The Covenant of Landscape|The Pasture Devoured by the Jungle (Cantonese)

A relaxing full-day itinerary, including villages, water works, pastures, war sites and buried ecological appreciation, with waterfalls and coastal scenery. Do you want me to point out the grass and trees, bricks and bricks, that I don't love Hong Kong?

On a Saturday, under the abundant sunshine, I walked through Pok Fu Lam, the earliest village on Hong Kong Island, and I was afraid to see the remnants of the ranch. After eating the wild , go to the rumored word and Hong Kong's opening of the port to take a look at the waterfall bay .

Left: Six years ago, I happened to meet the whole fire dragon loudly to recuperate; Right: Now I am trapped in the bamboo shed.

Fire Dragon Dance at Pokfulam Village

After getting off the car at the entrance of Pok Fu Lam Village, it was already attracted by the leading faucet that was standing in front of the sound bamboo shed. Hong Kong people may think that only Tai Hang is the first to have fire dragon dance activities. In fact, fire dragon dances in Pok Fu Lam Village are very distinctive, because they will eventually be sent to Falls Bay to fall into the sea, and the dragon will return to Canghai. The Fire Dragon Dance at Pokfulam Village was included in the Representative List of Hong Kong Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2017.

Left: Introduction by Masek; middle, right: hand-painted maps and road signs encountered in those years.

Conservation of Pak Mallard Village

Pok Fu Lam, originally written as "Pok Fu Lam ", the mallard is a bird closely related to wild ducks, referring to the jungle in the area where there are many wild ducks . There is a large squatter hut in Hong Kong Island. It is backed by Taiping Mountain and faces the East Boliao Strait. The scenery is pleasant. Opposite is the old-fashioned housing estate Chi Fu Garden in the Southern District. It is not a five-minute drive from Pok Fu Lam Road to the Western Ring Road. The location is convenient. That's it, the real estate dealer is a bull's eye . A few years ago, a group of enthusiastic villagers and students from the Department of Architecture of the University of Hong Kong organized a hand-drawn map, and left a cute road sign on the entrance of the village, and began toconserve this ancient village .

I lined up early to stay with my colleague, Xiangcun, and walked in chaos, ringing the intricate alleys and checking all the interesting signs. On the way to meet a few friendly villagers, they will take the initiative to stop and give directions, and even lead us on the road in person. Although Guo Shi already knew that the ruins of the ranch were scattered around, unfortunately it was not enough , so the last one was defeated and went to the West High Mountains.

Milk Company Dormitory

No one in Hong Kong does not know the milk company. Pok Fu Lam Ranch is the first farm in Hong Kong . Since the ranch has become a valley, it needs many people to work as wild animals, which makes the village of Pok Fu Lam even more ruined . Unfortunately, in the 1970s, a milk company was bought with the land, and the building was stagnant and buried. Later, the regulation of animal husbandry became more and more strict, and the ranch was finally buried in the 1980s.

The out-of-place former milk company grassroots staff dormitory

Today, let's take a look at the outside of the old milk company's grass-roots staff dormitory . The outer wall is the same as a few years ago. It is covered with a layer of green gauze. These two buildings look like the seven-storey resettlement houses of the year. Looking up the mountain from the road, they are like two monsters living in the valley, the livestock and pastures, strong rock.

The grass reed is like a round fortress

grass reed

After leaving the dormitory, we went to the grass reed. Even if the whole valley was full of elephant grass, the growth was slow in winter, so many grass reeds were collected and buried. Later, grasses were even imported from other places as feed. There were originally many grass reeds in the entire pasture, and this listening system is the only complete site in existence. This grass reed is three stories high, like a round fortress, and the top of the tower is conical, so bone .

Looking at the area from a high place

Ecological Hotspot

After a while, we walked along Zhushan Road to a park on the roof of a service reservoir, and looked up at the scenery in this area: the first reservoir in Hong Kong - Pok Fu Lam Reservoir. Then I followed the old and dead words about being handy in ecological photography such as insects and birds, tracked one ecological hotspot after another, and saw the first longan chicken in my life. I used to hang the longan tree and the lychee tree together, but it turned out to be just a miss. It's a pity that the longan chicken was scared away by a group of noisy humans.

Top: Chinese gecko eggs; Bottom: Longan chicken

The Hong Kong Government's Conservation Attitude

Due to the epidemic, I didn't have the chance to visit the Bethany Seminary, so I just passed by in a hurry. As for the Bomalin Ranch, which was conserved from the former senior staff dormitory of the dairy company, it has not yet opened, and there is nothing to see. Entering the area near the bay of the ranch site, a historic stone pillar was erected on the side of the simple garbage station, which shows that the attitude of the authorities towards the conservation of antiquities is just not seen .

The Hong Kong Government's Conservation Attitude

Ranch Ruins

After I was impatient, I saw a large water tank, about eight meters high, with a small ceiling , and a wall with a thickness of only two feet climbing up. Everyone was cautious.

Walk carefully through the large water tank

Then I saw a few bullshit pond ruins. Everyone is not interested in the complete and intact fruit stand, but instead focuses on the Xiangjingjing beam fruit. Because the sunlight is good for the fruit to fall, the stone ladder where the fruit sticks are in danger , and a few large pieces of taro leaves buried on the ground make the picture richer. I took the opportunity to practice courage with my little friends.

Niu Shichi Ruins

Decades have passed, and of course, there will be no traces left behind or a single removal, and in the end, they will all return to nature to nourish the land . Even with the guidance of GPS and the low ribbon marks left by the predecessors, it is necessary to take a round to go to the most iconic cowshed in the middle of the jungle. Some people think that the railing of the cowshed is like a urine bag , but I think it is like a railing for parking a bicycle. It's a pity that the tranquility of the mountains is not inevitable. A group of fifty people slowly spread their heads . It was just before the people arrived, and the sound came first . Although they were reminded by their companions that they murmured loudly before they saw the movie capital, they were still talking about you . In addition, when they saw your pictures, they forced them into the mirror, so we had no choice but to bury them aside, preferring to feed the mosquitoes . Old and dead also wake up a boy by the way, there are important qualities in being a man, and Qian Qi Mi is a wild man.

Nature grabs the land
barn railing

Jilongwan Waterfall

After all, the Wah Fu Village, where the wind was cold and the water was cold , ate bowls of noodles , and then dropped by the sea to be scared. According to legend, this waterfall was the source of fresh water supply for foreign merchant ships hundreds of years ago. With the blessings of the deep-water port of Victoria and the mountains buried in Kowloon, it first came to Great Britain to salivate and changed the history of our city.

Jilongwan Waterfall

machine gun fort

There is a machine gun fort outside the waterfall, facing Lamma Island, protecting the waterway entering Victoria Harbour. When the battle to defend Hong Kong happened, the Japanese army landed without a sound, so there should be no trace of the battle, but there are rumors that the Japanese army once killed soldiers and civilians nearby. The stairs on the upper level of the Machine Gun Fort are no longer there, but it forms a 90-degree angle with the natural rock wall, and there are tree roots entangled, making it a better place than young people to try.

Great place for young people to try out

A relaxing full-day itinerary, including villages, water works, pastures, war sites and buried ecological appreciation, with waterfalls and coastal scenery. Do you want me to point out the grass and trees, bricks and bricks, that I don't love Hong Kong?


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