Letter from the Snow|There is no sea in the snow

fiction // a letter to a lover

The heavy snow, accompanied by strong winds, the biting cold, and the heavy fog mixed with the huge snow forced people to stay indoors to spend this supposedly lively New Year's Eve.

The indoor heating is lingering, so you don't have to wrap yourself like a zongzi. The man was sitting in front of the study wearing a thin T-shirt, accompanied by a cup of hot coffee, he looked at the snow falling in the woods outside the window, and wrote a letter to a loved one in the distance.


It's 4 am on January 1st. I'm sorry that I can't be with you this year. I just finished work. I'm very excited when I think of packing my bags and going back to you tomorrow. I can't sleep. Then in January On this day of the 1st, I wrote a letter to send to you in the snowy distance. When the letter is sent home, I can hold the letter and read it to you in your ear.

The return date is always delayed by sudden news. I haven't been able to see you face to face for half a year, and I can't hold your soft hand and your warm body. On December 31st of previous years, we all love to curl up on the sofa and watch TV to spend the New Year. You always like to light your favorite scented candles in winter. It is just a small fire point, but it makes me feel very warm. When the aroma comes, I want to praise your taste is so good, they are so fragrant.

This year, I specially bought your favorite scented candle and lit it. When I saw the candle burning, I couldn’t help but think of the lovely appearance of you moving the candle around at home and thinking about where to make the scent of the candle cover a wider area. The candles go out; the room is obviously heated, but it does not hold you to sleep warmly.

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

There is no way to go out when there is a heavy snowstorm here. I always have to buy food and supplies for the week in case the sudden and violent weather traps me in the house.

Let me tell you a little secret that you don't know, I often accidentally buy your favorite ingredients to go home, only to remember that you are not here at all, and then I can only eat them silently - I also boasted to you about business trips at home Be sure to binge on what I like to eat.

Allow you to laugh for half a minute.

When I have you, my mind always thinks about us, which is a good thing, right?

Do you still remember that you went to the beach and sent it to me in a small bottle, telling me to see things and think about the sea? I was still laughing at your incredibleness at that time, in fact, I kept the bottle on the desk all the time, every thing you gave me, every memory I was reluctant to throw away, even though it was boring - not really, what do you do I think it's all funny, I don't know why you can easily make me laugh and I can't help but miss you.

You said that always looking at a white forest will make you depressed, but you have been looking at the four walls at home all the time, and then gave me a switch and Dongsen to let me see the scenery in the game, you should guess that I receive When I got there, I stooped down laughing, in fact, I almost shrugged from laughter.

So I also did a boring thing this time: I put the snow in a bottle and delivered it to you together with this letter, so that you can see what the snow looks like if you haven't seen it with your own eyes - even though it's just a mini bottle of water.

There is no blue sea in the snow.

I miss the sea, and I miss you too.

It was about to dawn, and the heavy snowfall that had been falling all day actually stopped. Maybe it was so I could go home smoothly, finally.

The sunrise in the snow is really beautiful. There is only one orange light spot in the white expanse that becomes the only warm color, reflecting the sky and the earth - you don't envy me anymore!

Photo by invisiblepower from Pexels

Shall we watch the snow together next winter?

We still have a lot of time to spend together, thank you for not complaining about my leaving in the past six months.

See you the day after tomorrow.


 A fictional love letter, a fictional date, I want to see snow too!

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