【Watch】Netflix Documentary "Crime Scene: The Disappearance of the Cecil Hotel"

Image from: https://reurl.cc/mGyv1W

(Because it is a personal record, so there is thunder, please read carefully)

The disappearance of the Cecil Hotel, commonly known as the Lan Keer incident.

I had also seen the surveillance footage of Lan Ke'er waving her limbs in strange movements back then on the news. It's really weird, and her name is very special, so it's very impressive.

I don't watch TV much. But it could also be that the news media in Taiwan is always anticlimactic? All in all, the reports were horrific at the time; some said it was a supernatural phenomenon, some said it was murder, and some said she was on drugs, but I still don't know what happened in the end.

So, when I saw a documentary coming out, I put it on the tracking list.

From the subjective point of view, there is obviously no supernatural phenomenon in the whole film, but after watching it, I somehow feel like I have seen a ghost movie or a thriller. Sleep with the lights on that night. (I usually sleep with the lights off)

It may be that the atmosphere described is very mammoth, and people who like thrillers should like it.

There are two ironic points about the whole incident:

First, the truth is astoundingly simple.

The reality is always more absurd than the story, and this is true.

It is true that the Cecil Hotel is a notorious hotel, and its surrounding area is the well-known slum area of Los Angeles, which is a place of right and wrong. As a result, the whole event fell into all kinds of speculation and reasoning, which became more complicated and bizarre.

However, when everyone is thinking: "Oh ~ a girl who is only 21 years old, living in the most famous problem area of Los Angeles, and the most notorious hotel, the chances of being safe and sound must be almost zero!" At the same time... ....

The most dangerous thing is her own mind !

The police mentioned in the final film that Lan Keer's sister revealed that her sister suffered from severe bipolar disorder. She did have auditory hallucinations and hallucinations when she stopped taking the drug, and she felt that someone was chasing her, so she would hide everywhere, even Hide under the bed.

This also explains the series of weird behaviors she appeared in the elevator.
(The elder sister also confirmed that the younger sister was exactly like that when she got sick)

I imagine her being chased all the way by the (in my head) terrifying killer, desperately climbing the escape ladder outside the hotel (unprotected and terrifyingly high!), then escaping onto the roof, trying to hide in the sink. In the end, although she was there to survive, she was forever fleeing from those hallucinations that came from the flesh, leading to death.

How blunt and absurd is this fact, almost like the oracle of Oedipus' birth.

Those keyboard detectives, who are keen on all kinds of fancy speculation, busy piecing together all possible clues; or indulge in knowing how much she is through Tumblr (really?), and even get into the drama to cry and get angry about it, but ignore her real Problems and situations in life: how much she struggled with her own disease, and behind those struggles, how much she longed for spiritual freedom.

This is reminiscent of the fact that Galileo discovered that the Sun is the center of the Milky Way only based on a belief that truth must be the simplest.

Therefore, he intuited that there must be a more direct and simple law in the intricate orbits of the planets advancing and retreating (commonly known as retrograde). So, he thought of looking at it from a different angle. It turned out that the center was on the sun, and it all made sense.

The same goes for the Lan Keer incident. In fact, she herself is the gravity that makes everything revolve.

This tragic tragedy warns us that mental health is really not to be taken lightly. It may seem like nothing, but sometimes it is far more dangerous to the people involved than the criminals of the entire neighborhood.

When I was in graduate school, some of my classmates also suffered from serious physical and mental problems and had to go in and out of the hospital frequently.

According to her, when the disease is severe, it will violently self-harm (such as hitting the head against the wall and hitting the head full of blood), so sometimes it is necessary to be admitted to the isolation ward for treatment. (One time she came out with a barcode bracelet and showed it to us)

She once said: She understands that this disease comes from the body, and also understands that those negative feelings will disappear after taking medicine.

But paradoxically, she also hated the feeling of having to rely on drugs for the rest of her life to control her emotions.

And after taking the medicine, the whole person will become stupid and feel nothing, leaving only blank space. (But it is said that there are recent developments in the direction of removing these side effects?) Therefore, she sometimes secretly stops the drug. Then, he had a violent attack and was taken to the hospital.

When Lan Keer's sister said that her sister sometimes stopped taking the medicine without authorization, I thought of that classmate.

I guess, apart from the illusion that she might have stopped taking the drug because she thought she was getting better, maybe somewhere in her heart, there is still a faint social stigma against mental illness.

