The lonely ritual of the card


That year I promised to write you a greeting card every year on your birthday, Christmas or the New Year.

It was an era when bookstores had a special section for greeting cards, with a wide variety of designs.

The dazzling array of greeting cards of all kinds makes people dazzled, and they don’t know where to choose.

In order to make you smile when you open the envelope and pull out the card, I have plenty of time and patience to select slowly.

On a specific and commemorative day, I received a letter with a cute design and handwritten words, although the handwriting is not very beautiful.

But with sincere intentions and every word sincere, the recipient will be warmly moved.

I didn’t expect that technology would advance so quickly. Emails would be quick and convenient, and even electronic cards would be available.

You have your choice, you don’t have to spend money to buy it, you don’t need to write anything, go to the post office to buy stamps,

Stick it on the envelope and put it in the mailbox, wait for the postman to receive it, and take it back to the postal service center for sorting and delivery.

Electronic greeting cards are so convenient, but they have no warmth, and they don’t have the joy of reading the greeting text when they are opened and read.

Therefore, I insist on writing you a congratulations card on your special day.

This inappropriate and foolish obsession is no longer our friend.

The birthday card envelope that was returned one year had the words "No such person found" written on it.

I understand that I should stop, but you bought a greeting card from a mouth and foot painter,

There are 25 more, should I throw them away? It’s a pity that the stingy person in me decided to just keep writing cards.

There is no need to write the recipient’s name and address anymore, and there is no need to affix stamps.

The written cards are placed in the box. The 25 greeting cards will be finished one day.

When I was young, I didn't quite understand how my close friends could suddenly disappear and lose contact with each other.

I always feel that there must be some hidden secret in it. Now I gradually understand,

In a person's life, various fates seem mysterious, but in fact they are ordinary and everything happens naturally.

It’s hard to be loved, but it’s even harder to be loved by others. Many times, it’s not the results that leave a deep impression on us.

It’s about the unforgettable process and the people who accompany us.

Sometimes, looking at these greeting cards without the names of the recipients is a lonely game played by a fool, and it is the lonely ritual of holiday greeting cards.

Alas, there is a lot of sadness and loneliness in the world, but the beauty and joy of the human world are all gathered here.

Some longings, some loves and even hates can be eliminated by being written down and read and chewed on in detail.

When I re-read it in the future, my feelings at that time fell into my eyes lightly, word by word, and hit the bottom of my heart.

Maybe it is still buried deep in my heart, and I will still think of a certain sentence at a certain moment many years later.

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