Thoughts determine life | All kinds of experiences in life can be nutrients

My happiness and anger are determined by myself.

One day in early July, I received a private message from classmate Ma Ya, saying that her mother had a temporary operation, but she signed up to set up a stall in the market event in mid-July, and the stall fee had already been paid, so she asked me if I could help to set up the stall. , it was a healing market event. The organizer hoped to have a Maya booth, so friends could only find someone with Maya expertise instead.

I had a rehearsal the next night, and I wasn't sure about the time, so I helped her find someone at first, but it was really hard to find. After "graduating" from Raohe Night Market, I was actually interested in setting up a stall. Qu Que, but she was very anxious to see her, and later agreed to go to this market event on her behalf, but unexpectedly it was the beginning of a series of collapses.

The rules of the market!?

Although the market has been booming in recent years, I have never been very interested. I have only participated in the flamenco circle market twice, once in Tamsui and once in Taichung, both of which coincided with the Spanish Seville Spring Festival. This is the first time I have participated in a market that really focuses on the body and mind.

The two markets I participated in, one was an open market, everyone could come in and visit, this market charged a booth fee, and the other was a closed market, people who wanted to participate had to buy a ticket to enter, Because the organizer has already collected the ticket fee, it does not charge the booth fee from the stall vendor. Some free services are provided, and the organizer also distributes part of the ticket fee to the stall vendor.

At the beginning, after my friend referred me to the organizer, I began to feel that something was not right, because this market is a closed market, and tickets are required to enter, and I think the admission fee is not cheap (250-350/day, see Tickets), but the organizer still charges booth fees with the booth vendors. Depending on the location of the booth, the booth fee ranges from 650/day to 900/day. Because I have never participated in such a market, although I don’t think it is too much It is reasonable, but it is only regarded as "ethos".

Spirituality = Buddhism!?

I made sure that it was a week before the market where I went to the substitute class. After joining the group and saying hello, there was no news. Although I hardly stayed with the team after working freely, I always felt that this situation was unreasonable, so I took the initiative to privately The organizer asked what information should I provide to her? I couldn't read it for a day. The next day I provided my information to the organizer directly according to their previous promotional copy, and asked if there was anything I didn't provide. A day later, I got a response, saying that they would make a promotional image and ask me to provide a link to the fan group.

After another day, I saw my introduction on the event page, and I was a little dumbfounded...

The photo was cut and the hyperlink of the fan group was not posted (everyone else posted it). At this point, I was already quite unhappy. I felt very disrespectful, and felt that I was just being caught as a denominator. , I also regret that I agreed to help, but it has already been a week before the event, so it is not very good to say no at this time, so I have to endure it first.

It went through several times in the middle. The host asked if you wanted to provide free services. Although I felt uncomfortable, I tried to provide a short Maya course. At this time, the host told me that there was no time in the afternoon. I put it away, only in the morning. I thought it was ok, but it turned out that it was placed at 10:00 a.m. on the first day, at the beginning of the market.

Although I have never participated in such a market, my thinking is that people will not arrive at the beginning, so I asked if it would be better to change it to 11 o'clock. Come to line up, so there is no problem, I will accept it temporarily.

The only thing that really touches emotions is from yourself

I have to say that this week, I have been disturbed by the emotions caused by these things. The day before the market, I felt that I could not set up a stall in this state, so I seriously felt what was really angry about me?

In fact, I have always been certain about how things should be done, and I feel that my ideas are correct, so when I meet people who do things differently, I feel unhappy, which is my arrogance. In addition, I also found myself jealous. I was jealous that people I thought were bad could still run a market to make money, and I was jealous of the "comfort" of the organizer.

For me, in the process of awareness, seeing my own arrogance and jealousy is the most uncomfortable, and the last thing I want to face, but I plan to face myself honestly, and naturally I can't avoid seeing this core.

It's basically quite difficult to get rid of it when you see it, unless the subject is not a big attachment to me, so I naturally didn't feel good immediately after seeing it, but I could feel that some things I was holding on were loosening.

The market has started

I am very fortunate that I have been aware of my feelings before the market started. Although I still saw a lot of unacceptable Buddhist and disrespectful behaviors in the market, and the courses I provided were just as good as mine. Unexpectedly, there was no one at 10 o’clock. The host asked me to start at 11 o’clock. The next day I was also asked to change the time, but when I saw it, I didn’t have such a strong emotion. Instead, there were those critical thoughts. , but quickly drifted away, as if watching a movie being played by someone else.

Also because my mood was not affected, although the environment for the past two days was very difficult (to the point of being so hot), I was able to find a feeling of happiness in the activities, and the small courses I held on a whim were better than I imagined. Even more interesting, and opened up some new possibilities.

In this event, the stall next door to me was the head of a certain department of the Advanced Education and Promotion Department of Cultural University, and he also invited me to go to them to start a class in my chat, although I haven't figured out what I really want to do Yes, but being able to receive this invitation is also a very important encouragement for me.

The two-day market event ended smoothly. I didn’t have any bad relations with anyone. I also met some people, which was a bit of a gain. In addition, I also unlocked the achievement of participating in the body and mind market, although I don’t know the future. There will be changes, but for sure, I will definitely not participate in this market after this. 😆😆😆😆

Practice is not for the absence of emotions, but for the absence of fear.

Emotions are natural and normal. Escape or denial of emotions can’t really see yourself, and it doesn’t help you get closer to freedom. Go see it when you encounter it! Write it to yourself at every moment.

For more information, please follow the Facebook fan group: Yellow Gypsy
IG, TikTok: LuzWu222
YouTube Channel: Yellow Gypsies
Podcast Channel: Yellow Gypsies , That Light--Luz Ruth's Chatting World


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