Chihuahua Chain as an example, click on the validators menu, and experience what surprises BitSong Wallet brings to users compared to omniflix ?

BitSong Wallet main screen

✅ One interface to manage multiple currencies

Currently, BitSong Wallet supports the management of eight currencies, but they all happen to be the currencies I hold. I can centrally pledge and vote for the Cosmos Big Three, $LIKE and $HUAHUA communities through the same interface .

For the pledged coins, I will pay special attention to their community governance and go online regularly to check the proposal discussions. It is great to be able to integrate them!

✅ Verifier indicators lined up

Thanks, I finally learned that the APR of $HUAHUA turned out to be about 354%. It also showed the commission rate, voting power, and the amount of delegates. The four indicators of the validator were lined up in a row , which was clear and transparent.

The inability to switch the sorting basis of validators is a slight drawback.

✅ More information

In addition to the most basic validators and proposals menu, it also provides a wealth of information, such as various aspects of position data (portfolio/assets/stats), and direct access to the blockchain browser to query transaction records (transactions).

There is a very thoughtful magnifying glass 🔍 pattern in the upper right corner, allowing you to quickly find a specific validator, although you can also use Ctrl + F instead; index to the #decentralizehk node, and click to browse. There is a feature that I like very much. It provides Each validator places an introduction link (personal webpage) so that "voters" can get to know the "candidates" well. I read it like an election bulletin.

#decentralizehk Nodes

With a set of interface integration (staking, voting), lined-up (validator) indicators, and a basket of thoughtful information, we sincerely recommend you to try BitSong Wallet Dapp.

■ Appendix: Demonstration of staking BitSong nodes

Coinciding with the launch of the BitSong node of [Erica] in the daily life of coders , I exchanged some $BTSG tokens to try staking on the BitSong Wallet (Editor's note: It is not currently available through the wallet. pledges $BTSG) and leaves a record.

  • A Currency exchange and storage <br class="smart">First exchange $BTSG on a decentralized exchange (such as Osmosis ), withdraw it and store it in the Keplr wallet.
A Currency exchange and storage
B linked wallet
  • C Find the validator <br class="smart">Switch to the BitSong blockchain network in the upper right corner, click Validtors on the left menu and then use 🔍 Find the validator of " Coding Everyday|Coder Daily ", click on the right "⋮ ” and select Delegate and you’re almost done.
C Find the verifier
D Handling fee tips

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