The Fall of Zhuxia from Our Times

Joanna Recus
Away from God, if you want to show off something, God will trample on something. Everything they were proud of had turned into a curse.

Among those of us who were born in China, it is easy to identify two kinds: one is extremely arrogant because of the unique and long history of civilization in this land, and the other is because of its moral depravity and social terror. In extreme despair, unable to find an exit, he attributed all the reasons to this civilization, taking his birth here as the greatest misfortune in history.

It's ridiculous that on the other side of the ocean in the United States, the situation is similar. People gradually fall into two categories: those who are either extreme U.S. interests supremacists, or those who are extremely pessimistic and hopeless about the current state and history of the United States, believing that the beginning of American history was unrighteous.

Why is this happening? Of course we can say that those arrogant people are hypocrites, they use any symbols that can be found in this land to slap their faces and make them fat, cover up the fact that the despairing ones around them have been exposed, and call the black ones White, the ugly is beautiful.

However, the latter, who pointed out the fact, can always find neither the reason for the despair of this civilization, nor the solution to it. They can only find things that seem powerful and can be depended on from other parts of the world. His own shield supports the same fragile and false self-esteem as the former. So if those from other parts of the world do have a problem, they'll swervely reverse black and white just like the former, with no difference in posture.

From the changes of Yin and Zhou to the ancient civilizations of the Xia Dynasty in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the first half is full of the vigor, love and hope of "Book of Changes" and "Book of Songs". However, Confucius seems to be the dividing point between the two: after that, people seem to have changed completely, become vile, murderous and terrible.

In the beginning, it was just "the king of Chu had a slender waist, and many of the palaces starved to death"; in the Han Dynasty, thorns spread all over the capital, and ancestral temples were excavated. Until the Three Kingdoms period, Cao Cao killed Lu Boshe's family who kindly took him in. Everyone is still pursuing and studying the meaning of poetry and books thousands of years ago, but they can no longer understand it.

Why did Zhuxia once reach such a high height, but then fell into such a situation?

In fact, think about history again, the law of history is this: the higher the height you have reached, the lower the lower limit you will reach when you are destroyed by the fall. If you start to fall from 800 meters above the ground, then you will fall to 800 meters underground. It is impossible for you to stop before you fall 800 meters underground.

Bright morning star, son of dawn,
How did you fall from the sky?
How did you, who defeated the nations, be cut down to the ground?

In the usual historical narrative, Qilu was the center of order in the ancient Xia. Its status may be equivalent to that of Britain in Europe. It is a side branch closest to Zhou Tianzi; however, when people in this place choose to degenerate, they become the most shameless and shameless people. The morality they used to be proud of, now even scum is left.

The last round of Chinese civilization, the birth of the ancient Xia, was essentially an agricultural socialist revolution. Of all the agrarian socialist revolutions, it is quite possible that Zhuxia was the most successful, even more successful than Israel.

The core power of Zhu Xia is the power to predict the future. It is difficult for people today to imagine that in the summers of that time, prophets could be mass-produced. Scholar-officials can easily predict the rise and fall of a state - can you find examples of this in Mediterranean civilizations? They say that whichever king is ignorant and is about to die, whichever king will die. Neither in India nor in places like Greco-Roman can such an example be found.

It's just that its advancement is hidden by the backwardness of its material civilization. It was the most successful of all agrarian socialist revolutions. In some parts of the world, let alone agrarian socialism: even a few welfare policies that can maintain social stability are rare. The ancient Zhuxia was a successful agricultural socialist revolution that had been able to run for a long time.

It failed because it was unwilling to share these things and ultimately betrayed the revolution. It wants this kind of agricultural socialism to be enjoyed only by itself; or, even if others want to, it cannot be equal to itself. No matter how well other people feel about this system, they should not be compared with themselves.

This is why Qin and Zhongshan were discriminated against: no matter what attitude they took towards Zhu Xia, they were still regarded as barbarians by Zhu Xia. Obviously they love the etiquette of Zhuxia so much, but they are still treated with such discrimination. At that time, people regarded "the way of heaven" as a rule related to morality, and regarded "Zhuxia" as a superior group who mastered this rule, and had reason to despise the surrounding barbarians as Huaxia; however, Confucius was in Zhuxia. At the end of the fall, I discovered the fact that the way of heaven is not a rule, but a will.

The ruler of the barbarians is not as good as the death of the Xia.

If everything you had was given by the will of Heaven because of the brave revolution at that time; those things were originally given to keep you going on this revolution. So what do you become when you take these things as your own, as your capital to look down on those who are not rewarded?

That will automatically deprives you of all the graces bestowed on you and turns it into an equal curse.

Sovereigns are born with a desire to extend the will of God. If this desire is suppressed by those around them, they will turn to their own extravagance: from the king's desire for business to the desire for luxury. Zhou Tianzi's extravagance is also the reason: their subordinates will continue to complete their mission in various ways until the efforts of the Xia Dynasty to expand to the ends of the earth are cut off.

