"Just Right Elegance" deals with interpersonal relationships by "loving others"

Each short article is a piece of life wisdom and good medicine. It does not taste bitter, but a gentle and firm taste!

Author: Lin Chiling Publisher: Yuanliu

"Just the Right Elegance: Sister Zhiling's Way of Self-cultivation"
"Someone said you are a vase?"
"If I were the vase in "Red Cliff", then the water in the bottle would be Xiao Qiao's water."

⋯⋯Thank you for his approval of my appearance, but there is something in my bottle, just waiting to be discovered.

This is not the first time I heard (from the news media) that Lin Chiling is a model of high EQ in the entertainment industry. Although we did not have the opportunity to observe closely, through reading, we could get close to what Sister Zhiling was thinking from between the lines. It's as if the author herself is right in front of you, talking to you and sharing her values ​​- this book is the result of her repeated reflection and practice .

Different from many works (or you can also swipe social software) that promote "being yourself", what sister Zhiling wants to convey is "love others" , value the other person's feelings, always consider others, but also guard The bottom line of your own interpersonal relationships, deal with it gracefully and calmly.

An answer, if it can make both of you feel more comfortable, then why not give it a try?

" Just the Right Elegance: Sister Zhiling's Way of Self-cultivation " contains 40 short essays. During the reading process, you will be particularly touched by certain passages, because they remind you of a certain memory and resonate with you . Different people - through this catalyst (catalyst) - see different life scenery; close the book, let it sleep for a while, and then look back, and you will see a new scenery.

The 15th chapter in the book, "Seeing the Good in Others," was very inspiring to me. Not only does it apply to interpersonal relationships, I always adhere to this highest guiding principle when reading a thing, a system, a book, or an article; of course, you will see some places where you can criticize and find fault. But I also forced myself to practice and put aside my own prejudices first. I am a know-nothing person . Put on a " veil of ignorance " filter, and you will see more (improvement, optimization) potential and possibilities.

Once you see the shortcomings, there will be more and more shortcomings.
Once you stop seeing the good in others, it will only magnify his shortcomings.

⋯⋯Try to magnify the advantages of others, and our lives will be more comfortable, because no one must live up to our expectations.

Each short article is a piece of life wisdom and good medicine. It does not taste bitter, but a gentle and firm taste!

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