Grey Lecture - Education 01: Which department should I choose? (superior)

After watching the movie, choose a department, simulate what kind of related career you can do after graduation, and then share it with your loved ones

This article is suitable for students and parents who are worried about what group and department to choose after graduation. As long as they don’t give up hope for the future and don’t want to lie down, they can read it. The academic will be divided into three parts to tell the facts. Please everyone When watching, be sure to follow the steps of the chapters. After deducting the time for watching movies and reading this article, it will take about 2-3 hours. It is worth spending a morning watching movies and planning your life well.

step one

Please rent a movie, movie station or find an Indian movie titled " Three Fools " or "Three Fools in Bollywood" by "any method". The more people watch it together, the better, and everyone can watch this film from beginning to end together.

The story of this film is charming and inspiring, but the whole film is a bit long. Please use the time to watch it to rank the 3-5 people you love most in your life. These can be your grandpa, grandma, and parents who raised you. Or brothers and sisters, boyfriends and girlfriends, teachers, even unborn children, want to write about cats, dogs, pets… and so on.

Step 2

I believe that after watching the movie, as a student or parent, you will have more confidence in the idea of pursuing your dreams and respect your child's choice. Please find a piece of paper after a short break and write down the department you miss in the future. And the job you want to do in the future and its title. The job title should not be too vague. For example, if you use the computer regularly, you can fill in the computer-related work. Please specify such as software design, accountant, editing, water and electricity...etc Occupations where you can actually find vacancies by waiting at the manpower bank.

Next, tell your relatives who were sorted in step 1, what department you chose, and you may be working in that field in the future. If possible, make a wish by the way, such as how to use it at the end of the first year, and bring your mother country Traveling abroad, changing my dad's trolley, etc... etc.; Chinese people are more shy. If you are embarrassed to speak in person, you can write them in your diary, FB, IG and other community posts, either publicly or privately.

The focus of this article is to "choose a department after watching a movie, simulate what kind of related occupations you can pursue after graduation, and then share it with your loved ones." Oh, by the way, if you don't know what department to choose at this time, if your mind is empty, It doesn't matter, just fill in any department you are admitted to.

After completing these steps, perform the action of "Which department should I choose? (middle)" within 1-3 days. PS Please do not peek in advance!


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