Physician's Health | Nine of the top ten causes of death are related to chronic diseases! Eight principles for stable disease control

Nine of the top ten causes of death are related to chronic diseases

Under the impact of the wave of old age, the causes of death of Chinese people are almost equal to chronic diseases of old age. Chronic diseases account for nine of the top ten causes of death. Among the top ten causes of death for Chinese people announced in 2019, nine are chronic diseases. The sequences are: cancer, heart disease, pneumonia, cerebrovascular disease, diabetes, chronic lower respiratory tract disease, hypertensive disease, nephritis-nephropathy syndrome and nephropathy, chronic liver disease and liver cirrhosis.

What is a chronic disease?

Chronic diseases are human health conditions or diseases whose effects are persistent, long-term, or develop over time. The term "chronic" is often used when the course of the disease lasts more than three months. The vast majority are non-communicable diseases, but they are prone to complications, have complex symptoms, and have no clear single cause. Common chronic diseases include arthritis, asthma, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes, and certain viral diseases, such as hepatitis C, and AIDS (also known as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome).

What kind of people are prone to chronic diseases?
  • smoking and drinking habit
  • Those with poor eating habits such as: overeating, hobbies of fried, sweets
  • poor weight control
  • People with high stress in life and irregular work and rest
  • Middle-aged and elderly people whose physical function declines with age
  • Have a related family history of genetic disease

In addition to genetic factors, living habits and diet also have a great influence on the occurrence of chronic diseases. Shigeaki Hinohara, a family physician of the Japanese imperial family, even believes that chronic diseases should be renamed lifestyle diseases. For example, too much stress in life, lack of exercise, overeating, smoking and drinking, addicted to fried food, animal fat and internal organs can easily lead to high cholesterol, high blood lipids, and high uric acid, which can easily lead to heart disease and gout.

What are the common types of chronic diseases?

Chronic diseases generally refer to a group of diseases that require long-term treatment and tracking. These diseases progress slowly, and there is currently no cure. The causes are complex and have a significant impact on our current and future health; common chronic diseases such as high blood pressure , diabetes, obesity, hyperlipidemia, heart disease, stroke, chronic renal failure, osteoarthritis, asthma, chronic bronchitis, chronic hepatitis, cancer, etc. The detailed classification is as follows,

1. Respiratory system: chronic obstructive emphysema, asthma, chronic pulmonary heart disease, chronic respiratory failure, silicosis, pulmonary fibrosis;

2. Circulatory system: chronic heart failure, coronary heart disease, congenital heart disease, hypertension, heart valve disease, chronic infective endocarditis, myocardial disease, chronic pericarditis;

3. Digestive system: chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, intestinal tuberculosis, chronic enteritis, chronic diarrhea, chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, chronic pancreatitis, chronic cholecystitis;

4. Urinary system: chronic nephritis, chronic renal failure, chronic inflammation of the urinary system;

5. Blood system: chronic anemia, chronic myeloid leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, chronic lymphoma;

6. Endocrine system: chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism;

7. Metabolism and nutrition: diabetes, nutritional deficiencies, gout, osteoporosis;

8. Metabolic diseases: diabetes;

9. Rheumatic diseases: systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis (severe);

10. Neurological diseases: cerebrovascular disease, multiple sclerosis, tremor paralysis, motor neuron disease, myasthenia gravis;

11. Mental illness: schizophrenia;

12. Others: tuberculosis, femoral head necrosis, chronic osteomyelitis.

Eight principles for stable control of chronic diseases

1. Develop exercise habits

Obesity is the biggest breeding ground for chronic diseases! It is recommended to develop long-term and regular exercise habits, increase exercise time gradually, and neither aerobic exercise nor muscle strength training can be neglected. This can promote cardiopulmonary function and muscle oxygen supply, and can also reduce body fat and avoid overweight. . Losing 7-10% of body weight can reduce insulin resistance and blood pressure, and can also reduce the risk of diabetes.

2. Pay attention to dietary intake

Healthy eating, three lows and one high: Use the formula of "three lows and one high" to choose low-fat, low-sugar, low-salt, and high-fiber foods. In addition to the basic three principles of less oil, less salt, and less sugar, a balanced intake of six types of food can help the body maintain a good physiological function, and eating more high-fiber foods can avoid constipation, reduce the probability of bowel cancer, and also Lower blood cholesterol.

In addition, obese people need to be careful about calorie intake, and patients with high blood pressure and heart and kidney failure should reduce the addition of high-sodium seasonings. "It is best to eat five fruits and vegetables a day", eat three plates of vegetables and two fruits a day, and eat foods that are low in oil, vegetable fat, salt and sugar, such as grains and soy products.

