Poem / A City That Can't Suicide

煮雪的人 ZhuxueDeren.eth

The city bans opening windows, people without dark circles, sleeping pills, and charcoal must be bought with raw meat. People who try to kill themselves will always be arrested before they die.

People who want to die make an appointment to hug a tree on the street in the afternoon of thunderstorms, but they can't wait for a tree to be struck by lightning. After all, the surrounding buildings are too tall.

The little girl laughed and pointed to the people in the tree. The mother is a koala. Why is there a koala in the city?
The mother, who didn't know how to explain it, looked at the people in the tree with an embarrassed expression.

The people in the trees started to eat the leaves of the street tree for the little girl's sake pretending to be koalas and they slept in the falling rain and looked like they were dead


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煮雪的人 ZhuxueDeren.eth詩人、作家,1991年生於台北。日本法政大學文學碩士。2021年以詩集《掙扎的貝類》入圍台北國際書展大獎。2021年11月出版NFT《小說詩集》。 www.zhuxuederen.com
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