I want to change from today | The second part of the closing report, the selected works are here!

There are 3 reports in total. This article specially selects excellent works to promote and reviews the activities.

This event has officially ended on the 17th of this month. Next is the final report of the event. Thank you in advance for reading this.

There are 3 reports on the closure of this community activity. This article specially selects excellent works to promote and reviews the activity.

Image source: https://www.pexels.com/zh-tw/photo/4502492/ (the words are added by myself)

📚 A wonderful review of the event, and the excellent works are recommended to you!

In the first two closing reports, all the articles have been compiled, and the bonus distribution has also been processed. In this section, I will share with you some of my favorite works, and recommend some excellent works, no matter whether the articles are qualified or not. If you see a work you like, please click to support him.

I think the stars are really amazing. From the beginning, I didn't know how to draw, but later I was able to draw so many beautiful and cute little illustrations. One of my favorites is the one full of koalas, which I think is super cute.
 The author originally went to work on a farm in Japan. Although I thought about it for nearly five months, I thought it was a great thing. The reason is that getting out of your comfort zone is by no means an easy task, and it deserves admiration.
 I'm terrified of sketching because I'm someone who takes a lot of time to write, anything. It's totally unacceptable for me to just write without worrying too much. And the author keeps drawing every day, and within a certain period of time, he draws very cute and vivid scenes and figures, which is beyond my reach. It is very worth learning, and maybe it can improve the personality of too perfectionism! ?
 The old-fashioned theme of writing a gratitude diary basically doesn’t look much different. However, this is a very rich gratitude diary that I have seen. The reason is that he not only has words, but through the combination of pictures and words, the whole picture is enriched a lot, and it also makes me feel that this diary is very fulfilling.
 The author himself is like Shennong tasting all kinds of herbs, trying various vegetable juices, and the ultimate goal is to live a healthy body and life. Sure enough, health is priceless and worth learning.
 The author shared what he shared (is there a twist?), shared all kinds of knowledge bit by bit with everyone, and felt very warm after seeing everyone's feedback. After reading this article, I also feel very warm, so go and see what hair he has to share!
 Writing an article with your voice is really special, it's the first time I've heard it, so I really want to recommend this article. Although I think I can't speak clearly, it's really hard enough to think while speaking, especially when it comes to writing articles.
 Because I am a person who likes to drink a lot of drinks, I will feel bitter after drinking water for a long time, so I admire people who can quit drinking. However, I have recently started drinking more water slowly, and this article really gave me good spiritual support.
 It's not easy to make demands on someone with an authoritative image like a boss. It is often impossible to say it, but once a breakthrough is made, the real change is made, and the past self is broken. This is what I think is the best part!

The above are just some of the articles. There are many more interesting articles that are worth reading. All articles can still be found in the Notion form . You are welcome to find your favorite articles and support them more!

📝 Review the activity rules, write the rules more clearly

Every time I hold an event, I can basically learn a lot from the event. Basically, in order to prevent various problems from happening, the most important thing is to write everything clearly, but there will always be some accidents. And sometimes if you want to add some new elements into it, it will cause more and more problems. And because of inexperience, the organizer's contingency must be tested completely in the face.

Then I would like to review the following activities and propose some rules that I think can be modified:

  • 📍Participate in award base grading

The first is the issue of the number of participants to participate in the award. When the official announcement of the suspension of the third season activities, there was a lot of discussion, and I also expressed some thoughts of my own. And now I'm going to republish my thoughts and organize my thoughts more clearly.

The original intention of grading the participation award base seems to be to allow people who give back more to the community to get more bonuses. Or to encourage everyone to support more. But after holding two events and participating in countless events, at least my own thoughts are entirely because I can definitely earn back my support now, so I support it with this mentality.

So does it really work to encourage support in this way? The answer is no, because support is not investment, you have to give funds to others, and everyone is more concerned about the money you give than the money you receive. This may be said to be related to the thinking fallacy "loss aversion". Of course, if you have a very friendly relationship and support each other, then maybe it can be regarded as an investment.

Therefore, the method of participating in award grading is definitely not a good way to encourage support, but I think it can still exist, provided that it is based on the encouragement of creation. Or set up a special award for this, but don't allocate too many bonuses, compressing the number of bonuses for other excellent works.

  • 📍Appreciate citizen surveys

Continuing from the above, because participating in one of the surveys of the award classification has praised citizens, let’s talk about the issue of praised citizens.

