

Seeing comes before words. The child looks and recognises before it can speak.



But there is also another sense in which seeing comes before words. It is seeing which establishes our place in the surrounding world; we explain that world with words, but words can never undo the fact that we are surrounded by it.


The relation between what we see and what we know is never settled. Each evening we see the sunset. We know that the earth is turning away from it. Yet the knowledge, the explanation, never quite fits the sight. The Surrealist painter Magritte commented on this always-present gap between words and seeing in a painting called The Key of Dreams.

但我們所看到的和我們所知的並不等同。所看與所知的關係總是在變化,我們好像永遠也沒法將我們所看的與所知的完全對上。我們看到太陽東昇西落,於是我們說,太陽升起來了。但其實我們知道,太陽是不會升起來的。是我們的仰望,我們的觀看,如此以為。而我們的所知告訴我們,這是地球的自轉。因此,文字與直觀之間永遠有一條補不上的縫隙,讓我們沒法講到底:我們到底看到了什麼,又到底從中知道了些什麼。超現實主義畫家,馬格里特的畫作The Key of Dreams 就是這麼一個評論的問號,畫在了所知與所看的等式之間。

René Magritte. La Clef des songes (The Interpretation of Dreams). Brussels, 1935

The way we see things is affected by what we know or what we believe. In the Middle Ages when men believed in the physical existence of Hell the sight of fire must have meant something different from what it means today. Nevertheless their idea of Hell owed a lot to the sight of fire consuming and the ashes remaining- as well as to their experience of the pain of burn.

When in love, the sight of the beloved has a completeness which no words and no embrace can match: a completeness which only the act of making love can temporarily accommodate.


但我們總是少不了要相信點什麼吧?我們相信我們所看到的,有時就是這麼簡單。可這卻引來了深深的矛盾,哪怕只是字面上的。因為我們常常說,人們盲目相信... 但有時卻是看到了才相信的啊!現今的反智主義在信息的繭房中,在柏拉圖的洞穴中,堅信他們的所見。也許在這時候,所見就真成了所知。

Yet this seeing which comes before words, and can never be quite covered by them, is not a question of mechanically reacting to stimuli. (It can only be thought of in this way if one isolates the small part of the process which concerns the eye's retina.) We only see what we look at. To look is an act of choice. As a result of this act, what we see is brought within our reach- though not necessarily within arm's reach. To touch something is to situate oneself in relation to it. (Close your eyes, move around the room and notice how the faculty of touch is like a static, limited form of sight.) We never look at just one thing; we are always looking at the relation between things and ourselves . Our vision is continually active, continually moving, continually holding things in a circle around itself, constituting what is present to us as we are.


Soon after we can see, we are aware that we can also be seen. The eye of the other combines with our own eye to make it fully credible that we are part of the visible world. If we accept that we can see that hill over there, we propose that from that hill we can be seen. The reciprocal nature of vision is more fundamental than that of spoken dialogue. And often dialogue is an attempt to visualise this-- an attempt to explain how, either metaphorically or literally, ' you see things', and an attempt to discover how 'he sees things'.


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