If a person belongs to a group of selected people, and is complacent about his position and does not fulfill his mission, the sense of security given him by that will will naturally become the sense of security for the gold and silver powder that represents honor in himself; If man is in the position of the Son of Heaven and cannot fulfill the mission given to him by God, he will naturally become a man who only cares about his own enjoyment.

In fact, what belongs to the nation belongs to the world in the final analysis; what belongs to the Xia, in the final analysis, should belong to the whole world at that time. The ancient Xia Dynasty interrupted these things; this interruption is likely to come from the original Qilu, these two self-proclaimed state of etiquette, the closest side branch to the emperor of Zhou.

What is the Canine War? That war was a constitutional war that Quan Rong participated in as a barbarian and a foreigner. In the conflict between the last emperor of the Western Zhou Dynasty, King Zhou You, and the first emperor of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, King Zhou Ping, the role played by Quan Rong was the role of the protector of the constitution, and their behavior contained a desire to: Join their favorite - the glorious and hopeful order of the summers, however, the vested interests in this order, those eastern vassal states think: In any case, the position of the dog should not be with them equal.

This is a story hidden in the history of the East, and this is the deepest reason for the fall of Zhuxia.

In the end, when the Xia fell, because it had reached the highest level in the agricultural socialist revolution, which other civilizations simply could not achieve, the curse it suffered - the misunderstanding caused by what the prophets left behind, just more complicated. And the more complicated these misunderstandings are, the more correct morality it originally had, will be distorted and degenerate into a wrong morality. And because its complexity is much higher than other civilizations, it is more difficult and harder to put it back into place and give a correct explanation.

When a civilization has not reached such a high level, it is considered degenerate, and it wants to break the inherent curse of itself-the contradictions and misunderstandings that the nation is accustomed to leaving to itself, are relatively easy things. And because Zhu Xia has obtained the most, the higher the peak of its wisdom, so when it falls, the anti-wisdom achieved by this wisdom will reach a daunting level.

This is the essence of China as a trash can of civilization. Zhu Xia gained the most, but because of its disobedience, it also received the greatest punishment of all ancient civilizations. When it chooses to degenerate, God's humiliation to it is also a very ironic humiliation: you once considered yourself a noble, glorious and ceremonial country, and I will let your descendants degenerate into immorality. vegetable man.

Away from God, if you want to show off something, God will trample on something. Everything they were proud of had turned into a curse. Filial piety has become filial piety, loyalty has become ignorant loyalty, etiquette has become the hypocrisy of the upper class and the shamelessness of the lower class; the obedience of a wife to her husband has become the virtue of a marriage donkey; the care of a wife to her husband has become a wife. People try their best to be sarcastic about their own worthlessness; women's understanding and tolerance of men have become the opposite of this: a naked dislike of the poor, love of the rich and indifference; men's care and protection for women , turned into violence and abuse.

What it is proud of, God will trample on it. Originally claiming to be Huaxia, the kingdom of heaven that all barbarians yearn for, but it has become the world's trash can and incinerator; originally higher than barbarians, is the master of barbarians, but God turned it into a self-proclaimed noble servant, in fact nomadic The nation can torture and kill them however they want.

Originally it was a saint who wanted to bring the world back to his heart, but he became a ignorant, arrogant, pitiful and ridiculous person; he originally boasted that he had rich and delicate emotions, and was different from the barbarians, but God made their descendants as insensitive as beasts. Emotions have no dignity.

What is contemporary China and America? They were created, just as 3,000 years ago, because of that will: the will that drove the agrarian socialist revolution three thousand years ago, but also the War of Independence, the Civil War, and the communist revolution a few decades ago. Three thousand years ago, people succeeded and then fell to the bottom of the world because of arrogance. Are people successful now? It is far from it, but whether in the United States or in China on the other side of the ocean, many people are already full of arrogance.

Were China and America created to be superior to the rest of the world? Did revolutionaries sacrifice to make their people stand above others?

Once, China was only created by that will because it was part of the world communist revolution; America was created by that will because it represented the people of the world who resisted oppression and pursued freedom. They are destined to continue the struggle for equality and freedom for people all over the world. When they go against that will and take credit and achievement for themselves, what will happen to those who fall upon it?

It is very gratifying that this era is, after all, an era in which those secrets that were sealed up in ancient times can be reopened and told, because people’s souls are no longer willing to follow in the footsteps of the Xia and Israel at that time. Many people on both sides of the ocean wake up in awe of that willpower and understand their mission in this era: the tragedy cannot be repeated, and the redemption opportunity given again cannot be lost. Many people can feel the result of losing it: no salvation, falling into the abyss.

No matter what the future holds, freedom is being re-given to everyone in this era. The struggle will continue, and we will find our battlegrounds everywhere around us.

Zhuxia Church

June 2021


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Joanna Recus关于自由、道德与正义的秘密 在德国的学生,中国/世界历史研究与评论,Twitter: Joanna Recus
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