I think everyone knows that the Citizen of Appreciation has been revised before, and the method of paying without credit card has become the need to entrust the official node 5000 LikeCoin to have the Citizen of Appreciation membership. This is something I didn't expect at all, and some people may have met the above conditions, because they don't have it after the revision.

And one of the problems is that this survey of admiring citizens depends entirely on the time of the organizer's own survey . In the event proposal article, I wrote that the citizens who appreciate citizens are to see if they have them at the end of the event, but the problem is that I can't confirm everyone's membership status after the event ends! If someone owns it after the event, and then comes to tell you that I obviously have a membership, what does that count? And if the civic revision was praised like today, but the organizer didn't immediately investigate the case when the case was closed, wouldn't it be a pity for those who could have gotten more bonuses? (It has not been officially revised when the case is closed) But the question is whether the appreciated citizens have owned it before, it seems that there is no way to retroactive, so I have to apologize to those who have happened.

The above statement, I currently think this is an inappropriate rule and should be revised.

  • 📍Bonus distribution ratio

Let me first talk about the issue of " everyone has a prize ". I have seen some events that only provide prizes for a dozen outstanding works, but I still hope to keep the award for everyone. The reason is that I hope that those who participate in this activity can be encouraged by a little money , because I believe that many people are serious about participating in the activity, and I don't want them to give up participating in the activity next time because the results of this activity are not so satisfactory. . Another point may be that more people will be attracted to participate in the event by the bonus.

Everyone has an award. This is my insistence, but I also hope to encourage high-quality works. Therefore, I think there should be a balance between the two. If it is a high-quality work, it is certainly worthy of a large bonus; if it is a very hard and serious creation, it is certainly worth encouraging him to continue to work hard.

Therefore, my initial idea is to divide the bonuses of the two into half, so that there will be no situation where the participation award is more than the special award, and at the same time, it can achieve the two conditions of encouraging everyone to work hard and supporting high-quality works.

  • 📍Word limit problem

Then discuss this part of the word count problem. I think the word limit is a way to filter out high-quality works. If you only set a few hundred words, it is likely to end with a brief description. However, with a limit of at least 1,000 words, you need to write more content, and you will choose a larger theme. Of course, high-quality works must not only look at this point. If you write nonsense with more words, you can't say this article is good. As for whether 1,000 words will be too much, I personally think that it will not be at all. On the contrary, it is the most tiring to shorten it to less than 1,000 words.

Another point to discuss the word limit is to write clearly what the specification is. Why do you say that? Because I only wrote 800 words in the activity proposal at the beginning, and I didn't say what the word was, but I actually wanted to limit it to pure Chinese characters. And the calculation method used should also be made clear, because I find that each website calculates the word count almost differently . Word, official calculations, and website calculations in the same article will be different, so I will write all of these clearly when I hold an event next time.

I also apologize to@ellie here because I didn't write the rules clearly, which led to misunderstandings and mistakes.

These are my current thoughts, which are very subjective and may change at any time.

🎉 Event review, draw an end to this event

The theme of this event: " Encourage everyone to share the process of their efforts to inspire everyone, and start a new plan to enrich their lives! " Looking back now, although not necessarily how many people were inspired, how many People have started to implement their own plans, but at least they have not deviate from the original intention, right!

In any case, everyone really worked hard to complete the plan they set. Even if they put it on hold, they still did not give up the plan, and wrote down their feelings of failure (maybe because of the bonus XDDD). There are also people who continue to implement their plans after the event even if they did not achieve their plan during the event, which is really admirable.

Of course, the event is over, and everyone's efforts should not end, and everyone's life will not end. Therefore, we continue to call on everyone to use the two labels "#From Today I Want to Change: Motivation" and "#From Today I Will Change: Practice" to record the process of implementing the plan. There are also many people here who work together or give encouragement, so cheers! The host, I am also working hard, come on together!

Image source: Pexels https://www.pexels.com/zh-tw/photo/193821/

Finally, thank you all for participating in this event, thank you!

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炙式化一位熱愛學習各種事物的「學習者」,偶爾寫寫各種文章幫我自己整理思緒,科普一些實用或沒用的知識,當然還有騙騙錢(燦笑)。還是個工作狂,什麼都忙,覺得時間永遠不夠,但我自己樂在其中,這就是「幸福」的滋味。 所有資訊全在Linktree,請慢慢欣賞:https://linktr.ee/Zioh
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