3. Avoid bad habits

Smoking and excessive drinking are the most direct factors that damage the health of the body, and indirectly lead to the occurrence of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, lower respiratory tract infection, and lung cancer. More studies have shown that smoking a cigarette will reduce at least seven minutes of life.

4. Living routine

The human body has a certain repair and recovery mechanism, which is "sleep". The phenomenon of modern people staying up late has become the norm, and chronic diseases are also known as civilization diseases. Many diseases are caused by poor living patterns. Late at night is the best time to detoxify organs and strengthen the immune system, which can not only enhance resistance, but also promote good metabolism. Therefore, a regular life and rest can make us free from the intrusion of diseases.

5. Regular health check

"Many chronic diseases definitely do not arise overnight, but accumulate over a long period of time."

Regular inspections for high-risk items or tracking of general physical conditions are important indicators to help you maintain your health. In addition, people who qualify for government subsidies can regularly receive free colorectal cancer, oral cancer, breast cancer and cervical cancer screenings. Only by early detection can they grasp the golden treatment period and take good care of their own health.

6. Reject home remedies

Due to the slow development of chronic diseases, it is not easy for patients to have obvious treatment effects in a short period of time, and they doubt regular treatment, or think that symptoms can be improved without taking medicine, and use other unorthodox treatment methods. In fact, these are all Wrong notion! The use of home remedies not only often delays the optimal timing of treatment, but also increases mortality.

Remember, if you have unwell symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately. In addition to taking the medicine on time, you should also follow the doctor's instructions and follow the principles of drug control.

7. Mediation of life stress

"Give your busy self a space to relax and think."

In the face of chronic diseases, it is necessary to make appropriate adjustments both physically and psychologically. Many reactions to physical discomfort are caused by excessive stress, so timely relief is necessary! In his spare time, he can cultivate interest and maintain enthusiasm for life, and maintain good interpersonal interaction and communication. There is also considerable research showing that exercise can effectively help people improve positive emotions and relieve depression symptoms.

In addition, patients or family members who have chronic diseases are often caught off guard when faced with sudden changes. At this time, psychological construction and adjustment are very important. Only with correct attitudes and concepts can you help yourself or your family members get out of the low tide as soon as possible. Coexist peacefully with disease.

8. Correct medication concept

The concept of medication is also very important. Taking medication according to the doctor's instructions can not only ensure the efficacy of the medication, but also achieve the purpose of stable disease control. The idea of "reducing medication" and "halving the dose" are common misconceptions.

The stability of the condition is due to the accumulation of the long-term effects of the drug. If the drug is discontinued or the dosage is changed without authorization, the condition may not fluctuate little in the short term, but it may cause unexpected recurrence or injury in the long term.

Sharing family doctors, authoritative doctors answer:

l Vice President Wei Congwen, an authoritative and famous doctor of physicians and family physicians (Honorary Chairman of the National Federation of Taiwan Medical Radiographers Association / Vice President of Taipei Beitou Institute of Health Management): Health is better than everything, and lack of time for a health check is not an excuse. Taiwan's medical care, especially health Health screening is well-known all over the world. Under the trend of preventive medicine, health screening items are gradually becoming more customized.

l President Lai Jiming (CEO of Taiwan Cancer Foundation / Director of Cell Therapy Center of Wanfang Hospital / Consultant Physician of Cancer Center of Wanfang Hospital / Former Vice President of Wanfang Hospital) facing the continuous increase in the number of cancer patients and the continuous increase in medical expenditure , Regular screening is an effective tool to detect cancer early and reduce mortality.

l Dean Wu Hongsheng, an authoritative and famous doctor of physicians and family doctors (Honorary President of Xiu Chuan Medical Foundation Changbin Xiu Chuan Memorial Hospital): Medical care must be patient-centered, and cannot operate behind closed doors. There must be a good unit to integrate resources.

Physician health, protect family:

l Appointed dean-level authoritative famous doctors to become exclusive family doctors and attending doctors, focusing on serving 10% of patients with diseases and 75% of sub-health patients.

l Honors customized health management service throughout the year, arranges five levels of management according to health conditions, provides comprehensive health management and life advice, and effectively reduces the incidence of diseases by 50%.

l High-end zero-radiation magnetic resonance imaging MRI whole body cancer detection items, including thorough high-level imaging screening of common cancers, the accuracy rate of whole body cancer prevention examination exceeds 95%, effective scanning eliminates the risk factors of cancer and other major diseases, and early preventive treatment will greatly improve cure rate.

l Enjoy the full VIP green channel service of 20+ top hospitals and high-end medical examination centers in Taiwan, and e-question and long-distance consultation will make you feel at ease overseas.

l Recommend the most suitable medical institutions and leading biotech listed companies, and give priority to sharing medical resources, so as to personalize health decisions and optimize medical experience.


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