Chiayi Minxiong|Han Feng Restaurant

If you have the opportunity to pass by Minxiong, in addition to eating goose meat, if you want to eat some Korean food, you can also come to experience this restaurant that is very popular with students. It is very easy to find on the front line of Taiwan!

Since I posted an article about Korean cuisine in Itaewon in Chiayi City a few days ago, I really wanted to eat seafood pancakes after I wrote it, so I came to visit this Han Feng Restaurant in Minxiong!

In fact, this restaurant opened when I was in college. At that time, it was still open in a small store near the level crossing in the town, and it was very popular with students. After class, everyone often invited Han Feng Restaurant for dinner. When he came back later, he moved out of Minxiong Town to an area that was relatively peripheral, but where there were relatively more restaurants.

I haven't thought about this restaurant for a long time, until I checked the information a few days ago and found out that he moved to the front line of Taiwan again. (moving around the end of 2021)

When I was outside the store, I felt that the store was very wide, and I expected the interior to be full. But when I entered the door, I found that the dining area was crowded, and the distance between the tables was exaggerated. The next table heard clearly.

The distance between me and the next table is probably a pair of standard chopsticks and a little bit wider. Even if it is not during the epidemic, I still feel very annoying, and I feel that I have no right to privacy.

In addition, the process of getting up to pack drinks, soup, and checkout also feels like a shuttle in the table array, and the aisle is very narrow.

Although it looks like there are aisles, in fact, after people do it, there is almost no space left.

I didn't take a picture here. There is a table in front of the self-service area. When I went to fill the drinks, I felt that I could join the chat at the next table. The whole thing was clear.

From left to right are soup, tableware and cups, beverage machine, hot sauce.

Nothing too special, but the soup portion was great, super hot! Originally, I didn’t really want to pack soup. I’m the kind of person who doesn’t like soup very much. I opened the lid purely to help everyone “confirm” the quality of the store. As a result, when I opened the lid, a strong fragrance came out.

It smells of sesame oil, but it's actually just kelp egg drop soup. But it really smelled good, so I just loaded it.

The whole pot of soup has a lot of ingredients. I just fished a lot of kelp and egg flowers. If you like it, you can drink a few more bowls, full of delicious ones.

In addition, although this shop has very authentic iron cups, the chopsticks are not flat chopsticks! I know that some people will use this to judge whether this restaurant is "Korean" enough, but I actually prefer Taiwan's more three-dimensional chopsticks, so I'm more used to it!

Although there is another list when ordering (I also forgot to take a photo), the restaurant will still attach a menu with pictures and texts, and the menu cover is quite impressive!

This time, I ordered two main dishes, the pork bibimbap, the seafood pancake I was thinking about, the Korean fried chicken I suddenly wanted to eat, and the jajang noodles that was said by the Korean youtuber Flammulina "It is "medium rare" in a Korean restaurant.

I just saw this video when I got home after eating, it was a coincidence.

Pork Bibimbap (120NTD)

In fact, when it came to the table, it had a very beautiful appearance of bibimbap, but the clerk immediately said:

"Can I help you mix it?"

Before I could answer, the other party picked up the spoon on my table and mixed it with neat hands and feet. By the time I came back to my senses, my bibimbap was as pictured above.

I remember when I was still studying here, there was no such service at that time! Is it a necessary service to help customers to turn over after stirring?

I have to admit that the other party turned it over super skillfully, and I was stunned when I saw it, and it was super fast.

It is really a pleasure to eat bibimbap by knocking the thick pot like an egg shell.

After turning it over, you can find that the vegetable part given by the store is still generous and the amount of food is sufficient. The meat part is ordinary . Although the taste is not very distinctive, it is very hot! I've eaten the whole "warm" bibimbap, which is super weird and not satisfying.

In addition , if the hot sauce is not enough, you can go to the self-service area to get it back and add it, but I have not eaten so spicy myself! Just eat the original seasoning of the store and it will be OK.

Jajang Noodles (120NTD)

According to my friend, the taste is slightly different from the jajang he ate in Korea, but although it is a little different, it is already very similar, and the other party can't say "what's the difference", but although I have tried the taste a little bit , but since I have never been to Korea, I have no comparable information, so I can't say "Korean or not."

There are a lot of vegetables, and the whole taste is very balanced, and although it seems to be "heavy taste" after stirring, it is actually full and light, plus the vegetables will produce water, and finally there is a lot of water underneath.

My friend's evaluation is: "Not bad." But I should still order bibimbap myself, and I feel quite full.

Seafood Pancake (130NTD)

The seafood pancake that I really wanted to eat today is actually fried, but it is more like fried. The ingredients are ordinary, although it is not as rich as the Korean cuisine in Itaewon, Chiayi City last time, but if you count the price, the price/performance ratio is good. full of high.

After all, although the previous one was rich in material, it also cost 250 yuan. This one is almost half off, so it's not bad!

I like a slightly crunchy texture with a slightly sweet and spicy dipping sauce, which I think is amazing! The point is that the price is very affordable!

Korean Fried Chicken (59NTD)

I thought it would be the kind of boneless, but I want to say that the price is pretty good, and it's okay to be a side dish. After the results came, I found that it actually had bones, which was a little disappointing, because I don't like to chew on bones.

The three pieces are two chicken wings, small stick legs, and three chicken wings. So in fact, it should be counted as two chicken wings, and he split it into three pieces to sell.

The sauce part is really ordinary, mainly sweet and sour taste, with a little bit of spicy taste, I feel that the sauce is a little weak, I prefer Korean fried chicken microwave food from convenience stores, haha Ha ha.

This time, I came to unpack this restaurant "Han Feng Restaurant", which has been in Minxiong for 10 years. It has changed to three different locations. It is still open. I think it is difficult to say "super delicious" in the cooking part, but considering that There are many universities in the vicinity of Minxiong, focusing on affordable prices for students. I think it is very attractive in terms of measurement.

Although the store is a little smaller and the table distance is very close, it is a small disadvantage, but the overall quality of the meal is not bad, the service staff are also very kind and courteous, and the dining experience is not bad.

If you have the opportunity to pass by Minxiong, in addition to eating goose, if you want to eat some Korean food, you can also come to experience this restaurant that is very popular with students. It is very easy to find on the front line of Taiwan!

By the way, don't eat minxiong meat buns, you will regret it.

Store information

 Hanfeng Pavilion Korean Cuisine Address: 621 No. 331-2, Section 2, Jianguo Road, Minxiong Township, Chiayi County (moved to the current location at the end of 2021)
Tel: 05-2263989
Business hours: 11:00-14:00, 17:00-21:00


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