Nine or even the number of yang is long and bitter.

Why is it like this every time? Just look it up, if you want to~

Tang – Mengjiao

Entering the Chu River in autumn, alone illuminates the soul of Miluo.
Weeping the green lotus in his hand, tears of sorrow.
Nine doors cannot be entered, and a dog barks a thousand doors.

Nine doors , referring to? Nine families? In my humble opinion, the nine gates should refer to the capital. One dog barks at a thousand gates, which can be ironic or helpless.

Tang – Bai Juyi

The door is stern and quiet , and the window is quiet in one room.
It's good to cultivate the mind, why is it in the deep mountains.

Jiuzhong Jing is a realm and a kind of self-cultivation.

Song – Shao Yong

One to two or three miles, there are four or five smoke villages.
There are six or seven pavilions and eighty or ninety flowers .

This poem is interesting, it may be passed down to the descendants of Chuanchang.

Nine , an imaginary number of the most yang, means the most and countless.

Nine , it has the same sound as the Chinese character "jiu", which means long and long.

Nine , in Japan, the same pronunciation as "suffering".

Nine , the Taiwanese pronunciation is the same as "dog".

Today's topic is nine, which may be confusing.

Wonderful review: ┗(•ˇ_ˇ•)―→

  • Light is not light , it is about the relationship between light and photography, but it turns into a "bald head".
  • Staying is not staying , it is true, but it is because of feeding peacocks.
  • Long Feilong is not a dragon, but an arowana.
  • Elephant is not an elephant, it is not an elephant, but a team of brothers and elephants.
  • Passionate and resentful , although they share their feelings, they say "shit" inside.
  • Baibao belt , Baibao turned out to be the standard of 100 articles in Matt City.
  • Seven beams and seven hundred beginnings , seven hundred articles of his own support in Matt City.

"It turns out that I have used historical techniques in the text, and unknowingly ^_^"

The current nine was written before the completion of the nine?

A few days ago, the Matt City list, many readers participated; unlocking has become an important term recently, developing the meaning of [lock].

I left it under a certain author's Matt City list unlock article:

 Your [that minute] has been supported by me ^_^

Because he was blank under "Options for Articles to be Sponsored", and I reminded him that I had sponsored him~~

 Thank you Red for your support!!!! Really more motivated to continue sharing~
I will share this support to others ^^

This is his response. He is very happy to see it. The inheritance of goodness is so contagious and sweet. Although he probably won't notice the article. But I believe that goodness has been passed down~~~~~

Articles, in my eyes, are neither good nor bad, only the creator's effort. Even if there is only one sentence, one photo~~~~

This article is to record my 900 articles of support, how many like coins did I support? I don't know, let alone check, because it's just a small number, huh.

I am sure that there are several people like me who appreciate the hard work and flesh and blood of the author of Matt City. There is no reason, just pure appreciation.

 Brother Hong, I am not obsessed with lightning and green circles. I really like your words and photos.

The reason for the above paragraph is that I hope that the friend can complete the qualification of the green circle, so I returned the coin she supported me. After she wrote this sentence, she gave the coin back.

This throbbing made me write this article. Thank you Shuman.

The original plan was to break through.

I remember that at the beginning of the month, the iron fan series in the plan was originally planned to wait until the anniversary of entering Matt City, but because of Bei Piaomei's limericks, I was moved to release it in advance......

【Red's Iron Powder Series】

  1. Drift away from the hometown in the north, live in a peaceful place for a long time .
  2. Miracles shine brightly, and they are broadcast everywhere .
  3. Yangtian Jingkong, passers-by have stayed .
  4. The power of Indonesian power plant is infinite .
  5. The photo became a relationship, and presbyopia became a topic .

Loading in succession~~~ I hope there will be as many as the following locomotives........ Haha

"It turns out that I have used historical sensibility in the text, and unknowingly ^_^"

Suddenly, I found that the whole article is my propaganda, and the links are all my articles......

This can not only increase the word count, but also business services. Do it all.

Trees, you can climb, grind your teeth, and stop your cravings, you can count them all with one fell swoop~~

"It turns out that I have used historical reason in the text, and unknowingly ^_^"

This week's author data, I paid special attention to the number of days to join: 232 days. I always thought that I had joined for seven months, but it turned out to be almost eight months.

During this period, some of the authors and readers who knew each other were alienated because of different values, distanced because of different political stances, separated because of different groups of friends, and decreased dissociation because of interaction. No matter what kind of departure? The other party leaves? Or am I leaving? Leaving, is a fait accompli, I take it lightly, is it a pity? Of course it would be a pity, especially since I am a sentimental person, ha~~~

However, if there is loss, there will be gain, if there is separation, there will be gathering. This is how life is. Oops, those five words should be used as the title of the article. [If there is loss, there will be gain, and if there is separation, there will be gathering. 】wasted..........

Although some authors or readers have been lost, the newly recognized authors and readers are often ignored. So I put "get" behind and "gather" behind. Look to the future, take big strides, that's what I tell myself.

Flowers will bloom, they will bloom, flowers will bloom again after thanking them~

Will it be painful after a long time (nine)?





It's not perfect yet, how can it be bitter?

And "Thousand" is waiting for me~~~~~~

What about Easter eggs?

Please take it with care , and it is recommended to leave immediately .

Teacher, this doll is a different flavor~ don't be scared

The peacock opens the screen and is shocked~
The above are different peacocks......

Thanks for watching~~

no, not yet...

I lied

What, I'm only 899........

"It turns out that I have abused my historical literacy, and unknowingly ಥ_ಥ"

But I have to fulfill my promise.

This migrant worker's "In the Spring", Luz I found it~ You can also listen to A Nen and Awei, I only knew this song because of this paragraph~~


Taiwanese sweethearts

Thank you for watching, this time it is true, I have advised to leave early, it is not comfortable and irresponsible!

But, I have lovely fans, Bei Piaomei, Luz, Storyteller, Awei, and Yingqi~~~


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!