Two people who have been following for a long time quarreled on the Internet

There are three problems that bother me: 1. How to digest the quarrel between two people who have been paying attention and feel good all the time. 2. How should Internet KOLs respectfully admit that there is a problem with their previous position. 3. How much responsibility do opinion leaders have for their own comment area?

After all, surfing the Internet is not a day or two, and this kind of thing happens a lot.

Start by following a few people, discover more people to follow, and then unfollow some people. This is how users on social media gradually found their circles and entered information cocoons. Each user will eventually find a bubble of comfort and listen to what feels right—until the two of them are arguing.

In recent days, the melons on Weibo have emerged in an endless stream, and every big V and small V are looking for an angle to eat. These melons are not big melons from the beginning, but more as the plot develops little by little, more people participate in it, expose more information, start and turn, reverse and then reverse, and become a huge big melon . But the people who eat melons on Weibo are not like judges who wait until the end to decide a case. Weibo netizens usually take their first bite when they judge a case, and this case is judged. Even if there is more evidence that contradicts the earlier episodes as things develop, many people avoid and ignore it and pretend to be invisible, clinging to their original position and looking for crooked angles to prove themselves. Should netizens, especially KOLs, have the courage to post another post to admit that their original judgment was wrong, it is worth reflecting on.

This happened recently to two people I've been following for a long time. They usually interact with each other often, so it's a good relationship. When Huo Zun's melons came out, feminist bloggers naturally supported Chen Lu and accused men, thinking that it was too common for even good-looking men to have such a group that they were very wretched in private. Another blogger felt that exposing a person's personal moral problems by exposing chat records and other means to attract an iron fist to punish the artist is a very vigilant behavior. Of course, they quarreled. When melon first appeared, the information was very limited, and it was difficult for me to tell which position was more correct. But I'm having a hard time. Because I have been following these two people for a long time, they are both women's rights, they are also very vigilant about unlimited public power, and both of them also pay attention to privacy, so they are actually very similar people. But just because I feel that these values are ranked slightly differently, there can be such a big difference in opinion. In the end, we have also seen that when the melon is ripe, Chen Lu's small composition is full of lies. After breaking up for so long, he extorted blackmail and was arrested. Huo Zun did not mess with the relationship between men and women. So the original position of the feminist blogger is actually completely untenable, but she can still say that in fact, men have used this method to persecute women since ancient times, so we just learned from you... … I can only say that I am quite disappointed, and I don’t even know how to deal with the attention and recognition for so many years. I even wonder if there's something else that she's also wrong and pushes hard for good face, but I follow her all the way to the dark because I'm in the information cocoon and don't see the other side's point of view? I have no idea.

Another thing that made me very uncomfortable in this matter is that even though they used restraint in their words when arguing, the comment area is almost indecent, and it is basically a direct scolding. I'm so shocked. Is this really a comment section for two people who are so close to each other on the political spectrum? You two people who used to interact constantly and said you would invite them to chat on the show. I understand that the Internet is like this. Every time there is a quarrel, there are relatively peaceful and rational voices in the two camps (such as these two bloggers), and there are also fools in the two camps (such as some comments in their comment areas). I'd love to know if these two are responsible for their comments. Do they really want to discuss issues rationally? Then why is it that when all the idiots in the comment area are on the first and second floors, they have no intention of putting out the fire or bringing the discussion back to the correct range. Especially the feminist blogger, the comment area is full of inexplicable misogynistic comments, all of which have nothing to do with this incident, you must also know that another blogger must also support feminism, so these comments are absolutely unfair, is it this? Can you all ignore it? Or do you just want to quarrel and win, so the comments and curses seem to make you angry...?

To sum up, there are three things that bother me:

  1. How to digest the quarrel between two people who have been paying attention all the year round and feel good
  2. How can Internet KOLs respectfully admit that their previous position is problematic
  3. How much responsibility do opinion leaders have for their own comment area?


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