Trivia of Three Women Unit 3: Illness


The epidemic shows no signs of easing. Ah Qing stayed at home and did not go out. She had nothing to do, so she looked at old photos and saw family photos of her teenage years, so she remembered a past...

"My head hurts so much, it looks like it's about to split!" Ah Qing's hands tightly wrapped her head around her head.

"You don't eat anything, so you are often sick!" Ah Qing's mother chattered in her ear.

"I'm working very hard, I want to rest in bed." She supported her body and walked to the bedroom, lying on the bed, curled up. Ah Qing's mother followed her, saw her pain, and knew that her condition was not serious.

"Didn't you see the doctor yesterday? Those medicines didn't work?" Ah Qing's mother asked worriedly.

"I couldn't eat anything, but I threw up four times," she said angrily.

"Aqing, I asked your sister to accompany you to see the doctor." Aqing's mother walked to her bed and said.

Because of the hard work, she couldn't help crying.

Ah Qing's mother immediately walked to her side, wiped her tears with her hands, and said, "Don't cry, my sister will accompany you to the doctor."

"Xiaoqian, hurry up and take your sister to see the doctor!" Ah Qing's mother called out loudly to Xiaoqian who was grooming in the bathroom.

Xiaoqian quickly came out of the bathroom and said to Ah Qing, "Wait for a while, and I'll accompany you to see the doctor soon." She ran back to her room.

After a while, Xiaoqian came over to help her go downstairs to see a doctor. After the nurse at the infirmary registered her, she leaned against the wall.

"I can't find my boyfriend..." At this point, her tears welled up.

"I'm with you!" Xiaoqian held her hand and said softly.

"I think he comforted me!" Ah Qing wiped her tears with a tissue.

"Hong Leqing." At this moment, the nurse called Ah Qing's name. Walk

After entering the doctor's room, Ah Qing explained her condition in detail, and then the doctor checked her.

"Your cold is not clear, causing you to have headaches and vomiting. Now I will give you some medicine. If you still vomit after taking it, you will have to come back for an injection."

A-Qing responded in a submissive manner.

After returning home, Xiaoqian brought a piece of bread and boiled water to Ah Qing. After she took the medicine, she hurried back to bed.

"Aqing, have you taken your medicine?" Mom woke her up.

"I've already eaten." Ah Qing replied after opening her eyes slightly.

"Hurry up and eat this bowl of tomato lean meat porridge!" Ah Qing's mother put a bowl of porridge on her bedside table.

She put a tablespoon of porridge into her mouth, and she said in her heart, "It's hard to eat!"

After she forced herself to eat a few mouthfuls, she couldn't eat any more. Seeing that there was so much left, Ah Qing's mother came to urge her. After many attempts to persuade her, she finally had to give up!

After Aqing's mother left the room, she continued to sleep hazy, and it was past nine o'clock in the evening when she woke up.

As soon as she opened her eyes, Ah Qing's mother walked in.

"Aqing, are you hungry?" Aqing's mother asked gently.

She nodded, then said, "I want to eat bread."

"I'll bring it in for you."

Soon, Ah Qing's mother returned with a bag full of meals.

"Are you better?"

"it's better now."

"Don't say that Mom is swearing, after you recover, you must eat more nutritious food!"

Ah Ching nodded to her mother, Ah Ching's mother said, "Have an early rest after eating!"

Ah Qing responded, and her mother left.

Although her sanity is a little hazy, her family's concern for her is truly felt. She said to herself in her heart: I must recover as soon as possible, I will not be so willful in the future, I will be a healthy person, and I will no longer let my family worry about me.

Memories are always sweet and bitter, Ah Qing thought to herself. After closing the album, Ah Qing went to the kitchen to wash vegetables and prepare dinner.


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馮子緣一個寫作的人。 文字與藝術,無法抽離。 文字創作、旅遊、攝影、繪畫與美食,構成屬於我的故事情節。 憑《生命的交替》獲得第三十屆全港青年學藝故事創作比賽公開組亞軍 憑《藏於心底的說話·合照》獲得「文字創作室」主辦的徵文比賽第三名
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