A few notes from Crash

The 1996 release of Crash on the Giloo platform made me think of watching it at the theatrical rerun as well, and recorded a podcast episode with Mr. Gecko, who wrote the review at the time: Docked Tail Small talk #01: Talk to Mr. Gecko about Crash

The 1996 release of "Crash" (Crash) on the Giloo platform made me think of watching it at the theatrical rerun as well, and recorded a podcast episode with Mr. Gecko, who wrote the review at the time: Docked Tail Small talk #01: Talk to Mr. Gecko about Crash

It was the only time in the white noise program that I edited it myself. The production was very rough. Basically, I arbitrarily captured the content of the chat about "Crash" for more than three hours. a paragraph. It's also the only episode that has been rated R-rated by Soundon because of its size (basically because the film itself is huge) or something. Then it really ended, and there is currently no second episode in the series.

In fact, it is difficult to avoid sexual descriptions anyway, but this film does not really have the erotic feeling of an A film, or it quickly bypasses the feeling that it gives the audience, it is a little provocative, it is better to say that it is more Be avant-garde in the use of ideas and images.

Interested friends can watch it on Giloo. The selection of films on the website is getting richer and richer. Not only documentaries will be included, but I feel that the curation is very deliberate: Super Speed Pursuit - Genuine Movie Online | Giloo Documentary Video (Frankly, a At first, I subscribed in the mood to support local streaming platforms, but now I will naturally go to watch movies according to demand)

Although I didn't go back and listen to what was talked about at the time, I thought back a little bit, I probably had a few thoughts at that time, and I will share them here:

  1. The creativity and images of this film are amazing. It combines the experience of frequent death in a car accident with the body of sex, and people exercise their lives and drive forward in the car. It was only after discussion that I was reminded that "voice" played an important role.
  2. Then again, my favorite is the car wash scene, the car slowly drives into the car wash, the wound from the car accident, the rearview mirror, people and people. After the discussion, I realized that it was also a scene that the original writer of the novel loved very much, and it was really fascinating.
  3. Just being a little picky, the scene of the girl in the car is less delicate and unimpressive. It is better to watch the video of the car accident and hit the TV together. The girl in the middle has her hands naturally and (almost without feeling obscene) to the left and right. people stretch out.

You can also listen to this episode or read Mr. Gecko's article " The 'Drive' Towards 'Reality': The Search for Speed " to add some perspective. The most important thing is to watch the movie, which is very exciting no matter what.


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