Great travel experience and amazing - India: It's been a super busy day


Day 3: It's been a super busy day

Location: Gangadri / Weather: Sunny / Temperature: Aya

It was only today that I really entered the spiritual journey~ I later learned that it was also a very busy day! !

Yesterday, everyone was dizzy with soft feet, so after discussing with me, Mr. Yonting decided to let everyone relax a little in the morning, and then prepare to officially enter the spiritual tourism course in the afternoon. Because of this, Sister Huilan and I had time to take a jeep straight to Gang Guo Chui to check the situation. Before, we only received news that Gang Guo Chui was only sub-zero temperature.

We have also been really worried for a while, so whether it is real or not, we ask students to be sure to bring enough clothes. So, as soon as we got to the foot of the mountain in Ganguochui, we were ready to go up the mountain to explore first.

The road to the Holy Land is already very easy to walk, it's all asphalt roads!

All the way is the asphalt road smooth to the end, the scenery along the road is as beautiful as ever, you look at the river flowing in the valley of the Himalayas, that is the Ganges like the blue-green agate (and the Ganges in Varanasi). The color is a lot different! Haha, because it's close to the source!), every time the wind blows across your face, you can almost smell the fresh air of the misty snow on the distant mountains!

What's even happier is that today is a sunny morning without clouds, and you can feel the spring breeze of the Himalayas in April.

When we arrived in Ganguothui, although the mountain has not yet officially opened (the official opening of the mountain is the same day that the Hindu temple in Ganguothui opened, so this time it is on 4/18), people have already entered Ganguothui, sweeping the streets and knocking on the stores. , paint and decorate, and organize the homestay. Just looking at this scene, you will know that it is not the same as the Ganguothui eleven years ago. Cleaner and more prosperous...

On the other side of the Ganges, it can be seen that it has also been renovated, at least the paint has been wiped!

I walked along the street, and everything that passed in an instant was vivid in my mind. I passed the entrance of the back mountain and thought of the scene of climbing the mountain. I passed the small classroom where we cultivated together and the hut where our teachers lived. I saw the small house where Guru lived. ..I can even go right back to the moment when we sat in front of the guru's hut and listened to the guru teach us how to enter the temple....

This is the small house that the teachers used to live in. The two doors below are the wooden beds. The second floor is the small classroom where the class was held. The space less than ten pings was filled with more than 70 people during the class!

Continue to move forward and come to the hotel where the students stayed in those days, wow! Why such a small room? It felt like a big room back then! ! ! Then we entered the small road to the front mountain....everything was as it was back then.... just the personnel were not the same.

I was a little envious of the hotel where the students stayed...haha!

Because the purpose of today is to go to the big stone platform in Changqianqian Mountain, so when we went to the big stone platform all the way, wow~ I really feel like I want to go home!

I was very excited and decided to look for the pine tree that I had a ten-thousand-year relationship with me in the middle of the night. This is actually a very long story. I originally went to the back mountain to find a cave to live in, but I couldn’t find a way and had to turn back to the front mountain (this It took three hours, so it was past 12 o'clock in the middle of the night when I arrived at the big stone platform in Qianshan), I wanted to find a cave in Qianshan, but I walked in and someone lived in it and slept sweetly! I had no choice but to walk forward to the big stone platform to find a more hidden place, the stone was flat, and there was a pine tree that I could rely on that night. I woke up cold at 5 in the morning, but I didn't look at it, I was sweating, and I felt very hidden in the middle of the night. I looked at it in the morning, haha~ The big stone I was lying on was a stone extending from a cliff. There are cliffs on both sides, and the pine trees themselves grow. On the outstretched cliff... It turns out that I have been living and dying all night!

It's this pine tree, I slept by her back then~ I didn't expect that there was a cliff behind.

All in all, it was a pleasant morning, and it was so beautiful to be able to truly connect with all things on a mountain in a holy land where there are few people.

We went back to the camp in the afternoon, and the course of spiritual tourism just started! Let our teacher Yonyo lead everyone to pray with all things and gods in the Holy Land. May everyone be safe this time and get inner improvement and purification.

(There will be no photos in the future~~Because I am very busy!! Cough cough....)

In the evening, the practice was completed before ten o'clock. As soon as I returned to the room, I felt that something was wrong with my stomach, and the feeling of stuffiness and pain kept appearing. I was still feeling this strange feeling, and there was a sudden burst of stool from the two. ~

I was so frightened that I ran to the toilet right away. Someone came knocking on my door before I even got to the toilet~ I really had a thought at this time that I was sorry for someone! !

I originally wanted to pretend I didn't hear it, but the knock on the door started again, so I forced me to turn back to open the door, but it turned out to be nothing important.

Next, in those twenty minutes, I was either on the toilet in the toilet, or on my way to the toilet. Do you know how close it is? Ha ha

After I've had a shit-and-reverse marathon more than four times, I've decided to get my anti-diarrheal pills so I don't have a night of regrets!

Unexpectedly, I was stupid for three minutes when I went out, why?

First, I don't know which room the medical team partner sleeps in.

Second, every room is dark~ Could it be... In those few minutes, everyone fell asleep?

Third, then I'll find Sister Huilan next door, because she definitely can't go to bed so early, and more importantly, she shares a room with another partner who used to be a nurse,

This partner must be full of medicines to help, but I didn't expect that the room is also dark! ! How are you~ when did you go to bed so early? !

Wow~ the only light at this time is the counter where the concierge is sitting, but he is an Indian....I...forget it! !

Next, I will eat all the possible medicines on my body in batches in the next hour~The number of back and forth running has not decreased but is slowly rising~ Now I am worried about another problem... .It's the toilet paper roll that was already scarce in the seems to be disappearing quickly....

So taking advantage of the time I just came out of the toilet when I ran back and forth, I rushed out the door with a roll of toilet paper, and then I wanted to cry even more~ Because even the only light.... was dark! ! ! !

The next time, in fact, was with my diarrhea, romantically feeling it rolling in my stomach so cutely, and then it seemed to be hiding with me. Come out and say~ come and catch me~ I will catch it in the most precise time~

Otherwise, the consequence is the punishment for losing the game~~ Time to wash pants! ! !

I woke up like this, and continued to run back and forth until more than four o'clock.... I finally relieved a little bit, but the relief at that time was actually only from the constant back and forth running to the point where I could go to bed and put the quilt on. Cover it up, turn around and pretend to be okay, then get up again ten minutes later to go to the toilet! !

Of course you may look a little funny now~ but actually that night, I couldn't laugh at all, haha! !

Anyway~~~~~~This night is really a beautiful night~~~Alas...ㄊ

Ps. When I went to bed at night, why did I suddenly hear something moving~ I got up and looked nothing special, and went back to sleep....


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