There are actually many chronic diseases that require a lifetime of medication, such as diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, etc. Later, we also found that many chronic diseases are related to genes.

It's like if everyone has an Achilles' fatal point, if they accidentally poke it, they will get sick. (This may be an elimination mechanism that is standard in nature)

Although people can get all kinds of problems, but at the same time people's vitality is also very strong. Thanks to contemporary medicine, people with chronic diseases are living longer with drug control. But I haven't heard of a chronically ill person who is dissatisfied with themselves about the need to take their medication on time.

But relying on drugs to control her emotions seems to make her (perhaps Lan Keer also?) feel that she is degrading her own autonomy. Is this because we are always surrounded by a lot of "emotion management" guide books? So let them always feel that their emotions are not like other physiological chronic diseases, and they should rely on their own (will, change of mind, etc.) to control it is the best? Honestly I don't know either.

Emotions, however, are obviously far more complicated than we think. When the body is unhappy, the mood will also be relatively unbeautiful. Now medicine has recognized that the gut is one of the sources of emotions, no less than the brain. I suspect that scientists in the future may be even more surprised to find that our whole body is affected by emotional changes.

Sometimes I don’t exercise for too long, and I start to lose confidence in myself and lose hope for the future. After concentrating on doing yoga, my mood has become calm again, which is incredible. This makes me always think: It makes sense that a yogi who exercised his mind a thousand years ago also exercised his body at the same time. (Traditional Chinese also see it this way, don't they?)

So there is no shame in taking good care of your body and keeping it in balance. Exercise, normal work and rest, balanced nutrition, and finding a goal of effort are all helpful to maintain emotional peace, but it is necessary to rely on drugs in severe cases, and not to be stubborn. It's just one of the means.

The second absurd thing is that people who are outraged on the Internet, shouting for justice but disrespecting the truth, never apologize .

Among the keyboard detectives who are keen on the Lan Keer incident, I don't know who, named Morbid (real name: Pablo Vegara, Mexican), the singer of the death metal rock band "Dynasty of Darkness", as the possible murderer.

Image via: https://www.bustle.com/entertainment/pablo-vergara-morbid-elisa-lam-now

The netizen cited a Youtube video recorded by Morbid, in which he said that he was staying at the Sehir Hotel, and that there were pictures of murderers on the walls, and his face was painted with makeup that looked like blood. And Morbid also recorded another MV after the incident, which is a music video of chasing and killing young women, as if echoing Lan Keer's killing.

As a result, a large number of netizens flocked to his Youtube, looking for more evidence in his music videos.

To be honest, when I saw Morbid's outfit, I thought:

Where did such a murderer who could be identified just by looking at his face come from? (laughs to death) 😂😂😂

It's too intuitive, isn't it? Do you guys know a little bit of criminal psychology ? What murderer would declare in such a pompous and obvious way, "Oh! I love killing people!"? Of course it's just a show, right? !

Morbid was asked about this by a friend, and when he found out that he appeared on the news in Taiwan (but the accent was a Chinese accent???), although he tried to make a video to defend himself, it could be seen that he was not good at public relations, nor did he Good at socializing (crying QQ), so clarification failed.

The flood of negative reviews, death threats, and abusive messages flooded in. He is completely innocent, but he was crushed by these public opinions, even sent to a mental ward, once gave up his favorite music (deeply traumatized), and even tried to commit suicide at one point. Fortunately, he made it through.

But in the video, he said very sadly: " So far, none of those who have scolded me have come to apologize to me! "

This fact is shocking: you sympathize with Lan Keer, but almost destroy the future possibility of an art creator? And then don't apologize to people after knowing the truth? What a man of justice! ? Just heroic self-gratification, right? ? ?

This incident reminds me of the "BBS Villagers' Justice" in Taiwan in 2012.

And what happened to Morbid also warns us that when we blame others on the Internet, we really need to take a step back and think about what will happen if you actually make the wrong person? You may be killing an innocent person. Some people say it's just a virtual space, so I'm anonymous anyway, and I can say whatever I like. However, the "virtual" of the Internet is only relative to the material, but in fact it will still exert influence in people's consciousness, so it will eventually become the reality of people.

In the end, I really don't think a woman who manages this notorious restaurant for so long is anything but ordinary. I want to post a picture of her~

Image from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdYoPe1mUu4

This eldest sister feels that there will be a load of crazy stories to tell, but unfortunately there is no exclusive interview with the former hotel manager. www

OK! Happy late fifth day of the new year! May you all take advantage of the holiday and enjoy it!


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