Gray Lecture Hall - 10 Real Estate Articles in Taiwan: Mortgage loans may disappear in 30 years, and Taiwan will enter an era of unaffordable rentals.

It seems outdated to discuss that the house can't be bought. In the future, the discussion will be that the house can't be rented. What should I do?

Recently, the government has been increasing the number of ways to buy housing. Recently, Yang Jinlong, the president of the central bank, said yesterday that the current long-term housing loan provides room for real estate speculation, and it is not ruled out that the term of housing loan will be shortened... On the surface, it seems that the government and the housing worm are at odds, but in fact they are still following the old old ways. Way, call the builders to show the common people (and also call small builders who have room for price reduction...), this time, it's even more shameless to directly put the news to test the people's IQ, saying "it may shorten the mortgage term, reduce or cancel the bank's commitment. Mortgage for 30 years or more.”

The pedant has said many times that as long as the election cost in Taiwan remains unchanged, the housing price will not fall. As the saying goes, being an official for thousands of miles is only for wealth and someone has to pay for the election cost. However, observing the recent epidemic prevention operations of the ruling party, the common people are almost ignored. Whether there are quick screening and specific medicines, only maximizing the price of anti-epidemic commodities is the main consideration. In addition, this time, I want to cancel the mortgage of more than 30 years. The academic thinks it is likely to be these vested interests. Through the comparative analysis of big data, it is found that In the past, there will only be less and less black money in the way of real estate speculation. After all, the service life of a medieval house is now more expensive than a new house. Young people with insufficient funds will choose a new house that can extend the loan after weighing the pros and cons. Pre-sale homes are the best option.

Young people who have not been brainwashed by famous people will find that a 30-year loan is far better than a 20-year loan. The monthly repayment amount is cheaper than renting a house outside, and the purchased house can maintain its value, making their property unsecured. The impact of the expansion will be spread by ten thousand and one hundred, and more and more young people will follow. At this time, the rent that can be collected by landlords and political and business consortia who have a bunch of medieval houses in their hands will be reduced, and only part of the fat will be gained. Builders in second- and third-tier cities and young people who buy houses will soon have no leeks to cut.

How does this work! Elections still have to be elected, and life in wine and meat forests still has to be lived. These things are inseparable from money. How can it be enough to earn young people’s money to buy a house once? Therefore, it was rumored that the 30-year-old housing agency would be cancelled, and then there was news that house prices would rise because the builders were selling red bills, and how bad the black-hearted builders were. Don’t buy from them. It’s best to develop the egg yolk area. Staying in the city (but the salary ratio is not necessarily good...), due to lack of funds and media manipulation, young people can only choose to rent a house in the end, this generation can't afford the next generation, of course, can't afford it, and they will be slaves for life. Pay for politicians, consortia, and landlords.

In addition, the pedant asserts that if the 30-year loan is really canceled, the rent will definitely rise sharply, because the house's own door has been narrowed, the landlord will of course dare to increase the price, and the annual interest rate is 2%. , 20 years and 30 years of repayment increased by nearly 7,000 yuan per month, and the median salary in Taiwan is 40,002 per month, which is equivalent to the monthly deduction of 1/6 more and disappears without any eggs. At the end of the month Before arriving, you may have to dig wild vegetables to eat Guanyin soil and buy a house? Can't even think about it!


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