Introduction to "Blockchain Sociology" ・Do you really understand "decentralization"?

...... Therefore, the essence of "decentralization" is the decentralization of structure and governance, which is called Wudatai...In the end, it can be condensed into the logic of "centralization", which is called consensus.

Author: High Reconstruction Publisher: Skylight Publishing Co., Ltd.

"Blockchain Sociology"
Reading materials is like stargazing. What you see is always what happened some time ago. The moment you look at it, the world is definitely different. . . .

The last time I opened the book and watched the star " Blockchain Sociology " was more than a year ago. I am very happy to take advantage of this book club activity to review and learn from time to time, and it will be a new understanding in 2022.

■ Money, value, trust

The book quoted an American economic researcher's point of view, which is a sentence that impressed me deeply this time, and it is quite suitable to use it to carry out the content of the first half of the book. He said thus:

Money is best described as an adjective, not a noun.

In other words, a "thing" that can satisfy the three functions of ① value determination,value storage, andvalue exchange at the same time has the nature of money, which is called money, and is used as an adjective .

This "thing" is not something that both cats and dogs can take on. It must be based on trust - in order to achieve the above ①②③ functions - it may be a "legal currency" backed by the army and the regime, dominated by the big platform ; it may also be based on passwords Based on learning, it is a "digital certificate" (token) issued by the blockchain endorsement that cannot be tampered with.

Above we talked about money, value, and trust.

The two major "things" with money are currency/ tokens. Currency/tokens are used to calculate prices . The function of price is to reflect value , and behind the value is the trust relationship... and then the blockchain (blockchain) connects this. The series elements become the main discussion of chapters 1 to 3 of the book.

When it comes to blockchain, the term "decentralization" has to be mentioned.

■ Do you really understand "decentralization"?

Another point that has been re-clarified because of "reviewing the past" is the "decentrlization" that everyone is talking about.

The author @高建建asked readers to pay special attention. Everyone said "decentralization", but everyone said it differently. It was interpreted into various meanings (this phenomenon is similar to the word " emotional blackmail ", haha), cause various misunderstandings.

Let's explore the true meaning of "decentralization" together. In this way, the discussions in the community will have an intersection, and there will be no rhetoric for a long time, and finally a laughing and generous.

✍️ Notes|What is decentralization? With common myths └──────────────────┘

According to the article The Meaning of Decentralization by Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin in 2017, "decentralization" is disassembled into three dimensions:

Architecture (multiple points).
Governance (decentralization).
Logical (drawing different conclusions).

Quoting the explanation in the book, clear the clouds and see the sun, and answer my two puzzles for a long time:

1. Decentralization is decentralized storage?

Many people have the illusion that the wider the distribution, the more decentralized it is, but the degree of decentralization of the system is the product of multiple points and decentralization.

For example, Facebook's servers are distributed storage (multi-point ⭕️), which can avoid dragging down the whole due to a single point of failure, but if its headquarters (decentralized ❌) issues a wrong order, even if the servers are all over the world, it will be together out of the package.

2. Decentralization is to let the cows eat grass, unfettered?

If decentralization refers to the decentralization of architecture, governance, and logic, then it is undoubtedly a mess, and there is no point in discussing it.

The reason why the blockchain brings revolutionary changes is precisely because it can rely on the protocol mechanism to obtain centralized logic under multi-point and decentralized management.

■ Postscript: what is born in what is not

Therefore, the essence of "decentralization" is the decentralization of structure and governance (multi-point, decentralization).

There is no big platform, but there is a consensus.

No trust (no basis for trust required), but can cooperate.

Decentralized, but get centralized logic.

These characteristics, which can be applied to the concept of a community (media), an organization (company), or even a republic, are also the sociology part to be discussed in the second half of the book.

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