"Strangers Met in Namtso" (5) Everest Base Camp (II)

"Is your head still hurting?" "Yeah." "I'll sleep with you, okay?" She only said one word when the headache was too overwhelming to express anything. "it is good."


The so-called Everest Base Camp is actually the base camp for all explorers who want to climb Mount Everest (ie Mount Everest). There are two main routes for climbing Mount Everest in the world, one south and one north. The southern base is in Nepal, and their destination is the northern base camp in Tibet. Since they didn't really plan to climb Mount Everest, their destination was a "tourist camp" open to ordinary tourists, not a camp for real climbers. Having said that, the height there is also about 5,200 meters above sea level, which is the highest point he and she have reached on this journey.

The parking spot is some distance from the Everest Base Camp, and since vehicles are not allowed to enter during the peak season, the driver hired a horse-drawn carriage for them to transport their luggage from the parking spot to the Everest Base Camp. After a short rest, everyone set off for Everest Base Camp, hoping to arrive before sunset.

There were two empty seats in the carriage. The two girls were worried that the altitude was too high and their bodies could not cope with the long hike. They wanted to take the carriage to the base with their luggage, so the two boys had to (forced) to hike to the Everest Base Camp. . The girls go by horse-drawn carriage and don't need to walk. Compared with walking, it should be quite comfortable. It's just that the Chongqing girl hit her knees during the ride, and she kept losing her balance and rushing forward.

Finally, after a lot of tossing and turning, the carriage finally arrived at the base camp of Mount Everest. After arriving, the Chongqing girl immediately looked around, but she kept looking back on the way they came, looking for him.

She saw another boy bandmate walking slowly from a distance. She is a little anxious, what about him?

Looking around, she finally saw his figure not far behind the group of friends, she breathed a sigh of relief.

two people from afar

When the two boys arrived, she went over to welcome them. They both looked tired and were both out of breath. She went over and patted him on the shoulder.

"Thanks a lot."

He looked at her and smiled. His smile was a little childish, looking like a child who had just completed some task.


Seeing his smile, she smiled too.

"Let's rest in the tent first."

She took them both to the tent where they were going to stay and had a cup of hot tea.

After resting for a while, everyone took a look around and took pictures while the sun had not yet set. It's a pity that God is not beautiful, they can't see the true appearance of Mount Everest in the camp.

Mount Everest covered by clouds

When she was walking around, she saw prayer flags hanging on a small hillside. She wanted to go there and take a picture, so she walked slowly by herself. He was also nearby, and when he saw her trembling on the hillside, he walked over, grabbed her hand, and supported her. At that time, the wind had started to get stronger, and she was afraid that she would fall on the gravel-covered hillside. At that moment, she just grabbed the hand of the person who came to help her and walked intently.

When she reached the position of the prayer flag, she only remembered after he let go of his hand.

Oh, he just held her hand.

prayer flags

Her heartbeat seemed to speed up. It must be because of the high terrain there, she thought.

After taking pictures, everyone saw that the sun was about to go down and went back to the tent to rest.

Most of the teahouse tents in the camp for people to live in are square, and there are also long sofas on the four sides. It is usually used as a chair to sit on, but at night it becomes a bed for everyone to sleep in. They went back to the tent, ate some instant noodles that they had purchased before, and after a short rest, they went to bed separately.

Inside the teahouse tent

For the first time that night, she used a sleeping bag borrowed from a friend instead of the store-provided quilt that looked like it had not been washed in ten years.

Intentionally or not, she put the sleeping bag near him. She didn't know why. Maybe, just want to get closer to him.

In the middle of the night, she woke up with a splitting headache because of the mountain reaction. In the tent without any light, he also found her awake somehow.

"Are you uncomfortable?"

"My head hurts."

"You should be better off with some painkillers."

As he spoke, he pulled some painkillers from his bag and handed them to her.

She ate.

After a while, nothing seemed to improve. he asked her.

"Does your head still hurt?"


"I'll sleep with you, okay?"

When the headache was too great to express anything, she only said one word.

"it is good."

Then he turned into her sleeping bag.

It was a single sleeping bag, and it was a bit reluctant for two people to use it together, so the two of them naturally embraced in the sleeping bag all night.

Seeing that she still couldn't sleep well, he used his arm to make her a pillow.

At that moment, all she felt was warmth.

On the rational side, she knew to keep her distance from him.

However, in a moment of weakness, she decided to follow her heart. Even if she would get hurt, even if she knew there was no tomorrow, she knew that, at least, he had been with her during her painful nights.

Maybe that's enough?

(To be continued)


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